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    Combined toxicity of gas plasma treatment and nanoparticles exposure in melanoma cells in vitro
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Bekeschus, Sander
    Despite continuous advances in therapy, cancer remains a deadly disease. Over the past years, gas plasma technology emerged as a novel tool to target tumors, especially skin. Another promising anticancer approach are nanoparticles. Since combination therapies are becoming increas-ingly relevant in oncology, both gas plasma treatment and nanoparticle exposure were combined. A series of nanoparticles were investigated in parallel, namely, silica, silver, iron oxide, cerium oxide, titanium oxide, and iron-doped titanium oxide. For gas plasma treatment, the atmospheric pressure argon plasma jet kINPen was utilized. Using three melanoma cell lines, the two murine non-metastatic B16F0 and metastatic B16F10 cells and the human metastatic B-Raf mutant cell line SK-MEL-28, the combined cytotoxicity of both approaches was identified. The combined cytotoxicity of gas plasma treatment and nanoparticle exposure was consistent across all three cell lines for silica, silver, iron oxide, and cerium oxide. In contrast, for titanium oxide and iron-doped titanium oxide, significantly combined cytotoxicity was only observed in B16F10 cells.
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    Combining Biocompatible and Biodegradable Scaffolds and Cold Atmospheric Plasma for Chronic Wound Regeneration
    (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), 2021) Emmert, Steffen; Pantermehl, Sven; Foth, Aenne; Waletzko-Hellwig, Janine; Hellwig, Georg; Bader, Rainer; Illner, Sabine; Grabow, Niels; Bekeschus, Sander; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; Jung, Ole; Boeckmann, Lars
    Skin regeneration is a quite complex process. Epidermal differentiation alone takes about 30 days and is highly regulated. Wounds, especially chronic wounds, affect 2% to 3% of the elderly population and comprise a heterogeneous group of diseases. The prevailing reasons to develop skin wounds include venous and/or arterial circulatory disorders, diabetes, or constant pressure to the skin (decubitus). The hallmarks of modern wound treatment include debridement of dead tissue, disinfection, wound dressings that keep the wound moist but still allow air exchange, and compression bandages. Despite all these efforts there is still a huge treatment resistance and wounds will not heal. This calls for new and more efficient treatment options in combination with novel biocompatible skin scaffolds. Cold atmospheric pressure plasma (CAP) is such an innovative addition to the treatment armamentarium. In one CAP application, antimicrobial effects, wound acidification, enhanced microcirculations and cell stimulation can be achieved. It is evident that CAP treatment, in combination with novel bioengineered, biocompatible and biodegradable electrospun scaffolds, has the potential of fostering wound healing by promoting remodeling and epithelialization along such temporarily applied skin replacement scaffolds.
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    Patient-derived human basal and cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma tissues display apoptosis and immunomodulation following gas plasma exposure with a certified argon jet
    (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 2021) Saadati, Fariba; Moritz, Juliane; Berner, Julia; Freund, Eric; Miebach, Lea; Helfrich, Iris; Stoffels, Ingo; Emmert, Steffen; Bekeschus, Sander
    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) have been subject of increasing interest in the pathophysiology and therapy of cancers in recent years. In skin cancer, ROS are involved in UV-induced tumorigenesis and its targeted treatment via, e.g., photodynamic therapy. Another recent technology for topical ROS generation is cold physical plasma, a partially ionized gas expelling dozens of reactive species onto its treatment target. Gas plasma technology is accredited for its wound-healing abilities in Europe, and current clinical evidence suggests that it may have beneficial effects against actinic keratosis. Since the concept of hormesis dictates that low ROS levels perform signaling functions, while high ROS levels cause damage, we investigated herein the antitumor activity of gas plasma in non-melanoma skin cancer. In vitro, gas plasma exposure diminished the metabolic activity, preferentially in squamous cell carcinoma cell (SCC) lines compared to non-malignant HaCaT cells. In patient-derived basal cell carcinoma (BCC) and SCC samples treated with gas plasma ex vivo, increased apoptosis was found in both cancer types. Moreover, the immunomodulatory actions of gas plasma treatment were found affecting, e.g., the expression of CD86 and the number of regulatory T-cells. The supernatants of these ex vivo cultured tumors were quantitatively screened for cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors, identifying CCL5 and GM-CSF, molecules associated with skin cancer metastasis, to be markedly decreased. These findings suggest gas plasma treatment to be an interesting future technology for non-melanoma skin cancer topical therapy.
