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Self-Adhesive Silicone Microstructures for the Treatment of Tympanic Membrane Perforations

2021, Lana, Gabriela Moreira, Sorg, Katharina, Wenzel, Gentiana Ioana, Hecker, Dietmar, Hensel, René, Schick, Bernhard, Kruttwig, Klaus, Arzt, Eduard

Inspired by the gecko foot, polymeric microstructures have demonstrated reliable dry adhesion to both stiff objects and sensitive surfaces such as skin. Microstructured silicone patches are proposed, herein, for the treatment of tympanic membrane perforations with the aim of serving as an alternative for current surgical procedures that require anesthesia and ear canal packing. Sylgard 184 PDMS micropillars of 20 μm in diameter and 60 μm in length are topped by a Soft Skin Adhesive (SSA) MG7-1010 terminal layer, of about 25 μm thickness. The adhesion is evaluated by specially designed tack tests against explanted murine eardrums and, for comparison, against a rigid substrate. Functional effects are evaluated using auditory brainstem responses (ABRs) and distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE). The adhesion strength of the microstructure and unstructured controls to explanted murine tympanic membranes is comparable (typically 12 kPa), but the microstructured patches are easier to handle by the surgeon. For the first time, partial recovery of hearing performance is measured immediately after patch application. The novel patches adhere without the need for further fixation, removing the need for ear canal packing. The proposed material design holds great promise for improving clinical treatments of tympanic membrane perforations.

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Optoacoustically induced auditory brainstem responses in the mouse model enhanced through an absorbing film

2021, Sorg, Katharina, Heimann, Larissa, Lana, Gabriela Moreira, Langenbucher, Achim, Schick, Bernhard, Arzt, Eduard, Wenzel, Gentiana Ioana

Significance: Optoacoustic stimulation offers an alternative stimulation strategy for the hearing organ. To serve as the base for a novel auditory prosthesis, the optoacoustic stimulation must be biocompatible and energy-saving. Aim: Enhancing the efficiency of optoacoustic stimulation while reducing the energy input in a suited animal model. Approach: Optoacoustically induced auditory brainstem responses (oABRs) were recorded after the pulsed laser irradiation of the tympanic membrane (TM) in mice. The results were compared with the ABRs induced through acoustic click stimulation. In addition, self-adhesive absorbing films were applied on the TM before the optoacoustic stimulation to investigate their effect on the resulting ABRs.Results: Using an absorbing film on the TM during optical stimulation led to considerably enhanced oABR wave I amplitude values compared with the stimulation of the bare TM. When using our stimulation strategy, we induced oABR waves in the 50% to 60% range of the acoustical stimulation reached with 80-dB SPL click stimuli. Conclusions: The mouse model can be used for certain developmental work for an optoacoustic auditory prosthesis. Using absorbing films on the TM during optical stimulation considerably enhances oABR wave I amplitude. Optimization of the stimulation strategy could further enhance the efficiency within biocompatibility margins.

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Switchable Underwater Adhesion by Deformable Cupped Microstructures

2020, Wang, Yue, Kang, Victor, Federle, Walter, Arzt, Eduard, Hensel, René

Switchable underwater adhesion can be useful for numerous applications, but is extremely challenging due to the presence of water at the contact interface. Here, deformable cupped microstructures (diameter typically 100 µm, rim thickness 5 µm) are reported that can switch between high (≈1 MPa) and low (<0.2 MPa) adhesion strength by adjusting the retraction velocity from 100 to 0.1 µm s–1. The velocity at which the switch occurs is determined by specific design parameters of the cupped microstructure, such as the cup width and angle. The results are compared with theoretical estimates of water penetration into the contact zone and expansion of the cup during retraction. This work paves the way for controlling wet adhesion on demand and may inspire further applications in smart adhesives.

