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    Short- and long-term polystyrene nano- and microplastic exposure promotes oxidative stress and divergently affects skin cell architecture and Wnt/beta-catenin signaling
    (London : BioMed Central, 2023) Schmidt, Anke; da Silva Brito, Walison Augusto; Singer, Debora; Mühl, Melissa; Berner, Julia; Saadati, Fariba; Wolff, Christina; Miebach, Lea; Wende, Kristian; Bekeschus, Sander
    Nano- and microplastic particles (NMP) are strong environmental contaminants affecting marine ecosystems and human health. The negligible use of biodegradable plastics and the lack of knowledge about plastic uptake, accumulation, and functional consequences led us to investigate the short- and long-term effects in freshly isolated skin cells from mice. Using fluorescent NMP of several sizes (200 nm to 6 µm), efficient cellular uptake was observed, causing, however, only minor acute toxicity as metabolic activity and apoptosis data suggested, albeit changes in intracellular reactive species and thiol levels were observed. The internalized NMP induced an altered expression of various targets of the nuclear factor-2-related transcription factor 2 pathway and were accompanied by changed antioxidant and oxidative stress signaling responses, as suggested by altered heme oxygenase 1 and glutathione peroxide 2 levels. A highly increased beta-catenin expression under acute but not chronic NMP exposure was concomitant with a strong translocation from membrane to the nucleus and subsequent transcription activation of Wnt signaling target genes after both single-dose and chronic long-term NMP exposure. Moreover, fibroblast-to-myofibroblast transdifferentiation accompanied by an increase of α smooth muscle actin and collagen expression was observed. Together with several NMP-induced changes in junctional and adherence protein expression, our study for the first time elucidates the acute and chronic effects of NMP of different sizes in primary skin cells' signaling and functional biology, contributing to a better understanding of nano- and microplastic to health risks in higher vertebrates.
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    Medical gas plasma augments bladder cancer cell toxicity in preclinical models and patient-derived tumor tissues
    (Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier, 2022) Gelbrich, Nadine; Miebach, Lea; Berner, Julia; Freund, Eric; Saadati, Fariba; Schmidt, Anke; Stope, Matthias; Zimmermann, Uwe; Burchardt, Martin; Bekeschus, Sander
    Introduction: Medical gas plasma therapy has been successfully applied to several types of cancer in preclinical models. First palliative tumor patients suffering from advanced head and neck cancer benefited from this novel therapeutic modality. The gas plasma-induced biological effects of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) generated in the plasma gas phase result in oxidation-induced lethal damage to tumor cells. Objectives: This study aimed to verify these anti-tumor effects of gas plasma exposure on urinary bladder cancer. Methods: 2D cell culture models, 3D tumor spheroids, 3D vascularized tumors grown on the chicken chorion-allantois-membrane (CAM) in ovo, and patient-derived primary cancer tissue gas plasma-treated ex vivo were used. Results: Gas plasma treatment led to oxidation, growth retardation, motility inhibition, and cell death in 2D and 3D tumor models. A marked decline in tumor growth was also observed in the tumors grown in ovo. In addition, results of gas plasma treatment on primary urothelial carcinoma tissues ex vivo highlighted the selective tumor-toxic effects as non-malignant tissue exposed to gas plasma was less affected. Whole-transcriptome gene expression analysis revealed downregulation of tumor-promoting fibroblast growth factor receptor 3 (FGFR3) accompanied by upregulation of apoptosis-inducing factor 2 (AIFm2), which plays a central role in caspase-independent cell death signaling. Conclusion: Gas plasma treatment induced cytotoxicity in patient-derived cancer tissue and slowed tumor growth in an organoid model of urinary bladder carcinoma, along with less severe effects in non-malignant tissues. Studies on the potential clinical benefits of this local and safe ROS therapy are awaited.