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Influence of microwave plasma treatment on the surface properties of carbon fibers and their adhesion in a polypropylene matrix

2016, Scheffler, C., Wölfel, E., Förster, T., Poitzsch, C., Kotte, L., Mäder, G., Madsen, Bo, Biel, A., Kusano, Y., Lilholt, H., Mikkelsen, L.P., Mishnaevsky Jr., L., Sørensen, B.F.

A commercially available carbon fiber (CF) with an epoxy-based sizing (EP-sized CF) and an unsized CF have been plasma treated to study the effect on the fiber-matrix adhesion towards a polypropylene matrix. The EP-sized fiber was chosen because of its predictable low adhesion in a polypropylene (PP) matrix. The fibers have been modified using a microwave low-pressure O2/CO2/N2-gas plasma source (Cyrannus®) developed at IWS in a batch process. One aim of this study was the evaluation of parameters using high energies and short time periods in the plasma chamber to see the effect on mechanical performance of CF. These results will be the fundamental work for a planned continuous plasma modification line. The CF surface was characterized by determining the surface energies, single fiber tensile strength and XPS analysis. The adhesion behavior before and after plasma treatment was studied by single fiber pull-out test (SFPO) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). It was shown that the CO2- and O2-plasma increases the number of functional groups on the fiber surface during short time plasma treatment of 30 s. Carboxylic groups on the unsized CF surface resulting from O2-plasma treatment lead to an enhanced fiber-matrix adhesion, whereas the fiber strength was merely reduced.

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Supramolecular assemblies of block copolymers as templates for fabrication of nanomaterials

2011, Nandan, B., Kuila, B.K., Stamm, M.

Self-assembled polymeric systems have played an important role as templates for nanofabrication; they offer nanotemplates with different morphologies and tunable sizes, are easily removed after reactions, and could be further modified with different functional groups to enhance the interactions. Among the various self-assembled polymeric systems, block copolymer supramolecular assemblies have received considerable attention because of the inherent processing advantages. These supramolecular assemblies are formed by the non-covalent interactions of one of the blocks of the block copolymer with a low molar-mass additive. Selective extraction of the additive leads to porous membranes or nano-objects which could then be used as templates for nanofabrication leading to a variety of ordered organic/inorganic nanostructures. In this feature article, we present an over-view of the recent developments in this area with a special focus on some examples from our group.

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Stress adapted embroidered meshes with a graded pattern design for abdominal wall hernia repair

2017, Hahn, J., Bittrich, L., Breier, A., Spickenheuer, A.

Abdominal wall hernias are one of the most relevant injuries of the digestive system with 25 million patients in 2013. Surgery is recommended primarily using allogenic non-absorbable wrap-knitted meshes. These meshes have in common that their stress-strain behaviour is not adapted to the anisotropic behaviour of native abdominal wall tissue. The ideal mesh should possess an adequate mechanical behaviour and a suitable porosity at the same time. An alternative fabrication method to wrap-knitting is the embroidery technology with a high flexibility in pattern design and adaption of mechanical properties. In this study, a pattern generator was created for pattern designs consisting of a base and a reinforcement pattern. The embroidered mesh structures demonstrated different structural and mechanical characteristics. Additionally, the investigation of the mechanical properties exhibited an anisotropic mechanical behaviour for the embroidered meshes. As a result, the investigated pattern generator and the embroidery technology allow the production of stress adapted mesh structures that are a promising approach for hernia reconstruction.

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Quantifying texture evolution during hot rolling of AZ31 Twin Roll Cast strip

2015, Gorelova, S., Schaeben, H., Skrotzki, Werner, Oertel, Carl-Georg

Multi-pass rolling experiments with an AZ31 Twin Roll Cast (TRC) alloy were performed on an industrial scaled four-high rolling mill. Within the rolling with an intermediate annealing the evolution of texture was investigated. To quantify the extent of preferred crystallographic orientation experimental X-ray pole figures were measured after different process steps and analyzed using the free and open Matlab® toolbox MTEX for texture analysis. The development of the fiber texture was observed and analyzed in dependence on rolling conditions. In the initial state the specimen exhibits a texture composed of a weak basal texture and a cast texture with {0001}-planes oriented across the rolling direction. During the following rolling process a fiber texture was developed. The expected strength increment of the fiber texture was quantitatively confirmed in terms of volume portions of the orientation density function around the fiber and in terms of the canonical parameters of fitted pseudo Bingham distributions. On the results of this work a model for prediction of the texture evolution during the strip rolling of magnesium in the examined parameter range was developed.

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Basic material and technology investigations for material bonded hybrids by continuous hybrid profile fabrication

2021, Schubert, K., Gedan-Smolka, M., Marschner, A., Rietzschel, T., Uhlig, K., Löpitz, D., Wagner, D., Knobloch, M., Karjust, Krist, Otto, Tauno, Kübarsepp, Jakob, Hussainova, Irina

The development of multi-material hybrids by injection molding has been studied very intensively at the IPF in the past. For that, a material bonding between the different substrates was achieved by using a newly developed two-step curing powder coating material as latent reactive adhesive. The aim of the project “Hybrid Pultrusion” was to perform a novel approach for the fabrication of material bonded metal-plastic joints (profiles) in a modified pultrusion process. Therefore, powder pre-coated steel coil is combined with a glass-fiber reinforced epoxy resin matrix. For initial basic studies, the impregnated fiber material has been applied on the pre-coated steel sheets using the Resin Transfer Molding process (RTM-process). It was proved via lap shear tests, that this procedure resulted in very high adhesive strengths up to 35 MPa resulting from the formation of a covalent matrix-steel bonding as well. In addition, the failure mechanism was subsequently studied. Furthermore, by adapting the successful material combination to the pultrusion process it was demonstrated that material bonded hybrids can be achieved even under these continuous processing conditions.

