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Application of the transferred matrix method to a unified evaluation of the cathodic electron emission

2018, Baeva, M.

The work is concerned with the Transfer Matrix Method for solving the steady-state Schrödinger equation applied for a unified evaluation of the emission current density from non-refractory cathodes. The method is applicable to arbitrary shapes of the potential barrier and its transmission probability is obtained without any analytical approximations. The Fermi-Dirac distribution for the free electrons in the metal is considered as a supply function. The results, obtained for a work function of the cathode material of 4.5 eV over a wide range of values of the surface temperature and the electric field strength, clearly show a growing deviation from those obtained by the classical Jeffreys-Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation with the increase of the electric field strength. Preliminary results are obtained to demonstrate the applicability of the Transfer Matrix method to the evaluation of the ion-assisted electron emission. A significant local enhancement of the emission current density is obtained as a result of the presence of an ion at a fixed position near the metal surface. The effect becomes very strongly pronounced at an appropriate value of the electric field strength, for which a resonant ion contribution appears.

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Modelling and experimental investigations of DC electric arcs in argon and carbon dioxide

2019, Mohsni, C., Baeva, M., Franke, S., Gortschakow, S., Gonzalez, D., Araoud, Z., Charrada, K.

In this work an arc model is employed along with electric and spectroscopic measurements to study DC electric arcs in Ar and CO2. The model is aimed at describing the arc and the electrodes. Simulation and experimental results are shown for currents between 150 A and 210 A.

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Modelling and experimental evidence of the cathode erosion in a plasma spray torch

2022, Baeva, M., Benilov, M.S., Zhu, T., Testrich, H., Kewitz, T., Foest, R.

The lifetime of tungsten cathodes used in plasma spray torches is limited by processes leading to a loss of cathode material. It was reported in the literature that the mechanism of their erosion is the evaporation. A model of the ionization layer of a cathode is developed to study the diffusive transport of evaporated tungsten atoms and tungsten ions produced due to ionization by electron impact in a background argon plasma. It is shown that the Stefan-Maxwell equations do not reduce to Fick law as one could expect for the transport of diluted species, which is due to significant diffusion velocities of argon ions. The ionization of tungsten atoms occurs in a distance of a few micrometers from the cathode surface and leads to a strong sink, which increases the net flux of tungsten atoms far beyond that obtained in absence of tungsten ions. This shows that the tungsten ions are driven by the electric field towards the cathode resulting in no net diffusive flux and no removal of tungsten species from the ionization layer even if convection is accounted for. A possible mechanism of removal is found by extending the model to comprise an anode. The extended model resolves the inter-electrode region and provides the plasma parameters for a current density corresponding to the value at the center of the cathode under typical arc currents of 600 A and 800 A. The presence of the anode causes a reversal of the electric field on the anode side, which pulls the ions away from the ionization layer of the cathode. The net flux of tungsten ions can be further fortified by convection. This model allows one to evaluate the loss of cathode material under realistic operating conditions in a quantitative agreement with measured values.

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Comparative studies of low-intensity short-length arcs

2019, Baeva, M., Siewert, E., Uhrlandt, D.

We present results obtained by two non-equilibrium modelling approaches and experiments on low-intensity short-length arcs in argon at atmospheric pressure. The first one considers a quasi-neutral arc column combined with boundary conditions on the electrodes based on the energy balance in the space-charge sheaths. The second approach applies a unified description over the entire gap and solves the Poisson equation for the self-consistent electric field. The experiments provide the arc voltage.

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On the interaction of a microwave excited oxygen plasma with a jet of precursor material for deposition applications

2019, Methling, R., Hempel, F., Baeva, M., Trautvetter, T., Baierl, H., Foest, R.

A plasma source based on a microwave discharge at atmospheric pressure is used to produce an oxygen plasma torch. A liquid precursor material is evaporated and injected into the torch through a nozzle, causing oxidization and deposition of silica at a nearby quartz substrate. The temperature generated inside the plasma source and in the plume, in the region of treatment, and at the substrate surface are key parameters, which are needed for process description and optimization of plasma-chemical reactions. Optical emission spectroscopy and thermography were applied to observe and characterize the jet behavior and composition. The experimental results are compared with self-consistent modeling.

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Advanced Nonequilibrium Modelling of DC Tungsten-Inert Gas Arcs

2017, Baeva, M., Uhrlandt, D.

The paper is concerned with the state-of-the-art nonequilibrium modelling of a DC tungsten-inert gas arc plasma. The advanced description involves the two-way interaction between the plasma and the electrodes. Results in atmospheric pressure argon demonstrating important features of the arc plasma are presented and discussed. First results in the presence of metal vapour released from the molten anode are presented. Outlook for further developments in nonequilibrium arc modelling are discussed.

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A collisional-radiative model of iron vapour in a thermal arc plasma

2017-05-15, Baeva, M., Uhrlandt, D., Murphy, A.B.

A collisional-radiative model for the ground state and fifty effective excited levels of atomic iron, and one level for singly-ionized iron, is set up for technological plasmas. Attention is focused on the population of excited states of atomic iron as a result of excitation, de-excitation, ionization, recombination and spontaneous emission. Effective rate coefficients for ionization and recombination, required in non-equilibrium plasma transport models, are also obtained. The collisional-radiative model is applied to a thermal arc plasma. Input parameters for the collisional-radiative model are provided by a magnetohydrodynamic simulation of a gas-metal welding arc, in which local thermodynamic equilibrium is assumed and the treatment of the transport of metal vapour is based on combined diffusion coefficients. The results clearly identify the conditions in the arc, under which the atomic state distribution satisfies the Boltzmann distribution, with an excitation temperature equal to the plasma temperature. These conditions are met in the central part of the arc, even though a local temperature minimum occurs here. This provides assurance that diagnostic methods based on local thermodynamic equilibrium, in particular those of optical emission spectroscopy, are reliable here. In contrast, deviations from the equilibrium atomic-state distribution are obtained in the near-electrode and arc fringe regions. As a consequence, the temperatures determined from the ratio of line intensities and number densities obtained from the emission coefficient in these regions are questionable. In this situation, the collisional-radiative model can be used as a diagnostic tool to assist in the interpretation of spectroscopic measurements.