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    Single Molecule Magnetism with Strong Magnetic Anisotropy and Enhanced Dy∙∙∙Dy Coupling in Three Isomers of Dy-Oxide Clusterfullerene Dy2O@C82
    (Chichester : John Wiley and Sons Ltd, 2019) Yang, W.; Velkos, G.; Liu, F.; Sudarkova, S.M.; Wang, Y.; Zhuang, J.; Zhang, H.; Li, X.; Zhang, X.; Büchner, B.; Avdoshenko, S.M.; Popov, A.A.; Chen, N.
    A new class of single-molecule magnets (SMMs) based on Dy-oxide clusterfullerenes is synthesized. Three isomers of Dy2O@C82 with Cs(6), C3v(8), and C2v(9) cage symmetries are characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction, which shows that the endohedral Dy−(µ2-O)−Dy cluster has bent shape with very short Dy−O bonds. Dy2O@C82 isomers show SMM behavior with broad magnetic hysteresis, but the temperature and magnetization relaxation depend strongly on the fullerene cage. The short Dy−O distances and the large negative charge of the oxide ion in Dy2O@C82 result in the very strong magnetic anisotropy of Dy ions. Their magnetic moments are aligned along the Dy−O bonds and are antiferromagnetically (AFM) coupled. At low temperatures, relaxation of magnetization in Dy2O@C82 proceeds via the ferromagnetically (FM)-coupled excited state, giving Arrhenius behavior with the effective barriers equal to the AFM-FM energy difference. The AFM-FM energy differences of 5.4–12.9 cm−1 in Dy2O@C82 are considerably larger than in SMMs with {Dy2O2} bridges, and the Dy∙∙∙Dy exchange coupling in Dy2O@C82 is the strongest among all dinuclear Dy SMMs with diamagnetic bridges. Dy-oxide clusterfullerenes provide a playground for the further tuning of molecular magnetism via variation of the size and shape of the fullerene cage.
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    Spectromicroscopic measurements of electronic structure variations in atomically thin WSe2
    (2020) Klaproth, T.; Habenicht, C.; Schuster, R.; Büchner, B.; Knupfer, M.; Koitzsch, A.
    Atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) are promising candidates for implementation in next generation semiconducting devices, for which laterally homogeneous behavior is needed. Here, we study the electronic structure of atomically thin exfoliated WSe2, a prototypical TMDC with large spin–orbit coupling, by photoemission electron microscopy, electron energy-loss spectroscopy, and density functional theory. We resolve the inhomogeneities of the doping level by the varying energy positions of the valence band. There appear to be different types of inhomogeneities that respond differently to electron doping, introduced by potassium intercalation. In addition, we find that the doping process itself is more complex than previously anticipated and entails a distinct orbital and thickness dependence that needs to be considered for effective band engineering. In particular, the density of selenium vs tungsten states depends on the doping level, which leads to changes in the optical response beyond increased dielectric screening. Our work gives insight into the inhomogeneity of the electron structure of WSe2 and the effects of electron doping, provides microscopic understanding thereof, and improves the basis for property engineering of 2D materials.
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    Shape-adaptive single-molecule magnetism and hysteresis up to 14 K in oxide clusterfullerenes Dy2O@C72 and Dy2O@C74 with fused pentagon pairs and flexible Dy-(μ2-O)-Dy angle
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2020) Velkos, G.; Yang, W.; Yao, Y.-R.; Sudarkova, S.M.; Liu, X.; Büchner, B.; Avdoshenko, S.M.; Chen, N.; Popov, A.A.
    Dysprosium oxide clusterfullerenes Dy2O@Cs(10528)-C72 and Dy2O@C2(13333)-C74 are synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. Carbon cages of both molecules feature two adjacent pentagon pairs. These pentalene units determine positions of endohedral Dy ions hence the shape of the Dy2O cluster, which is bent in Dy2O@C72 but linear in Dy2O@C74. Both compounds show slow relaxation of magnetization and magnetic hysteresis. Nearly complete cancelation of ferromagnetic dipolar and antiferromagnetic exchange Dy⋯Dy interactions leads to unusual magnetic properties. Dy2O@C74 exhibits zero-field quantum tunneling of magnetization and magnetic hysteresis up to 14 K, the highest temperature among Dy-clusterfullerenes.
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    Confined crystals of the smallest phase-change material
    (Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2013) Giusca, C.E.; Stolojan, V.; Sloan, J.; Börrnert, F.; Shiozawa, H.; Sader, K.; Rümmeli, M.H.; Büchner, B.; Silva, S.R.P.