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    An Innovative Therapeutic Option for the Treatment of Skeletal Sarcomas: Elimination of Osteo- and Ewing’s Sarcoma Cells Using Physical Gas Plasma
    (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 2020) Jacoby, Josephine M.; Strakeljahn, Silas; Nitsch, Andreas; Bekeschus, Sander; Hinz, Peter; Mustea, Alexander; Ekkernkamp, Axel; Tzvetkov, Mladen V.; Haralambiev, Lyubomir; Stope, Matthias B.
    Osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma are the most common malignant bone tumors. Conventional therapies such as polychemotherapy, local surgery, and radiotherapy improve the clinical outcome for patients. However, they are accompanied by acute and chronic side effects that affect the quality of life of patients, motivating novel research lines on therapeutic options for the treatment of sarcomas. Previous experimental work with physical plasma operated at body temperature (cold atmospheric plasma, CAP) demonstrated anti-oncogenic effects on different cancer cell types. This study investigated the anti-cancer effect of CAP on two bone sarcoma entities, osteosarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma, which were represented by four cell lines (U2-OS, MNNG/HOS, A673, and RD-ES). A time-dependent anti-proliferative effect of CAP on all cell lines was observed. CAP-induced alterations in cell membrane functionality were detected by performing a fluorescein diacetate (FDA) release assay and an ATP release assay. Additionally, modifications of the cell membrane and modifications in the actin cytoskeleton composition were examined using fluorescence microscopy monitoring dextran-uptake assay and G-/F-actin distribution. Furthermore, the CAP-induced induction of apoptosis was determined by TUNEL and active caspases assays. The observations suggest that a single CAP treatment of bone sarcoma cells may have significant anti-oncogenic effects and thus may be a promising extension to existing applications. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    Inhibition of Angiogenesis by Treatment with Cold Atmospheric Plasma as a Promising Therapeutic Approach in Oncology
    (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 2020) Haralambiev, Lyubomir; Neuffer, Ole; Nitsch, Andreas; Kross, Nele C.; Bekeschus, Sander; Hinz, Peter; Mustea, Alexander; Ekkernkamp, Axel; Gümbel, Denis; Stope, Matthias B.
    Background: Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) is increasingly used in the field of oncology. Many of the mechanisms of action of CAP, such as inhibiting proliferation, DNA breakage, or the destruction of cell membrane integrity, have been investigated in many different types of tumors. In this regard, data are available from both in vivo and in vitro studies. Not only the direct treatment of a tumor but also the influence on its blood supply play a decisive role in the success of the therapy and the patient’s further prognosis. Whether the CAP influences this process is unknown, and the first indications in this regard are addressed in this study. Methods: Two different devices, kINPen and MiniJet, were used as CAP sources. Human endothelial cell line HDMEC were treated directly and indirectly with CAP, and growth kinetics were performed. To indicate apoptotic processes, caspase-3/7 assay and TUNEL assay were used. The influence of CAP on cellular metabolism was examined using the MTT and glucose assay. After CAP exposure, tube formation assay was performed to examine the capillary tube formation abilities of HDMEC and their migration was messured in separate assays. To investigate in a possible mutagenic effect of CAP treatment, a hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyl-transferase assay with non malignant cell (CCL-93) line was performed. Results: The direct CAP treatment of the HDMEC showed a robust growth-inhibiting effect, but the indirect one did not. The MMT assay showed an apparent reduction in cell metabolism in the first 24 h after CAP treatment, which appeared to normalize 48 h and 72 h after CAP application. These results were also confirmed by the glucose assay. The caspase 3/7 assay and TUNEL assay showed a significant increase in apoptotic processes in the HDMEC after CAP treatment. These results were independent of the CAP device. Both the migration and tube formation of HDMEC were significant inhibited after CAP-treatment. No malignant effects could be demonstrated by the CAP treatment on a non-malignant cell line. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    Combination of Gas Plasma and Radiotherapy Has Immunostimulatory Potential and Additive Toxicity in Murine Melanoma Cells In Vitro
    (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 2020) Pasqual-Melo, Gabriella; Sagwal, Sanjeev Kumar; Freund, Eric; Gandhirajan, Rajesh Kumar; Frey, Benjamin; von Woedtke, Thomas; Gaipl, Udo; Bekeschus, Sander