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A bioinspired snap-through metastructure for manipulating micro-objects

2022, Zhang, Xuan, Wang, Yue, Tian, Zhihao, Samri, Manar, Moh, Karsten, McMeeking, Robert M., Hensel, René, Arzt, Eduard

Micro-objects stick tenaciously to each other—a well-known show-stopper in microtechnology and in handling micro-objects. Inspired by the trigger plant, we explore a mechanical metastructure for overcoming adhesion involving a snap-action mechanism. We analyze the nonlinear mechanical response of curved beam architectures clamped by a tunable spring, incorporating mono- and bistable states. As a result, reversible miniaturized snap-through devices are successfully realized by micron-scale direct printing, and successful pick-and-place handling of a micro-object is demonstrated. The technique is applicable to universal scenarios, including dry and wet environment, or smooth and rough counter surfaces. With an unprecedented switching ratio (between high and low adhesion) exceeding 104, this concept proposes an efficient paradigm for handling and placing superlight objects.

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Breakdown of continuum models for spherical probe adhesion tests on micropatterned surfaces

2021, Bettscheider, Simon, Yu, Dan, Foster, Kimberly, McMeeking, Robert, Arzt, Eduard, Hensel, René, Booth, Jamie A.

The adhesion of fibrillar dry adhesives, mimicking nature's principles of contact splitting, is commonly characterized by using axisymmetric probes having either a flat punch or spherical geometry. When using spherical probes, the adhesive pull-off force measured depends strongly on the compressive preload applied when making contact and on the geometry of the probe. Together, these effects complicate comparisons of the adhesive performance of micropatterned surfaces measured in different experiments. In this work we explore these issues, extending previous theoretical treatments of this problem by considering a fully compliant backing layer with an array of discrete elastic fibrils on its surface. We compare the results of the semi-analytical model presented to existing continuum theories, particularly with respect to determining a measurement system- and procedure-independent metric for the local adhesive strength of the fibrils from the global pull-off force. It is found that the discrete nature of the interface plays a dominant role across a broad range of relevant system parameters. Accordingly, a convenient tool for simulation of a discrete array is provided. An experimental procedure is recommended for use in conjunction with this tool in order to extract a value for the local adhesive strength of the fibrils, which is independent of the other system properties (probe radius, backing layer thickness, and preload) and thus is suitable for comparison across experimental studies.

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A Design Strategy for Mushroom-Shaped Microfibrils With Optimized Dry Adhesion: Experiments and Finite Element Analyses

2021, Zhang, Xuan, Wang, Yue, Hensel, René, Arzt, Eduard

Enhanced dry adhesion of micropatterned polymeric surfaces has been frequently demonstrated. Among the design parameters, the cap geometry plays an important role to improve their performance. In this study, we combined experiments on single polyurethane mushroom-shaped fibrils (with a stalk diameter of 80 µm and height of 125 µm) against flat glass, with numerical simulations implementing a cohesive zone. We found that the geometry of the mushroom cap strongly affects the interfacial crack behavior and the pull-off stress. The experimental and numerical results suggest that optimal adhesion was accompanied by the appearance of both edge and interior interfacial cracks during separation. Finite elemental analyses revealed the evolution of the interfacial stress distributions as a function of the cap thickness and confirmed the distinct detachment mechanisms. Furthermore, the effect of the stalk diameter and the Young's modulus on the adhesive force was established, resulting in an optimal design for mushroom-shaped fibrils.

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Tuning the Release Force of Microfibrillar Adhesives by Geometric Design

2022, Barnefske, Lena, Rundel, Fabian, Moh, Karsten, Hensel, René, Zhang, Xuan, Arzt, Eduard

Switchable micropatterned adhesives exhibit high potential as novel resource-efficient grippers in future pick-and-place systems. In contrast with the adhesion acting during the “pick” phase, the release during the “place” phase has received little research attention so far. For objects smaller than typically 1 mm, release may become difficult as gravitational and inertial forces are no longer sufficient to allow shedding of the object. A compressive overload can initiate release by elastic buckling of the fibrils, but the switching ratio (ratio between high and low adhesion force) is typically only 2–3. In this work, new microfibrillar designs are reported exhibiting directional buckling with high switching ratios in the order of 20. Their functionality is illustrated by in situ optical observation of the contact signatures. Such micropatterns can enable the successful release of small objects with high placement accuracy.

