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Controlling Optical and Catalytic Activity of Genetically Engineered Proteins by Ultrasound

2021, Zhou, Yu, Huo, Shuaidong, Loznik, Mark, Göstl, Robert, Boersma, Arnold J., Herrmann, Andreas

Ultrasound (US) produces cavitation-induced mechanical forces stretching and breaking polymer chains in solution. This type of polymer mechanochemistry is widely used for synthetic polymers, but not biomacromolecules, even though US is biocompatible and commonly used for medical therapy as well as in vivo imaging. The ability to control protein activity by US would thus be a major stepping-stone for these disciplines. Here, we provide the first examples of selective protein activation and deactivation by means of US. Using GFP as a model system, we engineer US sensitivity into proteins by design. The incorporation of long and highly charged domains enables the efficient transfer of force to the protein structure. We then use this principle to activate the catalytic activity of trypsin by inducing the release of its inhibitor. We expect that this concept to switch “on” and “off” protein activity by US will serve as a blueprint to remotely control other bioactive molecules. © 2020 The Authors. Angewandte Chemie International Edition published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

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Activation of the Catalytic Activity of Thrombin for Fibrin Formation by Ultrasound

2021, Zhao, Pengkun, Huo, Shuaidong, Fan, Jilin, Chen, Junlin, Kiessling, Fabian, Boersma, Arnold J., Göstl, Robert, Herrmann, Andreas

The regulation of enzyme activity is a method to control biological function. We report two systems enabling the ultrasound-induced activation of thrombin, which is vital for secondary hemostasis. First, we designed polyaptamers, which can specifically bind to thrombin, inhibiting its catalytic activity. With ultrasound generating inertial cavitation and therapeutic medical focused ultrasound, the interactions between polyaptamer and enzyme are cleaved, restoring the activity to catalyze the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin. Second, we used split aptamers conjugated to the surface of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs). In the presence of thrombin, these assemble into an aptamer tertiary structure, induce AuNP aggregation, and deactivate the enzyme. By ultrasonication, the AuNP aggregates reversibly disassemble releasing and activating the enzyme. We envision that this approach will be a blueprint to control the function of other proteins by mechanical stimuli in the sonogenetics field. © 2021 The Authors. Angewandte Chemie International Edition published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

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DNA Nanotechnology Enters Cell Membranes

2019, Huo, Shuaidong, Li, Hongyan, Boersma, Arnold J., Herrmann, Andreas

DNA is more than a carrier of genetic information: It is a highly versatile structural motif for the assembly of nanostructures, giving rise to a wide range of functionalities. In this regard, the structure programmability is the main advantage of DNA over peptides, proteins, and small molecules. DNA amphiphiles, in which DNA is covalently bound to synthetic hydrophobic moieties, allow interactions of DNA nanostructures with artificial lipid bilayers and cell membranes. These structures have seen rapid growth with great potential for medical applications. In this Review, the current state of the art of the synthesis of DNA amphiphiles and their assembly into nanostructures are first summarized. Next, an overview on the interaction of these DNA amphiphiles with membranes is provided, detailing on the driving forces and the stability of the interaction. Moreover, the interaction with cell surfaces in respect to therapeutics, biological sensing, and cell membrane engineering is highlighted. Finally, the challenges and an outlook on this promising class of DNA hybrid materials are discussed.