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    A Stable Manganese Pincer Catalyst for the Selective Dehydrogenation of Methanol
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2016-12-2) Andérez-Fernández, María; Vogt, Lydia K.; Fischer, Steffen; Zhou, Wei; Jiao, Haijun; Garbe, Marcel; Elangovan, Saravanakumar; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Ludwig, Ralf; Beller, Matthias
    For the first time, structurally defined manganese pincer complexes catalyze the dehydrogenation of aqueous methanol to hydrogen and carbon dioxide, which is a transformation of interest with regard to the implementation of a hydrogen and methanol economy. Excellent long-term stability was demonstrated for the Mn-PNPiPr catalyst, as a turnover of more than 20 000 was reached. In addition to methanol, other important hydrogen carriers were also successfully dehydrogenated.
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    Efficient and selective hydrogenation of amides to alcohols and amines using a well-defined manganese-PNN pincer complex
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2017) Papa, Veronica; Cabrero-Antonino, Jose R.; Alberico, Elisabetta; Spanneberg, Anke; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias
    Novel well-defined NNP and PNP manganese pincer complexes have been synthetized and fully characterized. The catalyst Mn-2 containing an imidazolyaminolphosphino ligand shows high activity and selectivity in the hydrogenation of a wide range of secondary and tertiary amides to the corresponding alcohols and amines, under relatively mild conditions. For the first time, more challenging substrates like primary aromatic amides including an actual herbicide can also be hydrogenated using this earth-abundant metal-based pincer catalyst.
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    An amino acid based system for CO2 capture and catalytic utilization to produce formates
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2021) Wei, Duo; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias
    Herein, we report a novel amino acid based reaction system for CO2 capture and utilization (CCU) to produce formates in the presence of the naturally occurring amino acid l-lysine. Utilizing a specific ruthenium-based catalyst system, hydrogenation of absorbed carbon dioxide occurs with high activity and excellent productivity. Noteworthy, following the CCU concept, CO2 can be captured from ambient air in the form of carbamates and converted directly to formates in one-pot (TON > 50 000). This protocol opens new potential for transforming captured CO2 from ambient air to C1-related products. © 2021 The Royal Society of Chemistry.
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    Towards a general ruthenium-catalyzed hydrogenation of secondary and tertiary amides to amines
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2016) Cabrero-Antonino, Jose R.; Alberico, Elisabetta; Junge, Kathrin; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias
    A broad range of secondary and tertiary amides has been hydrogenated to the corresponding amines under mild conditions using an in situ catalyst generated by combining [Ru(acac)3], 1,1,1-tris(diphenylphosphinomethyl)ethane (Triphos) and Yb(OTf)3. The presence of the metal triflate allows to mitigate reaction conditions compared to previous reports thus improving yields and selectivities in the desired amines. The excellent isolated yields of two scale-up experiments corroborate the feasibility of the reaction protocol. Control experiments indicate that, after the initial reduction of the amide carbonyl group, the reaction proceeds through the reductive amination of the alcohol with the amine arising from collapse of the intermediate hemiaminal.
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    Two-photon, visible light water splitting at a molecular ruthenium complex
    (Cambridge : RSC Publ., 2021) Schneidewind, Jacob; Argüello Cordero, Miguel A.; Junge, Henrik; Lochbrunner, Stefan; Beller, Matthias
    Water splitting to give molecular oxygen and hydrogen or the corresponding protons and electrons is a fundamental four-electron redox process, which forms the basis of photosynthesis and is a promising approach to convert solar into chemical energy. Artificial water splitting systems have struggled with orchestrating the kinetically complex absorption of four photons as well as the difficult utilization of visible light. Based on a detailed kinetic, spectroscopic and computational study of Milstein's ruthenium complex, we report a new mechanistic paradigm for water splitting, which requires only two photons and offers a new method to extend the range of usable wavelengths far into the visible region. We show that two-photon water splitting is enabled by absorption of the first, shorter wavelength photon, which produces an intermediate capable of absorbing the second, longer wavelength photon (up to 630 nm). The second absorption then causes O–O bond formation and liberation of O2. Theoretical modelling shows that two-photon water splitting can be used to achieve a maximum solar-to-hydrogen efficiency of 18.8%, which could be increased further to 28.6% through photochemical instead of thermal H2 release. It is therefore possible to exceed the maximum efficiency of dual absorber systems while only requiring a single catalyst. Due to the lower kinetic complexity, intrinsic utilization of a wide wavelength range and high-performance potential, we believe that this mechanism will inspire the development of a new class of water splitting systems that go beyond the reaction blueprint of photosynthesis.
