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Single-Electron Lanthanide-Lanthanide Bonds Inside Fullerenes toward Robust Redox-Active Molecular Magnets

2019, Liu, Fupin, Spree, Lukas, Krylov, Denis S., Velkos, Georgios, Avdoshenko, Stanislav M., Popov, Alexey A.

A characteristic phenomenon of lanthanide-fullerene interactions is the transfer of metal valence electrons to the carbon cage. With early lanthanides such as La, a complete transfer of six valence electrons takes place for the metal dimers encapsulated in the fullerene cage. However, the low energy of the σ-type Ln-Ln bonding orbital in the second half of the lanthanide row limits the Ln2 → fullerene transfer to only five electrons. One electron remains in the Ln-Ln bonding orbital, whereas the fullerene cage with a formal charge of -5 is left electron-deficient. Such Ln2@C80 molecules are unstable in the neutral form but can be stabilized by substitution of one carbon atom by nitrogen to give azafullerenes Ln2@C79N or by quenching the unpaired electron on the fullerene cage by reacting it with a chemical such as benzyl bromide, transforming one sp2 carbon into an sp3 carbon and yielding the monoadduct Ln2@C80(CH2Ph). Because of the presence of the Ln-Ln bonding molecular orbital with one electron, the Ln2@C79N and Ln2@C80(R) molecules feature a unique single-electron Ln-Ln bond and an unconventional +2.5 oxidation state of the lanthanides.In this Account, which brings together metallofullerenes, molecular magnets, and lanthanides in unconventional valence states, we review the progress in the studies of dimetallofullerenes with single-electron Ln-Ln bonds and highlight the consequences of the unpaired electron residing in the Ln-Ln bonding orbital for the magnetic interactions between Ln ions. Usually, Ln···Ln exchange coupling in polynuclear lanthanide compounds is weak because of the core nature of 4f electrons. However, when interactions between Ln centers are mediated by a radical bridge, stronger coupling may be achieved because of the diffuse nature of radical-based orbitals. Ultimately, when the role of a radical bridge is played by a single unpaired electron in the Ln-Ln bonding orbital, the strength of the exchange coupling is increased dramatically. Giant exchange coupling in endohedral Ln2 dimers is combined with a rather strong axial ligand field exerted on the lanthanide ions by the fullerene cage and the excess electron density localized between two Ln ions. As a result, Ln2@C79N and Ln2@C80(CH2Ph) compounds exhibit slow relaxation of magnetization and exceptionally high blocking temperatures for Ln = Dy and Tb. At low temperatures, the [Ln3+-e-Ln3+] fragment behaves as a single giant spin. Furthermore, the Ln-Ln bonding orbital in dimetallofullerenes is redox-active, which allows its population to be changed by electrochemical reactions, thus changing the magnetic properties because the change in the number of electrons residing in the Ln-Ln orbital affects the magnetic structure of the molecule. © 2019 American Chemical Society.

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Hierarchical Corannulene‐Based Materials: Energy Transfer and Solid‐State Photophysics

2017-3-23, Rice, Allison M., Fellows, W. Brett, Dolgopolova, Ekaterina A., Greytak, Andrew B., Vannucci, Aaron K., Smith, Mark D., Karakalos, Stavros G., Krause, Jeanette A., Avdoshenko, Stanislav M., Popov, Alexey A., Shustova, Natalia B.

We report the first example of a donor–acceptor corannulene-containing hybrid material with rapid ligand-to-ligand energy transfer (ET). Additionally, we provide the first time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) data for any corannulene-based compounds in the solid state. Comprehensive analysis of PL data in combination with theoretical calculations of donor–acceptor exciton coupling was employed to estimate ET rate and efficiency in the prepared material. The ligand-to-ligand ET rate calculated using two models is comparable with that observed in fullerene-containing materials, which are generally considered for molecular electronics development. Thus, the presented studies not only demonstrate the possibility of merging the intrinsic properties of π-bowls, specifically corannulene derivatives, with the versatility of crystalline hybrid scaffolds, but could also foreshadow the engineering of a novel class of hierarchical corannulene-based hybrid materials for optoelectronic devices.

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High Blocking Temperature of Magnetization and Giant Coercivity in the Azafullerene Tb 2 @C 79 N with a Single-Electron Terbium–Terbium Bond

2019, Velkos, Georgios, Krylov, Denis S., Kirkpatrick, Kyle, Spree, Lukas, Dubrovin, Vasilii, Büchner, Bernd, Avdoshenko, Stanislav M., Bezmelnitsyn, Valeriy, Davis, Sean, Faust, Paul, Duchamp, James, Dorn, Harry C., Popov, Alexey A.

The azafullerene Tb 2 @C 79 N is found to be a single-molecule magnet with a high 100-s blocking temperature of magnetization of 24 K and large coercivity. Tb magnetic moments with an easy-axis single-ion magnetic anisotropy are strongly coupled by the unpaired spin of the single-electron Tb−Tb bond. Relaxation of magnetization in Tb 2 @C 79 N below 15 K proceeds via quantum tunneling of magnetization with the characteristic time τ QTM =16 462±1230 s. At higher temperature, relaxation follows the Orbach mechanism with a barrier of 757±4 K, corresponding to the excited states, in which one of the Tb spins is flipped. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.

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Endohedral metal-nitride cluster ordering in metallofullerene-NiII(OEP) complexes and crystals : A theoretical study

2019, Dubrovin, Vasilii, Gan, Li-Hua, Büchner, Bernd, Popov, Alexey A., Avdoshenko, Stanislav M.

The ordering of endohedral clusterfullerenes Sc3N@C80 and YSc2N@C80 co-crystallized with Ni(OEP) and isolated complexes with Ni(OEP) have been investigated theoretically. Having used multiple orientations of M3N clusters inside the cages with Fibonacci sampling, we describe the effect of intermolecular interactions on the orientation of the endohedral cluster. © the Owner Societies.