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Process Monitoring of a Vibration Dampening CFRP Drill Tube in BTA deep hole drilling using Fibre-Bragg-Grating Sensors

2022, Summa, Jannik, Michel, Sebastian, Kurkowski, Moritz, Biermann, Dirk, Stommel, Markus, Herrmann, Hans-Georg

The large tool length in BTA deep hole drilling often leads to strong torsional vibrations of the tool system, leading to a reduced bore hole quality failures. When substituting steel drill tubes with tubes from composite material, the laminate structure dampens these vibrations. Secondly, the integration of sensors allow to monitor process vibrations. This contribution introduces a new sensor platform to measure process vibrations, feed force and drilling torque using Fibre-Bragg Grating Sensors. The presented experimental results focus on characteristic frequency spectra with natural torsional and compression frequencies of the CFRP drill tube, which show variations due to changed feed.

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Evaluation of optical data gained by ARAMIS-measurement of abdominal wall movements for an anisotropic pattern design of stress-adapted hernia meshes produced by embroidery technology

2017, Breier, A., Bittrich, L., Hahn, J., Spickenheuer, A.

For the sustainable repair of abdominal wall hernia the application of hernia meshes is required. One reason for the relapse of hernia after surgery is seen in an inadequate adaption of the mechanical properties of the mesh to the movements of the abdominal wall. Differences in the stiffness of the mesh and the abdominal tissue cause tension, friction and stress resulting in a deficient tissue response and subsequently in a recurrence of a hernia, preferentially in the marginal area of the mesh. Embroidery technology enables a targeted influence on the mechanical properties of the generated textile structure by a directed thread deposition. Textile parameters like stitch density, alignment and angle can be changed easily and locally in the embroidery pattern to generate a space-resolved mesh with mechanical properties adapted to the requirement of the surrounding tissue. To determine those requirements the movements of the abdominal wall and the resulting distortions need to be known. This study was conducted to gain optical data of the abdominal wall movements by non-invasive ARAMIS-measurement on 39 test persons to estimate direction and value of the major strains.

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Surface, interphase and tensile properties of unsized, sized and heat treated basalt fibres

2016, Förster, T., Sommer, G.S., Mäder, E., Scheffler, C.

Recycling of fibre reinforced polymers is in the focus of several investigations. Chemical and thermal treatments of composites are the common ways to separate the reinforcing fibres from the polymer matrices. However, most sizings on glass and basalt fibre are not designed to resist high temperatures. Hence, a heat treatment might also lead to a sizing removal, a decrease of mechanical performance and deterioration in fibre-matrix adhesion. Different basalt fibres were investigated using surface analysis methods as well as single fibre tensile tests and single fibre pull-out tests in order to reveal the possible causes of these issues. Heat treatment in air reduced the fibre tensile strength in the same level like heat treatment in nitrogen atmosphere, but it influenced the wetting capability. Re-sizing by a coupling agent slightly increased the adhesion strength and reflected a decreased post-debonding friction.

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Beamline-implemented stretching devices for in situ X-ray scattering experiments

2022, Euchler, E., Sambale, A.K., Schneider, K., Uhlig, K., Boldt, R., Stommel, M., Stribeck, A., Schwartzkopf, M., Rothkirch, A., Roth, S.V.

Two recently developed experimental devices for investigating soft matter deformation are presented. Both devices exploit the capabilities of a modern synchrotron beamline to enable advanced and highly precise materials-science experiments in which X-ray scattering is registered. The devices can be operated both in monotonic as well as cyclic mode and are implemented into a beamline at DESY, Hamburg (Germany). Hence, relevant experimental parameters, such as displacement, force and temperature, are recorded synchronously with the individual X-ray scattering patterns. In addition, spatial variation of materials deformation can be monitored and recorded with optical microscopy. This unique sample environment enables in situ X-ray experiments in transmission, i.e. small- or wide-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS or WAXS), and in grazing-incidence geometry, i.e. grazing-incidence (GI-) SAXS or WAXS. One device with stepper motors is designed for studies of slow, (quasi-) static deformation and the other one with pneumatic actuators can be used for fast, impact deformation. Both devices are available to external beamline users, too.

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Chemical Bonded PA66-PTFE-Oil Composites as Novel Tribologically Effective Materials: Part 2

2021, Nguyen, Thanh-Duong, Kamga, Lionel Simo, Gedan-Smolka, Michaela, Sauer, Bernd, Emrich, Stefan, Kopnarski, Michael, Voit, Brigitte, Karjust, Krist, Otto, Tauno, Kübarsepp, Jakob, Hussainova, Irina

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) exhibits excellent non-stick properties and a very low coefficient of friction under tribological stress, but it is incompatible with almost all other polymers. In the first part of this study we presented the generation of the novel tribological material based on unsaturated oil, radiation-modified PTFE (MP1100) and Polyamide 66 (PA66). To get a better understanding of the chemical properties and chemical composition of the compounds, the PA66-MP1100-oil-cb (chemical bonded) compounds were examined by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA). In this part, the mechanical properties of the compounds are compared with plain PA66 and PA66-MP1100-cb. The tribological investigation was carried out using the Block-on-Ring tribometer. It was found that the mechanical properties of PA66-MP1100-oil-cb with 20 wt.% MP1100-oil-cb only show slight differences compared to PA66, but the tribological properties of the compounds have been significantly improved through chemical coupling between the three components. Finally, the amount of the compound that was deposited on the surface of the steel disc counterpart was analyzed after the tribological testing.