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    Efficient Synthesis of Novel Plasticizers by Direct Palladium-Catalyzed Di- or Multi-carbonylations
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2022) Hu, Yuya; Sang, Rui; Vroemans, Robby; Mollaert, Guillaume; Razzaq, Rauf; Neumann, Helfried; Junge, Henrik; Franke, Robert; Jackstell, Ralf; Maes, Bert U. W.; Beller, Matthias
    Diesters are of fundamental importance in the chemical industry and are used for many applications, e.g. as plasticizers, surfactants, emulsifiers, and lubricants. Herein, we present a straightforward and efficient method for the selective synthesis of diesters via palladium-catalyzed direct carbonylation of di- or polyols with readily available alkenes. Key-to-success is the use of a specific palladium catalyst with the “built-in-base” ligand L16 providing esterification of all alcohols and a high n/iso ratio. The synthesized diesters were evaluated as potential plasticizers in PVC films by measuring the glass transition temperature (Tg) via differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
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    Earth-abundant photocatalytic systems for the visible-light-driven reduction of CO2 to CO
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2017) Rosas-Hernández, Alonso; Steinlechner, Christoph; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias
    Herein, we report a highly selective photocatalytic system, based on an in situ copper photosensitizer and an iron catalyst, for the reduction of CO2 to CO. Turnover numbers (TON) up to 487 (5 h) with selectivities up to 99% and ΦCO = 13.3% were observed. Stern-Volmer analysis allowed us to establish a reductive quenching mechanism between the Cu PS and electron donor.
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    Site-Selective Real-Time Observation of Bimolecular Electron Transfer in a Photocatalytic System Using L-Edge X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verl., 2021) Britz, Alexander; Bokarev, Sergey I.; Assefa, Tadesse A.; Bajnóczi, Èva G.; Németh, Zoltán; Vankó, György; Rockstroh, Nils; Junge, Henrik; Beller, Matthias; Doumy, Gilles; March, Anne Marie; Southworth, Stephen H.; Lochbrunner, Stefan; Kühn, Oliver; Bressler, Christian; Gawelda, Wojciech
    Time-resolved X-ray absorption spectroscopy has been utilized to monitor the bimolecular electron transfer in a photocatalytic water splitting system. This has been possible by uniting the local probe and element specific character of X-ray transitions with insights from high-level ab initio calculations. The specific target has been a heteroleptic [IrIII (ppy)2 (bpy)]+ photosensitizer, in combination with triethylamine as a sacrificial reductant and Fe3(CO)12 as a water reduction catalyst. The relevant molecular transitions have been characterized via high-resolution Ir L-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy on the picosecond time scale and restricted active space self-consistent field calculations. The presented methods and results will enhance our understanding of functionally relevant bimolecular electron transfer reactions and thus will pave the road to rational optimization of photocatalytic performance.
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    Intermetallic nickel silicide nanocatalyst—A non-noble metal–based general hydrogenation catalyst
    (Washington, DC [u.a.] : Assoc., 2018) Ryabchuk, Pavel; Agostini, Giovanni; Pohl, Marga-Martina; Lund, Henrik; Agapova, Anastasiya; Junge, Henrik; Junge, Kathrin; Beller, Matthias
    Hydrogenation reactions are essential processes in the chemical industry, giving access to a variety of valuable compounds including fine chemicals, agrochemicals, and pharmachemicals. On an industrial scale, hydrogenations are typically performed with precious metal catalysts or with base metal catalysts, such as Raney nickel, which requires special handling due to its pyrophoric nature. We report a stable and highly active intermetallic nickel silicide catalyst that can be used for hydrogenations of a wide range of unsaturated compounds. The catalyst is prepared via a straightforward procedure using SiO2 as the silicon atom source. The process involves thermal reduction of Si–O bonds in the presence of Ni nanoparticles at temperatures below 1000°C. The presence of silicon as a secondary component in the nickel metal lattice plays the key role in its properties and is of crucial importance for improved catalytic activity. This novel catalyst allows for efficient reduction of nitroarenes, carbonyls, nitriles, N-containing heterocycles, and unsaturated carbon–carbon bonds. Moreover, the reported catalyst can be used for oxidation reactions in the presence of molecular oxygen and is capable of promoting acceptorless dehydrogenation of unsaturated N-containing heterocycles, opening avenues for H2 storage in organic compounds. The generality of the nickel silicide catalyst is demonstrated in the hydrogenation of over a hundred of structurally diverse unsaturated compounds. The wide application scope and high catalytic activity of this novel catalyst make it a nice alternative to known general hydrogenation catalysts, such as Raney nickel and noble metal–based catalysts.