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    Like a Second Skin: Understanding How Epidermal Devices Affect Human Tactile Perception
    (New York,NY,United States : Association for Computing Machinery, 2019) Nittala, Aditya Shekhar; Kruttwig, Klaus; Lee, Jaeyeon; Bennewitz, Roland; Arzt, Eduard; Steimle, JĂ¼rgen; Brewster, Stephen
    The emerging class of epidermal devices opens up new opportunities for skin-based sensing, computing, and interaction. Future design of these devices requires an understanding of how skin-worn devices affect the natural tactile perception. In this study, we approach this research challenge by proposing a novel classification system for epidermal devices based on flexural rigidity and by testing advanced adhesive materials, including tattoo paper and thin films of poly (dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS). We report on the results of three psychophysical experiments that investigated the effect of epidermal devices of different rigidity on passive and active tactile perception. We analyzed human tactile sensitivity thresholds, two-point discrimination thresholds, and roughness discrimination abilities on three different body locations (fingertip, hand, forearm). Generally, a correlation was found between device rigidity and tactile sensitivity thresholds as well as roughness discrimination ability. Surprisingly, thin epidermal devices based on PDMS with a hundred times the rigidity of commonly used tattoo paper resulted in comparable levels of tactile acuity. The material offers the benefit of increased robustness against wear and the option to re-use the device. Based on our findings, we derive design recommendations for epidermal devices that combine tactile perception with device robustness.
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    Perception of Friction in Tactile Exploration of Micro-structured Rubber Samples
    (Berlin ; Heidelberg : Springer, 2022) Fehlberg, Maja; Kim, Kwang-Seop; Drewing, Knut; Hensel, René; Bennewitz, Roland; Seifi, Hasti; Kappers, Astrid M. L.; Schneider, Oliver; Drewing, Knut; Pacchierotti, Claudio; Abbasimoshaei, Alireza; Huisman, Gijs; Kern, Thorsten A.
    Fingertip friction and the related shear of skin are key mechanical mechanisms in tactile perception, but the perception of friction itself is rarely explored except for the flat surfaces of tactile displays. We investigated the perception of friction for tactile exploration of a unique set of samples whose fabric-like surfaces are equipped with regular arrays of flexible micropillars. The measured fingertip friction increases with decreasing bending stiffness, where the latter is controlled by radius (20–75 µm) and aspect ratio of the micropillars. In forced-choice tasks, participants noticed relative differences in friction as small as 0.2, and even smaller when a sample with less than 100 µm distance between pillars is omitted from the analysis. In an affective ranking of samples upon active touch, the perception of pleasantness is anticorrelated with the measured friction. Our results offer insights towards a rational design of materials with well-controlled surface microstructure which elicit a dedicated tactile appeal.
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    High-Performance, Lightweight, and Flexible Thermoplastic Polyurethane Nanocomposites with Zn2+-Substituted CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles and Reduced Graphene Oxide as Shielding Materials against Electromagnetic Pollution
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publications, 2021-10-11) Anju; Yadav, Raghvendra Singh; Pötschke, Petra; Pionteck, JĂ¼rgen; Krause, Beate; KuÅ™itka, Ivo; Vilcakova, Jarmila; Skoda, David; UrbĂ¡nek, Pavel; Machovsky, Michal; MasaÅ™, Milan; UrbĂ¡nek, Michal; Jurca, Marek; Kalina, Lukas; Havlica, Jaromir
    The development of flexible, lightweight, and thin high-performance electromagnetic interference shielding materials is urgently needed for the protection of humans, the environment, and electronic devices against electromagnetic radiation. To achieve this, the spinel ferrite nanoparticles CoFe2O4 (CZ1), Co0.67Zn0.33Fe2O4 (CZ2), and Co0.33Zn0.67Fe2O4 (CZ3) were prepared by the sonochemical synthesis method. Further, these prepared spinel ferrite nanoparticles and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) were embedded in a thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) matrix. The maximum electromagnetic interference (EMI) total shielding effectiveness (SET) values in the frequency range 8.2-12.4 GHz of these nanocomposites with a thickness of only 0.8 mm were 48.3, 61.8, and 67.8 dB for CZ1-rGO-TPU, CZ2-rGO-TPU, and CZ3-rGO-TPU, respectively. The high-performance electromagnetic interference shielding characteristics of the CZ3-rGO-TPU nanocomposite stem from dipole and interfacial polarization, conduction loss, multiple scattering, eddy current effect, natural resonance, high attenuation constant, and impedance matching. The optimized CZ3-rGO-TPU nanocomposite can be a potential candidate as a lightweight, flexible, thin, and high-performance electromagnetic interference shielding material.