    Despite continuous advances in therapy, malignant melanoma is still among the deadliest types of cancer. At the same time, owing to its high plasticity and immunogenicity, melanoma is regarded as a model tumor entity when testing new treatment approaches. Cold physical plasma is a novel anticancer tool that utilizes a plethora of reactive oxygen species (ROS) being deposited on the target cells and tissues. To test whether plasma treatment would enhance the toxicity of an established antitumor therapy, ionizing radiation, we combined both physical treatment modalities targeting B16F10 murine melanoma cell in vitro. Repeated rather than single radiotherapy, in combination with gas plasma-introduced ROS, induced apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in an additive fashion. In tendency, gas plasma treatment sensitized the cells to subsequent radiotherapy rather than the other way around. This was concomitant with increased levels of TNFa, IL6, and GM-CSF in supernatants. Murine JAWS dendritic cells cultured in these supernatants showed an increased expression of cell surface activation markers, such as MHCII and CD83. For PD-L1 and PD-L2, increased expression was observed. Our results are the first to suggest an additive therapeutic effect of gas plasma and radiotherapy, and translational tumor models are needed to develop this concept further. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    Cold Atmospheric Plasma Treatment of Chondrosarcoma Cells Affects Proliferation and Cell Membrane Permeability
    (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International, 2020) Haralambiev, Lyubomir; Nitsch, Andreas; Jacoby, Josephine M.; Strakeljahn, Silas; Bekeschus, Sander; Mustea, Alexander; Ekkernkamp, Axel; Stope, Matthias B.
    Chondrosarcoma is the second most common malign bone tumor in adults. Surgical resection of the tumor is recommended because of its resistance to clinical treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Thus, the prognosis for patients mainly depends on sufficient surgical resection. Due to this, research on alternative therapies is needed. Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) is an ionized gas that contains various reactive species. Previous studies have shown an anti-oncogenic potential of CAP on different cancer cell types. The current study examined the effects of treatment with CAP on two chondrosarcoma cell lines (CAL-78, SW1353). Through proliferation assay, the cell growth after CAP-treatment was determined. A strong antiproliferative effect for both cell lines was detected. By fluorescein diacetate (FDA) assay and ATP release assay, alterations in the cell membrane and associated translocation of low molecular weight particles through the cytoplasmic membrane were observed. In supernatant, the non-membrane-permeable FDA and endogenously synthesized ATP detected suggest an increased membrane permeability after CAP treatment. Similar results were shown by the dextran-uptake assay. Furthermore, fluorescence microscopic G-/F-actin assay was performed. G-and F-actin were selectively dyed, and the ratio was measured. The presented results indicate CAP-induced changes in cell membrane function and possible alterations in actin-cytoskeleton, which may contribute to the antiproliferative effects of CAP. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    Argon Plasma Exposure Augments Costimulatory Ligands and Cytokine Release in Human Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells
    (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), 2021) Bekeschus, Sander; Meyer, Dorothee; Arlt, Kevin; von Woedtke, Thomas; Miebach, Lea; Freund, Eric; Clemen, Ramona
    Cold physical plasma is a partially ionized gas expelling many reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS). Several plasma devices have been licensed for medical use in dermatology, and recent experimental studies suggest their putative role in cancer treatment. In cancer therapies with an immunological dimension, successful antigen presentation and inflammation modulation is a key hallmark to elicit antitumor immunity. Dendritic cells (DCs) are critical for this task. However, the inflammatory consequences of DCs following plasma exposure are unknown. To this end, human monocyte-derived DCs (moDCs) were expanded from isolated human primary monocytes; exposed to plasma; and their metabolic activity, surface marker expression, and cytokine profiles were analyzed. As controls, hydrogen peroxide, hypochlorous acid, and peroxynitrite were used. Among all types of ROS/RNS-mediated treatments, plasma exposure exerted the most notable increase of activation markers at 24 h such as CD25, CD40, and CD83 known to be crucial for T cell costimulation. Moreover, the treatments increased interleukin (IL)-1α, IL-6, and IL-23. Altogether, this study suggests plasma treatment augmenting costimulatory ligand and cytokine expression in human moDCs, which might exert beneficial effects in the tumor microenvironment.