    The demand for high-density memory in tandem with limitations imposed by the minimum feature size of current storage devices has created a need for new materials that can store information in smaller volumes than currently possible. Successfully employed in commercial optical data storage products, phase-change materials, that can reversibly and rapidly change from an amorphous phase to a crystalline phase when subject to heating or cooling have been identified for the development of the next generation electronic memories. There are limitations to the miniaturization of these devices due to current synthesis and theoretical considerations that place a lower limit of 2 nm on the minimum bit size, below which the material does not transform in the structural phase. We show here that by using carbon nanotubes of less than 2 nm diameter as templates phase-change nanowires confined to their smallest conceivable scale are obtained. Contrary to previous experimental evidence and theoretical expectations, the nanowires are found to crystallize at this scale and display amorphous-to-crystalline phase changes, fulfilling an important prerequisite of a memory element. We show evidence for the smallest phase-change material, extending thus the size limit to explore phase-change memory devices at extreme scales.
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    Strong effects of uniaxial pressure and short-range correlations in Cr2Ge2Te6
    (College Park, MD : APS, 2022) Spachmann, S.; Elghandour, A.; Selter, S.; Büchner, B.; Aswartham, S.; Klingeler, R.
    Cr2Ge2Te6 is a quasi-two-dimensional semiconducting van der Waals ferromagnet down to the bilayer with great potential for technological applications. Engineering the critical temperature to achieve room-temperature applications is one of the critical next steps on this path. Here, we report high-resolution capacitance dilatometry studies on Cr2Ge2Te6 single crystals which directly prove significant magnetoelastic coupling and provide quantitative values of the large uniaxial pressure effects on long-range magnetic order (∂TC/∂pc=24.7 K/GPa and ∂TC/∂pab=−15.6 K/GPa) derived from thermodynamic relations. Moderate in-plane strain is thus sufficient to strongly enhance ferromagnetism in Cr2Ge2Te6 up to room temperature. Moreover, unambiguous signs of short-range magnetic order up to 200 K are found.
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    Tailoring electron beams with high-frequency self-assembled magnetic charged particle micro optics
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2022) Huber, R.; Kern, F.; Karnaushenko, D.D.; Eisner, E.; Lepucki, P.; Thampi, A.; Mirhajivarzaneh, A.; Becker, C.; Kang, T.; Baunack, S.; Büchner, B.; Karnaushenko, D.; Schmidt, O.G.; Lubk, A.
    Tunable electromagnets and corresponding devices, such as magnetic lenses or stigmators, are the backbone of high-energy charged particle optical instruments, such as electron microscopes, because they provide higher optical power, stability, and lower aberrations compared to their electric counterparts. However, electromagnets are typically macroscopic (super-)conducting coils, which cannot generate swiftly changing magnetic fields, require active cooling, and are structurally bulky, making them unsuitable for fast beam manipulation, multibeam instruments, and miniaturized applications. Here, we present an on-chip microsized magnetic charged particle optics realized via a self-assembling micro-origami process. These micro-electromagnets can generate alternating magnetic fields of about ±100 mT up to a hundred MHz, supplying sufficiently large optical power for a large number of charged particle optics applications. That particular includes fast spatiotemporal electron beam modulation such as electron beam deflection, focusing, and wave front shaping as required for stroboscopic imaging.
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    Air-stable redox-active nanomagnets with lanthanide spins radical-bridged by a metal–metal bond
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2019) Liu, F.; Velkos, G.; Krylov, D.S.; Spree, L.; Zalibera, M.; Ray, R.; Samoylova, N.A.; Chen, C.-H.; Rosenkranz, M.; Schiemenz, S.; Ziegs, F.; Nenkov, K.; Kostanyan, A.; Greber, T.; Wolter, A.U.B.; Richter, M.; Büchner, B.; Avdoshenko, S.M.; Popov, A.A.
    Engineering intramolecular exchange interactions between magnetic metal atoms is a ubiquitous strategy for designing molecular magnets. For lanthanides, the localized nature of 4f electrons usually results in weak exchange coupling. Mediating magnetic interactions between lanthanide ions via radical bridges is a fruitful strategy towards stronger coupling. In this work we explore the limiting case when the role of a radical bridge is played by a single unpaired electron. We synthesize an array of air-stable Ln 2 @C 80 (CH 2 Ph) dimetallofullerenes (Ln 2 = Y 2 , Gd 2 , Tb 2 , Dy 2 , Ho 2 , Er 2 , TbY, TbGd) featuring a covalent lanthanide-lanthanide bond. The lanthanide spins are glued together by very strong exchange interactions between 4f moments and a single electron residing on the metal–metal bonding orbital. Tb 2 @C 80 (CH 2 Ph) shows a gigantic coercivity of 8.2 Tesla at 5 K and a high 100-s blocking temperature of magnetization of 25.2 K. The Ln-Ln bonding orbital in Ln 2 @C 80 (CH 2 Ph) is redox active, enabling electrochemical tuning of the magnetism.
