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NLPContributions: An Annotation Scheme for Machine Reading of Scholarly Contributions in Natural Language Processing Literature

2020, D'Souza, Jennifer, Auer, Sören

We describe an annotation initiative to capture the scholarly contributions in natural language processing (NLP) articles, particularly, for the articles that discuss machine learning (ML) approaches for various information extraction tasks. We develop the annotation task based on a pilot annotation exercise on 50 NLP-ML scholarly articles presenting contributions to five information extraction tasks 1. machine translation, 2. named entity recognition, 3. Question answering, 4. relation classification, and 5. text classification. In this article, we describe the outcomes of this pilot annotation phase. Through the exercise we have obtained an annotation methodology; and found ten core information units that reflect the contribution of the NLP-ML scholarly investigations. The resulting annotation scheme we developed based on these information units is called NLPContributions. The overarching goal of our endeavor is four-fold: 1) to find a systematic set of patterns of subject-predicate-object statements for the semantic structuring of scholarly contributions that are more or less generically applicable for NLP-ML research articles; 2) to apply the discovered patterns in the creation of a larger annotated dataset for training machine readers [18] of research contributions; 3) to ingest the dataset into the Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) infrastructure as a showcase for creating user-friendly state-of-the-art overviews; 4) to integrate the machine readers into the ORKG to assist users in the manual curation of their respective article contributions. We envision that the NLPContributions methodology engenders a wider discussion on the topic toward its further refinement and development. Our pilot annotated dataset of 50 NLP-ML scholarly articles according to the NLPContributions scheme is openly available to the research community at

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Information extraction pipelines for knowledge graphs

2023, Jaradeh, Mohamad Yaser, Singh, Kuldeep, Stocker, Markus, Both, Andreas, Auer, Sören

In the last decade, a large number of knowledge graph (KG) completion approaches were proposed. Albeit effective, these efforts are disjoint, and their collective strengths and weaknesses in effective KG completion have not been studied in the literature. We extend Plumber, a framework that brings together the research community’s disjoint efforts on KG completion. We include more components into the architecture of Plumber to comprise 40 reusable components for various KG completion subtasks, such as coreference resolution, entity linking, and relation extraction. Using these components, Plumber dynamically generates suitable knowledge extraction pipelines and offers overall 432 distinct pipelines. We study the optimization problem of choosing optimal pipelines based on input sentences. To do so, we train a transformer-based classification model that extracts contextual embeddings from the input and finds an appropriate pipeline. We study the efficacy of Plumber for extracting the KG triples using standard datasets over three KGs: DBpedia, Wikidata, and Open Research Knowledge Graph. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of Plumber in dynamically generating KG completion pipelines, outperforming all baselines agnostic of the underlying KG. Furthermore, we provide an analysis of collective failure cases, study the similarities and synergies among integrated components and discuss their limitations.

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Metadata analysis of open educational resources

2021, Tavakoli, Mohammadreza, Elias, Mirette, Kismihók, Gábor, Auer, Sören, Scheffel, Maren

Open Educational Resources (OERs) are openly licensed educational materials that are widely used for learning. Nowadays, many online learning repositories provide millions of OERs. Therefore, it is exceedingly difficult for learners to find the most appropriate OER among these resources. Subsequently, the precise OER metadata is critical for providing high-quality services such as search and recommendation. Moreover, metadata facilitates the process of automatic OER quality control as the continuously increasing number of OERs makes manual quality control extremely difficult. This work uses the metadata of 8,887 OERs to perform an exploratory data analysis on OER metadata. Accordingly, this work proposes metadata-based scoring and prediction models to anticipate the quality of OERs. Based on the results, our analysis demonstrated that OER metadata and OER content qualities are closely related, as we could detect high-quality OERs with an accuracy of 94.6%. Our model was also evaluated on 884 educational videos from Youtube to show its applicability on other educational repositories.

