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    High Blocking Temperature of Magnetization and Giant Coercivity in the Azafullerene Tb 2 @C 79 N with a Single-Electron Terbium–Terbium Bond
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Velkos, Georgios; Krylov, Denis S.; Kirkpatrick, Kyle; Spree, Lukas; Dubrovin, Vasilii; Büchner, Bernd; Avdoshenko, Stanislav M.; Bezmelnitsyn, Valeriy; Davis, Sean; Faust, Paul; Duchamp, James; Dorn, Harry C.; Popov, Alexey A.
    The azafullerene Tb 2 @C 79 N is found to be a single-molecule magnet with a high 100-s blocking temperature of magnetization of 24 K and large coercivity. Tb magnetic moments with an easy-axis single-ion magnetic anisotropy are strongly coupled by the unpaired spin of the single-electron Tb−Tb bond. Relaxation of magnetization in Tb 2 @C 79 N below 15 K proceeds via quantum tunneling of magnetization with the characteristic time τ QTM =16 462±1230 s. At higher temperature, relaxation follows the Orbach mechanism with a barrier of 757±4 K, corresponding to the excited states, in which one of the Tb spins is flipped. © 2019 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA.
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    Tuning the spin coherence time of Cu(II)−(bis)oxamato and Cu(II)−(bis)oxamidato complexes by advanced ESR pulse protocols
    (Frankfurt, M. : Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2017-4-27) Zaripov, Ruslan; Vavilova, Evgeniya; Khairuzhdinov, Iskander; Salikhov, Kev; Voronkova, Violeta; Abdulmalic, Mohammad A.; Meva, Francois E.; Weheabby, Saddam; Rüffer, Tobias; Büchner, Bernd; Kataev, Vladislav
    We have investigated with the pulsed ESR technique at X- and Q-band frequencies the coherence and relaxation of Cu spins S = 1/2 in single crystals of diamagnetically diluted mononuclear [n-Bu4N]2[Cu(opba)] (1%) in the host lattice of [n-Bu4N]2[Ni(opba)] (99%, opba = o-phenylenebis(oxamato)) and of diamagnetically diluted mononuclear [n-Bu4N]2[Cu(opbon-Pr2)] (1%) in the host lattice of [n-Bu4N]2[Ni(opbon-Pr2)] (99%, opbon-Pr2 = o-phenylenebis(N(propyl)oxamidato)). For that we have measured the electron spin dephasing time Tm at different temperatures with the two-pulse primary echo and with the special Carr–Purcell–Meiboom–Gill (CPMG) multiple microwave pulse sequence. Application of the CPMG protocol has led to a substantial increase of the spin coherence lifetime in both complexes as compared to the primary echo results. It shows the efficiency of the suppression of the electron spin decoherence channel in the studied complexes arising due to spectral diffusion induced by a random modulation of the hyperfine interaction with the nuclear spins. We argue that this method can be used as a test for the relevance of the spectral diffusion for the electron spin decoherence. Our results have revealed a prominent role of the opba4– and opbon-Pr24– ligands for the dephasing of the Cu spins. The presence of additional 14N nuclei and protons in [Cu(opbon-Pr2)]2– as compared to [Cu(opba)]2– yields significantly shorter Tm times. Such a detrimental effect of the opbon-Pr24− ligands has to be considered when discussing a potential application of the Cu(II)−(bis)oxamato and Cu(II)−(bis)oxamidato complexes as building blocks of more complex molecular structures in prototype spintronic devices. Furthermore, in our work we propose an improved CPMG pulse protocol that enables elimination of unwanted echoes that inevitably appear in the case of inhomogeneously broadened ESR spectra due to the selective excitation of electron spins.
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    Ceria/silicon carbide core–shell materials prepared by miniemulsion technique
    (Frankfurt, M. : Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2011) Borchardt, Lars; Oschatz, Martin; Frind, Robert; Kockrick, Emanuel; Lohe, Martin R.; Hauser, Christoph P.; Weiss, Clemens K.; Landfester, Katharina; Büchner, Bernd; Kaskel, Stefan
    For the first time we present the synthesis of CeO2/Si(O)C core–shell particles prepared by the miniemulsion technique. The Si(O)C core was obtained by means of a polycarbosilane precursor (SMP10), which was subsequently functionalized with ceria and pyrolyzed to the ceramic. The size of these particles could easily be adjusted by varying the surfactants and the surfactant concentration, or by the addition of comonomers. Hence particle sizes ranged from 100 to 1000 nm, tunable by the preparation conditions. All materials were characterized by photon cross correlation spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and elemental mapping investigations. Furthermore, first catalytic tests were carried out by temperature programmed oxidation (TPO) of methane, and the activity of this material in lowering the onset temperature of methane combustion by 262 K was documented.