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    Tuning the interplay between nematicity and spin fluctuations in Na1-x Li x FeAs superconductors
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Baek, S.-H.; Bhoi, D.; Nam, W.; Lee, B.; Efremov, D.V.; Büchner, B.; Kim, K.H.
    Strong interplay of spin and charge/orbital degrees of freedom is the fundamental characteristic of the iron-based superconductors (FeSCs), which leads to the emergence of a nematic state as a rule in the vicinity of the antiferromagnetic state. Despite intense debate for many years, however, whether nematicity is driven by spin or orbital fluctuations remains unsettled. Here, by use of transport, magnetization, and 75As nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements, we show a striking transformation of the relationship between nematicity and spin fluctuations (SFs) in Na1-x Li x FeAs; For x ≤ 0.02, the nematic transition promotes SFs. In contrast, for x ≥ 0.03, the system undergoes a non-magnetic phase transition at a temperature T 0 into a distinct nematic state that suppresses SFs. Such a drastic change of the spin fluctuation spectrum associated with nematicity by small doping is highly unusual, and provides insights into the origin and nature of nematicity in FeSCs.
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    Spectral field mapping in plasmonic nanostructures with nanometer resolution
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2018) Krehl, J.; Guzzinati, G.; Schultz, J.; Potapov, P.; Pohl, D.; Martin, J.; Verbeeck, J.; Fery, A.; Büchner, B.; Lubk, A.
    Plasmonic nanostructures and -devices are rapidly transforming light manipulation technology by allowing to modify and enhance optical fields on sub-wavelength scales. Advances in this field rely heavily on the development of new characterization methods for the fundamental nanoscale interactions. However, the direct and quantitative mapping of transient electric and magnetic fields characterizing the plasmonic coupling has been proven elusive to date. Here we demonstrate how to directly measure the inelastic momentum transfer of surface plasmon modes via the energy-loss filtered deflection of a focused electron beam in a transmission electron microscope. By scanning the beam over the sample we obtain a spatially and spectrally resolved deflection map and we further show how this deflection is related quantitatively to the spectral component of the induced electric and magnetic fields pertaining to the mode. In some regards this technique is an extension to the established differential phase contrast into the dynamic regime. © 2018, The Author(s).
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    Mixed dysprosium-lanthanide nitride clusterfullerenes DyM2N@C80-: I h and Dy2MN@C80- i h (M = Gd, Er, Tm, and Lu): Synthesis, molecular structure, and quantum motion of the endohedral nitrogen atom
    (Cambridge : RSC Publ., 2019) Schlesier, C.; Liu, F.; Dubrovin, V.; Spree, L.; Büchner, B.; Avdoshenko, S.M.; Popov, A.A.
    Systematic exploration of the synthesis of mixed-metal Dy-M nitride clusterfullerenes (NCFs, M = Gd, Er, Tm, Lu) is performed, and the impact of the second metal on the relative yield is evaluated. We demonstrate that the ionic radius of the metal appears to be the main factor allowing explanation of the relative yields in Dy-M mixed-metal systems with M = Sc, Lu, Er, and Gd. At the same time, Dy-Tm NCFs show anomalously low yields, which is not consistent with the relatively small ionic radius of Tm3+ but can be explained by the high third ionization potential of Tm. Complete separation of Dy-Gd and Dy-Er, as well as partial separation of Dy-Lu M3N@C80 nitride clusterfullerenes, is accomplished by recycling HPLC. The molecular structures of DyGd2N@C80 and DyEr2N@C80 are analyzed by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction. A remarkable ordering of mixed-metal nitride clusters is found despite similar size and electronic properties of the metals. Possible pyramidalization of the nitride clusters in these and other nitride clusterfullerenes is critically analyzed with the help of DFT calculations and reconstruction of the nitrogen inversion barrier in M3N@C80 molecules is performed. Although a double-well potential with a pyramidal cluster structure is found to be common for most of them, the small size of the inversion barrier often leads to an apparent planar structure of the cluster. This situation is found for those M3N@C80 molecules in which the energy of the lowest vibrational level exceeds that of the inversion barrier, including Dy3N@C80 and DyEr2N@C80. The genuine pyramidal structure can be observed by X-ray diffraction only when the lowest vibrational level is below the inversion barrier, such as those found in Gd3N@C80 and DyGd2N@C80. The quantum nature of molecular vibrations becomes especially apparent when the size of the inversion barrier is comparable to the energy of the lowest vibrational levels.