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24th International Conference on Business Information Systems : Preface

2021, Abramowicz, Witold, Auer, Sören, Abramowicz, Witold, Auer, Sören, Lewańska, Elżbieta

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Ranking facts for explaining answers to elementary science questions

2023, D’Souza, Jennifer, Mulang, Isaiah Onando, Auer, Sören

In multiple-choice exams, students select one answer from among typically four choices and can explain why they made that particular choice. Students are good at understanding natural language questions and based on their domain knowledge can easily infer the question's answer by “connecting the dots” across various pertinent facts. Considering automated reasoning for elementary science question answering, we address the novel task of generating explanations for answers from human-authored facts. For this, we examine the practically scalable framework of feature-rich support vector machines leveraging domain-targeted, hand-crafted features. Explanations are created from a human-annotated set of nearly 5000 candidate facts in the WorldTree corpus. Our aim is to obtain better matches for valid facts of an explanation for the correct answer of a question over the available fact candidates. To this end, our features offer a comprehensive linguistic and semantic unification paradigm. The machine learning problem is the preference ordering of facts, for which we test pointwise regression versus pairwise learning-to-rank. Our contributions, originating from comprehensive evaluations against nine existing systems, are (1) a case study in which two preference ordering approaches are systematically compared, and where the pointwise approach is shown to outperform the pairwise approach, thus adding to the existing survey of observations on this topic; (2) since our system outperforms a highly-effective TF-IDF-based IR technique by 3.5 and 4.9 points on the development and test sets, respectively, it demonstrates some of the further task improvement possibilities (e.g., in terms of an efficient learning algorithm, semantic features) on this task; (3) it is a practically competent approach that can outperform some variants of BERT-based reranking models; and (4) the human-engineered features make it an interpretable machine learning model for the task.

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Crowdsourcing Scholarly Discourse Annotations

2021, Oelen, Allard, Stocker, Markus, Auer, Sören

The number of scholarly publications grows steadily every year and it becomes harder to find, assess and compare scholarly knowledge effectively. Scholarly knowledge graphs have the potential to address these challenges. However, creating such graphs remains a complex task. We propose a method to crowdsource structured scholarly knowledge from paper authors with a web-based user interface supported by artificial intelligence. The interface enables authors to select key sentences for annotation. It integrates multiple machine learning algorithms to assist authors during the annotation, including class recommendation and key sentence highlighting. We envision that the interface is integrated in paper submission processes for which we define three main task requirements: The task has to be . We evaluated the interface with a user study in which participants were assigned the task to annotate one of their own articles. With the resulting data, we determined whether the participants were successfully able to perform the task. Furthermore, we evaluated the interface’s usability and the participant’s attitude towards the interface with a survey. The results suggest that sentence annotation is a feasible task for researchers and that they do not object to annotate their articles during the submission process.

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Analysing the requirements for an Open Research Knowledge Graph: use cases, quality requirements, and construction strategies

2021, Brack, Arthur, Hoppe, Anett, Stocker, Markus, Auer, Sören, Ewerth, Ralph

Current science communication has a number of drawbacks and bottlenecks which have been subject of discussion lately: Among others, the rising number of published articles makes it nearly impossible to get a full overview of the state of the art in a certain field, or reproducibility is hampered by fixed-length, document-based publications which normally cannot cover all details of a research work. Recently, several initiatives have proposed knowledge graphs (KG) for organising scientific information as a solution to many of the current issues. The focus of these proposals is, however, usually restricted to very specific use cases. In this paper, we aim to transcend this limited perspective and present a comprehensive analysis of requirements for an Open Research Knowledge Graph (ORKG) by (a) collecting and reviewing daily core tasks of a scientist, (b) establishing their consequential requirements for a KG-based system, (c) identifying overlaps and specificities, and their coverage in current solutions. As a result, we map necessary and desirable requirements for successful KG-based science communication, derive implications, and outline possible solutions.