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    Probing the magnetic superexchange couplings between terminal CuII ions in heterotrinuclear bis(oxamidato) type complexes
    (Frankfurt, M. : Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2017-4-6) Abdulmalic, Mohammad A.; Weheabby, Saddam; Meva, Francois E.; Aliabadi, Azar; Kataev, Vladislav; Büchner, Bernd; Schleife, Frederik; Kersting, Berthold; Rüffer, Tobias
    The reaction of one equivalent of [n-Bu4N]2[Ni(opboR2)] with two equivalents of [Cu(pmdta)(X)2] afforded the heterotrinuclear CuIINiIICuII containing bis(oxamidato) type complexes [Cu2Ni(opboR2)(pmdta)2]X2 (R = Me, X = NO3– (1); R = Et, X = ClO4– (2); R = n-Pr, X = NO3– (3); opboR2 = o-phenylenebis(NR-substituted oxamidato); pmdta = N,N,N’,N”,N”-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine). The identities of the heterotrinuclear complexes 1–3 were established by IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis and single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies, which revealed the cationic complex fragments [Cu2Ni(opboR2)(pmdta)2]2+ as not involved in any further intermolecular interactions. As a consequence thereof, the complexes 1–3 possess terminal paramagnetic [Cu(pmdta)]2+ fragments separated by [NiII(opboR2)]2– bridging units representing diamagnetic SNi = 0 states. The magnetic field dependence of the magnetization M(H) of 1–3 at T = 1.8 K has been determined and is shown to be highly reproducible with the Brillouin function for an ideal paramagnetic spin = 1/2 system, verifying experimentally that no magnetic superexchange couplings exists between the terminal paramagnetic [Cu(pmdta)]2+ fragments. Susceptibility measurements versus temperature of 1–3 between 1.8–300 K were performed to reinforce the statement of the absence of magnetic superexchange couplings in these three heterotrinuclear complexes.
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    Energy-level alignment at interfaces between manganese phthalocyanine and C60
    (Frankfurt, M. : Beilstein-Institut zur Förderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften, 2017-4-25) Waas, Daniel; Rückerl, Florian; Knupfer, Martin; Büchner, Bernd
    We have used photoelectron spectroscopy to determine the energy-level alignment at organic heterojunctions made of manganese phthalocyanine (MnPc) and the fullerene C60. We show that this energy-level alignment depends upon the preparation sequence, which is explained by different molecular orientations. Moreover, our results demonstrate that MnPc/C60 interfaces are hardly suited for application in organic photovoltaic devices, since the energy difference of the two lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals (LUMOs) is rather small.
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    Magnetic Nanoparticle Chains in Gelatin Ferrogels: Bioinspiration from Magnetotactic Bacteria
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2019) Sturm, Sebastian; Siglreitmeier, Maria; Wolf, Daniel; Vogel, Karin; Gratz, Micha; Faivre, Damien; Lubk, Axel; Büchner, Bernd; Sturm, Elena V.; Cölfen, Helmut
    Inspired by chains of ferrimagnetic nanocrystals (NCs) in magnetotactic bacteria (MTB), the synthesis and detailed characterization of ferrimagnetic magnetite NC chain-like assemblies is reported. An easy green synthesis route in a thermoreversible gelatin hydrogel matrix is used. The structure of these magnetite chains prepared with and without gelatin is characterized by means of transmission electron microscopy, including electron tomography (ET). These structures indeed bear resemblance to the magnetite assemblies found in MTB, known for their mechanical flexibility and outstanding magnetic properties and known to crystallographically align their magnetite NCs along the strongest <111> magnetization easy axis. Using electron holography (EH) and angular dependent magnetic measurements, the magnetic interaction between the NCs and the generation of a magnetically anisotropic material can be shown. The electro- and magnetostatic modeling demonstrates that in order to precisely determine the magnetization (by means of EH) inside chain-like NCs assemblies, their exact shape, arrangement and stray-fields have to be considered (ideally obtained using ET). © 2019 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    Methane as a selectivity booster in the arc-discharge synthesis of endohedral fullerenes: Selective synthesis of the single-molecule magnet Dy2TiC@C80and Its Congener Dy2TiC2@C80
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2015) Junghans, Katrin; Schlesier, Christin; Kostanyan, Aram; Samoylova, Nataliya A.; Deng, Qingming; Rosenkranz, Marco; Schiemenz, Sandra; Westerström, Rasmus; Greber, Thomas; Büchner, Bernd; Greber, Thomas; Popov, Alexey A.
    The use of methane as a reactive gas dramatically increases the selectivity of the arc‐discharge synthesis of M‐Ti‐carbide clusterfullerenes (M=Y, Nd, Gd, Dy, Er, Lu). Optimization of the process parameters allows the synthesis of Dy2TiC@C80‐I and its facile isolation in a single chromatographic step. A new type of cluster with an endohedral acetylide unit, M2TiC2@C80, is discovered along with the second isomer of M2TiC@C80. Dy2TiC@C80‐(I,II) and Dy2TiC2@C80‐I are shown to be single‐molecule magnets (SMM), but the presence of the second carbon atom in the cluster Dy2TiC2@C80 leads to substantially poorer SMM properties.