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Application of machine learning to object manipulation with bio-inspired microstructures

2023, Samri, Manar, Thiemecke, Jonathan, Hensel, René, Arzt, Eduard

Bioinspired fibrillar adhesives have been proposed for novel gripping systems with enhanced scalability and resource efficiency. Here, we propose an in-situ optical monitoring system of the contact signatures, coupled with image processing and machine learning. Visual features were extracted from the contact signature images recorded at maximum compressive preload and after lifting a glass object. The algorithm was trained to cope with several degrees of misalignment and with unbalanced weight distributions by off-center gripping. The system allowed an assessment of the picking process for objects of various mass (200, 300, and 400 g). Several classifiers showed a high accuracy of about 90 % for successful prediction of attachment, depending on the mass of the object. The results promise improved reliability of handling objects, even in difficult situations.

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Micro-mechanical response of ultrafine grain and nanocrystalline tantalum

2021, Yang, Wen, Ruestes, Carlos J., Li, Zezhou, Torrents Abad, Oscar, Langdon, Terence G., Heiland, Birgit, Koch, Marcus, Arzt, Eduard, Meyers, Marc A.

In order to investigate the effect of grain boundaries on the mechanical response in the micrometer and submicrometer levels, complementary experiments and molecular dynamics simulations were conducted on a model bcc metal, tantalum. Microscale pillar experiments (diameters of 1 and 2 μm) with a grain size of ~100–200 nm revealed a mechanical response characterized by a yield stress of ~1500 MPa. The hardening of the structure is reflected in the increase in the flow stress to 1700 MPa at a strain of ~0.35. Molecular dynamics simulations were conducted for nanocrystalline tantalum with grain sizes in the range of 20–50 nm and pillar diameters in the same range. The yield stress was approximately 6000 MPa for all specimens and the maximum of the stress–strain curves occurred at a strain of 0.07. Beyond that strain, the material softened because of its inability to store dislocations. The experimental results did not show a significant size dependence of yield stress on pillar diameter (equal to 1 and 2 um), which is attributed to the high ratio between pillar diameter and grain size (~10–20). This behavior is quite different from that in monocrystalline specimens where dislocation ‘starvation’ leads to a significant size dependence of strength. The ultrafine grains exhibit clear ‘pancaking’ upon being plastically deformed, with an increase in dislocation density. The plastic deformation is much more localized for the single crystals than for the nanocrystalline specimens, an observation made in both modeling and experiments. In the molecular dynamics simulations, the ratio of pillar diameter (20–50 nm) to grain size was in the range 0.2–2, and a much greater dependence of yield stress to pillar diameter was observed. A critical result from this work is the demonstration that the important parameter in establishing the overall deformation is the ratio between the grain size and pillar diameter; it governs the deformation mode, as well as surface sources and sinks, which are only important when the grain size is of the same order as the pillar diameter.

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Sliding Mechanism for Release of Superlight Objects from Micropatterned Adhesives

2022, Wang, Yue, Zhang, Xuan, Hensel, René, Arzt, Eduard

Robotic handling and transfer printing of micrometer-sized superlight objects is a crucial technology in industrial fabrication. In contrast to the precise gripping with micropatterned adhesives, the reliable release of superlight objects with negligible weight is a great challenge. Slanted deformable polymer microstructures, with typical pillar cross-section 150 µm × 50 µm, are introduced with various tilt angles that enable a reduction of adhesion by a switching ratio of up to 500. The experiments demonstrate that the release from a smooth surface involves sliding of the contact during compression and subsequent peeling of the object during retraction. The handling of a 0.5 mg perfluorinated polymer micro-object with high accuracy in repeated pick-and-place cycles is demonstrated. Based on beam theory, the forces and moments acting at the tip of the microstructure are analyzed. As a result, an expression for the pull-off force is proposed as a function of the sliding distance and a guide to an optimized design for these release structures is provided.