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    Efficient methylation of anilines with methanol catalysed by cyclometalated ruthenium complexes
    (London : RSC Publ., 2021) Piehl, Patrick; Amuso, Roberta; Spannenberg, Anke; Gabriele, Bartolo; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias
    Cyclometalated ruthenium complexes4-10allow the effective methylation of anilines with methanol to selectively giveN-methylanilines. This hydrogen autotransfer procedure proceeds under mild conditions (60 °C) in a practical manner (NaOH as base). Mechanistic investigations suggest an active homogenous ruthenium complex and β-hydride elimination of methanol as the rate determining step. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021.
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    Activation of perfluoroalkyl iodides by anions: extending the scope of halogen bond activation to C(sp3)-H amidation, C(sp2)-H iodination, and perfluoroalkylation reactions
    (Cambridge : RSC Publishing, 2023) Wang, Yaxin; Cao, Zehui; He, Qin; Huang, Xin; Liu, Jiaxi; Neumann, Helfried; Chen, Gong; Beller, Matthias
    A simple, efficient, and convenient activation of perfluoroalkyl iodides by tBuONa or KOH, without expensive photo- or transition metal catalysts, allows the promotion of versatile a-sp3 C-H amidation reactions of alkyl ethers and benzylic hydrocarbons, C-H iodination of heteroaryl compounds, and perfluoroalkylations of electron-rich p bonds. Mechanistic studies show that these novel protocols are based on the halogen bond interaction between perfluoroalkyl iodides and tBuONa or KOH, which promote homolysis of perfluoroalkyl iodides under mild conditions.
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    Cooperative catalytic methoxycarbonylation of alkenes: Uncovering the role of palladium complexes with hemilabile ligands
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2018) Dong, Kaiwu; Sang, Rui; Wei, Zhihong; Liu, Jie; Dühren, Ricarda; Spannenberg, Anke; Jiao, Haijun; Neumann, Helfried; Jackstell, Ralf; Franke, Robert; Beller, Matthias
    Mechanistic studies of the catalyst [Pd2(dba)3/1,1′-bis(tert-butyl(pyridin-2-yl)phosphanyl)ferrocene, L2] for olefin alkoxycarbonylation reactions are described. X-ray crystallography reveals the coordination of the pyridyl nitrogen atom in L2 to the palladium center of the catalytic intermediates. DFT calculations on the elementary steps of the industrially relevant carbonylation of ethylene (the Lucite α-process) indicate that the protonated pyridyl moiety is formed immediately, which facilitates the formation of the active palladium hydride complex. The insertion of ethylene and CO into this intermediate leads to the corresponding palladium acyl species, which is kinetically reversible. Notably, this key species is stabilized by the hemilabile coordination of the pyridyl nitrogen atom in L2. The rate-determining alcoholysis of the acyl palladium complex is substantially facilitated by metal-ligand cooperation. Specifically, the deprotonation of the alcohol by the built-in base of the ligand allows a facile intramolecular nucleophilic attack on the acyl palladium species concertedly. Kinetic measurements support this mechanistic proposal and show that the rate of the carbonylation step is zero-order dependent on ethylene and CO. Comparing CH3OD and CH3OH as nucleophiles suggests the involvement of (de)protonation in the rate-determining step.
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    Manganese-catalyzed selective C–H activation and deuteration by means of a catalytic transient directing group strategy
    (London : Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), 2021) Kopf, Sara; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias
    A novel manganese-catalyzed C-H activation methodology for selective hydrogen isotope exchange of benzaldehydes is presented. Using D2O as a cheap and convenient source of deuterium, the reaction proceeds with excellent functional group tolerance. Highortho-selectivity is achieved in the presence of catalytic amounts of specific amines, whichin situform a transient directing group. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2021.
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    Efficient Synthesis of Novel Plasticizers by Direct Palladium-Catalyzed Di- or Multi-carbonylations
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2022) Hu, Yuya; Sang, Rui; Vroemans, Robby; Mollaert, Guillaume; Razzaq, Rauf; Neumann, Helfried; Junge, Henrik; Franke, Robert; Jackstell, Ralf; Maes, Bert U. W.; Beller, Matthias
    Diesters are of fundamental importance in the chemical industry and are used for many applications, e.g. as plasticizers, surfactants, emulsifiers, and lubricants. Herein, we present a straightforward and efficient method for the selective synthesis of diesters via palladium-catalyzed direct carbonylation of di- or polyols with readily available alkenes. Key-to-success is the use of a specific palladium catalyst with the “built-in-base” ligand L16 providing esterification of all alcohols and a high n/iso ratio. The synthesized diesters were evaluated as potential plasticizers in PVC films by measuring the glass transition temperature (Tg) via differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
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    Ruthenium-Catalyzed Deuteration of Aromatic Carbonyl Compounds with a Catalytic Transient Directing Group
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Kopf, Sara; Ye, Fei; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias
    A novel ruthenium-catalyzed C−H activation methodology for hydrogen isotope exchange of aromatic carbonyl compounds is presented. In the presence of catalytic amounts of specific amine additives, a transient directing group is formed in situ, which directs selective deuteration. A high degree of deuteration is achieved for α-carbonyl and aromatic ortho-positions. In addition, appropriate choice of conditions allows for exclusive labeling of the α-carbonyl position while a procedure for the preparation of merely ortho-deuterated compounds is also reported. This methodology proceeds with good functional group tolerance and can be also applied for deuteration of pharmaceutical drugs. Mechanistic studies reveal a kinetic isotope effect of 2.2, showing that the C−H activation is likely the rate-determining step of the catalytic cycle. Using deuterium oxide as a cheap and convenient source of deuterium, the methodology presents a cost-efficient alternative to state-of-the-art iridium-catalyzed procedures. © 2021 The Authors. Chemistry - A European Journal published by Wiley-VCH GmbH