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Funnel-shaped microstructures for strong reversible adhesion

2017, Fischer, Sarah C.L., Groß, Katja, Abad, Oscar Torrents, Becker, MIchael M., Park, Euiyoung, Hensel, René, Arzt, Eduard

The potential of a new design of adhesive microstructures in the micrometer range for enhanced dry adhesion is investigated. Using a two-photon lithography system, complex 3D master structures of funnel-shaped microstructures are fabricated for replication into poly(ethylene glycol) dimethacrylate polymer. The diameter, the flap thickness, and the opening angle of the structures are varied systematically. The adhesion of single structures is characterized using a triboindenter system equipped with a flat diamond punch. The pull-off stresses obtained reaches values up to 5.6 MPa, which is higher than any values reported in literature for artificial dry adhesives. Experimental and numerical results suggest a characteristic attachment mechanism that leads to intimate contact formation from the edges toward the center of the structures. van der Waals interactions most likely dominate the adhesion, while contributions by suction or capillarity play only a minor role. Funnel-shaped microstructures are a promising concept for strong and reversible adhesives, applicable in novel pick and place handling systems or wall-walking robots.

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Numerical study of adhesion enhancement by composite fibrils with soft tip layers

2016, Balijepalli, Ram Gopal, Fischer, Sarah C.L., Hensel, René, McMeeking, Robert M., Arzt, Eduard

Bio-inspired fibrillar surfaces with reversible adhesion to stiff substrates have been thoroughly investigated over the last decade. In this paper we propose a novel composite fibril consisting of a soft tip layer and stiffer stalk with differently shaped interfaces (flat vs. curved) between them. A tensile stress is applied remotely on the free end of the fibril whose other end adheres to a rigid substrate. The stress distributions and the resulting adhesion of such structures were numerically investigated under plane strain (2D) and axisymmetric (3D) conditions. The stress intensities were evaluated for different combinations of layer thickness and Young’s moduli. The adhesion strength values were found to increase for thinner layers and larger modulus ratio; these trends are also reflected in selected experimental results. The results of this paper provide a new strategy for optimizing adhesion strength of fibrillar surfaces.

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Composite pillars with a tunable interface for adhesion to rough substrates

2017, Fischer, Sarah C.L., Arzt, Eduard, Hensel, René

The benefits of synthetic fibrillar dry adhesives for temporary and reversible attachment to hard objects with smooth surfaces have been successfully demonstrated in previous studies. However, surface roughness induces a dramatic reduction in pull-off stresses and necessarily requires revised design concepts. Toward this aim, we introduce cylindrical two-phase single pillars, which are composed of a mechanically stiff stalk and a soft tip layer. Adhesion to smooth and rough substrates is shown to exceed that of conventional pillar structures. The adhesion characteristics can be tuned by varying the thickness of the soft tip layer, the ratio of the Young’s moduli and the curvature of the interface between the two phases. For rough substrates, adhesion values similar to those obtained on smooth substrates were achieved. Our concept of composite pillars overcomes current practical limitations caused by surface roughness and opens up fields of application where roughness is omnipresent.

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In Situ Observation Reveals Local Detachment Mechanisms and Suction Effects in Micropatterned Adhesives

2019, Tinnemann, Verena, Hernández, Luissé, Fischer, Sarah C.L., Arzt, Eduard, Bennewitz, Roland, Hensel, René

Fibrillar adhesion pads of insects and geckoes have inspired the design of high-performance adhesives enabling a new generation of handling devices. Despite much progress over the last decade, the current understanding of these adhesives is limited to single contact pillars and the behavior of whole arrays is largely unexplored. In the study reported here, a novel approach is taken to gain insight into the detachment mechanisms of whole micropatterned arrays. Individual contacts are imaged by frustrated total internal reflection, allowing in situ observation of contact formation and separation during adhesion tests. The detachment of arrays is found to be governed by the distributed adhesion strength of individual pillars, but no collaborative effect mediated by elastic interactions can be detected. At the maximal force, about 30% of the mushroom structures are already detached. The adhesive forces decrease with reduced air pressure by 20% for the smooth and by 6% for the rough specimen. These contributions are attributed to a suction effect, whose strength depends critically on interfacial defects controlling the sealing quality of the contact. This dominates the detachment process and the resulting adhesion strength. © 2019 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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Bioinspired polydimethylsiloxane-based composites with high shear resistance against wet tissue

2016, Fischer, Sarah C.L., Levy, Oren, Kroner, Elmar, Hensel, René, Karp, Jeffrey M., Arzt, Eduard

Patterned microstructures represent a potential approach for improving current wound closure strategies. Microstructures can be fabricated by multiple techniques including replica molding of soft polymer-based materials. However, polymeric microstructures often lack the required shear resistance with tissue needed for wound closure. In this work, scalable microstructures made from composites based on polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) were explored to enhance the shear resistance with wet tissue. To achieve suitable mechanical properties, PDMS was reinforced by incorporation of polyethylene (PE) particles into the pre-polymer and by coating PE particle reinforced substrates with parylene. The reinforced microstructures showed a 6-fold enhancement, the coated structures even a 13-fold enhancement in Young׳s modulus over pure PDMS. Shear tests of mushroom-shaped microstructures (diameter 450 µm, length 1 mm) against chicken muscle tissue demonstrate first correlations that will be useful for future design of wound closure or stabilization implants.

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A self-adhesive elastomericwound scaffold for sensitive adhesion to tissue

2019, Boyadzhieva, Silviya, Sorg, Katharina, Danner, Martin, Hensel, René, Fischer, Sarah C.L., Schick, Bernhard, Wenzel, Gentiana, Arzt, Eduard, Kruttwig, Klaus

Pressure sensitive adhesives based on silicone materials are used particularly for skin adhesion, e.g., the fixation of electrocardiogram (ECG) electrodes or wound dressings. However, adhesion to sensitive tissue structures is not sufficiently addressed due to the risk of damage or rupture. We propose an approach in which a poly-(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS)-based soft skin adhesive (SSA) acts as cellular scaffold for wound healing. Due to the intrinsically low surface free energy of silicone elastomers, functionalization strategies are needed to promote the attachment and spreading of eukaryotic cells. In the present work, the effect of physical adsorption of three different proteins on the adhesive properties of the soft skin adhesive was investigated. Fibronectin adsorption slightly affects adhesion but significantly improves the cellular interaction of L929 murine fibroblasts with the polymeric surface. Composite films were successfully attached to explanted tympanic membranes. This demonstrates the potential of protein functionalized SSA to act as an adhesive scaffold in delicate biomedical applications.