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Plasma-derived reactive species shape a differentiation profile in human monocytes

2019, Freund, Eric, Moritz, Juliane, Stope, Matthias, Seebauer, Christian, Schmidt, Anke, Bekeschus, Sander

Background: Monocyte-derived macrophages are key regulators and producers of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS). Pre-clinical and clinical studies suggest that cold physical plasma may be beneficial in the treatment of inflammatory conditions via the release of ROS/RNS. However, it is unknown how plasma treatment affects monocytes and their differentiation profile. Methods: Naïve or phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA)-pulsed THP-1 monocytes were exposed to cold physical plasma. The cells were analyzed regarding their metabolic activity as well as flow cytometry (analysis of viability, oxidation, surface marker expression and cytokine secretion) and high content imaging (quantitative analysis of morphology. Results: The plasma treatment affected THP-1 metabolisms, viability, and morphology. Furthermore, a significant modulation CD55, CD69, CD271 surface-expression and increase of inflammatory IL1β, IL6, IL8, and MCP1 secretion was observed upon plasma treatment. Distinct phenotypical changes in THP-1 cells arguing for a differentiation profile were validated in primary monocytes from donor blood. As a functional outcome, plasma-treated monocytes decreased the viability of co-cultured melanoma cells to a greater extent than their non-treated counterparts. Conclusions: Our results suggest plasma-derived ROS/RNS shaped a differentiation profile in human monocytes as evidenced by their increased inflammatory profile (surface marker and cytokines) as well as functional outcome (tumor toxicity). © 2019 by the authors.

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Physical plasma-treated saline promotes an immunogenic phenotype in CT26 colon cancer cells in vitro and in vivo

2019, Freund, Eric, Liedtke, Kim Rouven, van der Linde, Julia, Metelmann, Hans-Robert, Heidecke, Claus-Dieter, Partecke, Lars-Ivo, Bekeschus, Sander

Metastatic colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cause of cancer death. Current options in palliation such as hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC) present severe side effects. Recent research efforts suggested the therapeutic use of oxidant-enriched liquid using cold physical plasma. To investigate a clinically accepted treatment regimen, we assessed the antitumor capacity of plasma-treated saline solution. In response to such liquid, CT26 murine colon cancer cells were readily oxidized and showed cell growth with subsequent apoptosis, cell cycle arrest, and upregulation of immunogenic cell death (ICD) markers in vitro. This was accompanied by marked morphological changes with re-arrangement of actin fibers and reduced motility. Induction of an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition phenotype was not observed. Key results were confirmed in MC38 colon and PDA6606 pancreatic cancer cells. Compared to plasma-treated saline, hydrogen peroxide was inferiorly toxic in 3D tumor spheroids but of similar efficacy in 2D models. In vivo, plasma-treated saline decreased tumor burden in Balb/C mice. This was concomitant with elevated numbers of intratumoral macrophages and increased T cell activation following incubation with CT26 cells ex vivo. Being a potential adjuvant for HIPEC therapy, our results suggest oxidizing saline solutions to inactivate colon cancer cells while potentially stimulating antitumor immune responses.