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    Magnetic superexchange interactions: Trinuclear bis(oxamidato) versus bis(oxamato) type complexes
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2015) Abdulmalic, Mohammad A.; Aliabadi, Azar; Petr, Andreas; Krupskaya, Yulia; Kataev, Vladislav; Büchner, Bernd; Zaripov, Ruslan; Vavilova, Evgeniya; Voronkova, Violeta; Salikov, Kev; Hahn, Torsten; Kortus, Jens; Meva, Francois Eya’ane; Schaarschmidt, Dieter; Rüffer, Tobias
    The diethyl ester of o-phenylenebis(oxamic acid) (opbaH2Et2) was treated with an excess of RNH2 in MeOH to cause the exclusive formation of the respective o-phenylenebis(N(R)-oxamides) (opboH4R2, R = Me 1, Et 2, nPr 3) in good yields. Treatment of 1–3 with half an equivalent of [Cu2(AcO)4(H2O)2] or one equivalent of [Ni(AcO)2(H2O)4] followed by the addition of four equivalents of [nBu4N]OH resulted in the formation of mononuclear bis(oxamidato) type complexes [nBu4N]2[M(opboR2)] (M = Ni, R = Me 4, Et 5, nPr 6; M = Cu, R = Me 7, Et 8, nPr 9). By addition of two equivalents of [Cu(pmdta)(NO3)2] to MeCN solutions of 7–9, novel trinuclear complexes [Cu3(opboR2)(L)2](NO3)2 (L = pmdta, R = Me 10, Et 11, nPr 12) could be obtained. Compounds 4–12 have been characterized by elemental analysis and NMR/IR spectroscopy. Furthermore, the solid state structures of 4–10 and 12 have been determined by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies. By controlled cocrystallization, diamagnetically diluted 8 and 9 (1%) in the host lattice of 5 and 6 (99%) (8@5 and 9@6), respectively, in the form of single crystals have been made available, allowing single crystal ESR studies to extract all components of the g-factor and the tensors of onsite CuA and transferred NA hyperfine (HF) interaction. From these studies, the spin density distribution of the [Cu(opboEt2)]2− and [Cu(opbonPr2)]2− complex fragments of 8 and 9, respectively, could be determined. Additionally, as a single crystal ENDOR measurement of 8@5 revealed the individual HF tensors of the N donor atoms to be unequal, individual estimates of the spin densities on each N donor atom were made. The magnetic properties of 10–12 were studied by susceptibility measurements versus temperature to give J values varying from −96 cm−1 (10) over −104 cm−1 (11) to −132 cm−1 (12). These three trinuclear CuII-containing bis(oxamidato) type complexes exhibit J values which are comparable to and slightly larger in magnitude than those of related bis(oxamato) type complexes. In a summarizing discussion involving experimentally obtained ESR results (spin density distribution) of 8 and 9, the geometries of the terminal [Cu(pmdta)]2+ fragments of 12 determined by crystallographic studies, together with accompanying quantum chemical calculations, an approach is derived to explain these phenomena and to conclude if the spin density distribution of mononuclear bis(oxamato)/bis(oxamidato) type complexes could be a measure of the J couplings of corresponding trinuclear complexes.
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    Carbon nanotubes filled with ferromagnetic materials
    (Basel : MDPI, 2010) Weissker, Uhland; Hampel, Silke; Leonhardt, Albrecht; Büchner, Bernd
    Carbon nanotubes (CNT) filled with ferromagnetic metals like iron, cobalt or nickel are new and very interesting nanostructured materials with a number of unique properties. In this paper we give an overview about different chemical vapor deposition (CVD) methods for their synthesis and discuss the influence of selected growth parameters. In addition we evaluate possible growth mechanisms involved in their formation. Moreover we show their identified structural and magnetic properties. On the basis of these properties we present different application possibilities. Some selected examples reveal the high potential of these materials in the field of medicine and nanotechnology.
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    Three-Dimensional Composition and Electric Potential Mapping of III–V Core–Multishell Nanowires by Correlative STEM and Holographic Tomography
    (Washington, DC : ACS Publ., 2018-7-13) Wolf, Daniel; Hübner, René; Niermann, Tore; Sturm, Sebastian; Prete, Paola; Lovergine, Nico; Büchner, Bernd; Lubk, Axel
    The nondestructive characterization of nanoscale devices, such as those based on semiconductor nanowires, in terms of functional potentials is crucial for correlating device properties with their morphological/materials features, as well as for precisely tuning and optimizing their growth process. Electron holographic tomography (EHT) has been used in the past to reconstruct the total potential distribution in three-dimension but hitherto lacked a quantitative approach to separate potential variations due to chemical composition changes (mean inner potential, MIP) and space charges. In this Letter, we combine and correlate EHT and high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy (HAADF-STEM) tomography on an individual ⟨111⟩ oriented GaAs–AlGaAs core–multishell nanowire (NW). We obtain excellent agreement between both methods in terms of the determined Al concentration within the AlGaAs shell, as well as thickness variations of the few nanometer thin GaAs shell acting as quantum well tube. Subtracting the MIP determined from the STEM tomogram, enables us to observe functional potentials at the NW surfaces and at the Au–NW interface, both ascribed to surface/interface pinning of the semiconductor Fermi level.