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Decreased Effective Macromolecular Crowding in Escherichia coli Adapted to Hyperosmotic Stress

2019, Liu, Boqun, Hasrat, Zarief, Poolman, Bert, Boersma, Arnold J., Mullineaux, Conrad W.

Escherichia coli adapts to changing environmental osmolality to survive and maintain growth. It has been shown that the diffusion of green fluorescent protein (GFP) in cells adapted to osmotic upshifts is higher than expected from the increase in biopolymer volume fraction. To better understand the physicochemical state of the cytoplasm in adapted cells, we now follow the macromolecular crowding during adaptation with fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based sensors. We apply an osmotic upshift and find that after an initial increase, the apparent crowding decreases over the course of hours to arrive at a value lower than that before the osmotic upshift. Crowding relates to cell volume until cell division ensues, after which a transition in the biochemical organization occurs. Analysis of single cells by microfluidics shows that changes in cell volume, elongation, and division are most likely not the cause for the transition in organization. We further show that the decrease in apparent crowding upon adaptation is similar to the apparent crowding in energy-depleted cells. Based on our findings in combination with literature data, we suggest that adapted cells have indeed an altered biochemical organization of the cytoplasm, possibly due to different effective particle size distributions and concomitant nanoscale heterogeneity. This could potentially be a general response to accommodate higher biopolymer fractions yet retaining crowding homeostasis, and it could apply to other species or conditions as well.IMPORTANCE Bacteria adapt to ever-changing environmental conditions such as osmotic stress and energy limitation. It is not well understood how biomolecules reorganize themselves inside Escherichia coli under these conditions. An altered biochemical organization would affect macromolecular crowding, which could influence reaction rates and diffusion of macromolecules. In cells adapted to osmotic upshift, protein diffusion is indeed faster than expected on the basis of the biopolymer volume fraction. We now probe the effects of macromolecular crowding in cells adapted to osmotic stress or depleted in metabolic energy with a genetically encoded fluorescence-based probe. We find that the effective macromolecular crowding in adapted and energy-depleted cells is lower than in unstressed cells, indicating major alterations in the biochemical organization of the cytoplasm.

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Molecular Brightness Approach for FRET Analysis of Donor-Linker-Acceptor Constructs at the Single Molecule Level: A Concept

2021, Kay, Taryn M., Aplin, Cody P., Simonet, Rowan, Beenken, Julie, Miller, Robert C., Libal, Christin, Boersma, Arnold J., Sheets, Erin D., Heikal, Ahmed A.

In this report, we have developed a simple approach using single-detector fluorescence autocorrelation spectroscopy (FCS) to investigate the Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) of genetically encoded, freely diffusing crTC2.1 (mTurquoise2.1-linker-mCitrine) at the single molecule level. We hypothesize that the molecular brightness of the freely diffusing donor (mTurquoise2.1) in the presence of the acceptor (mCitrine) is lower than that of the donor alone due to FRET. To test this hypothesis, the fluorescence fluctuation signal and number of molecules of freely diffusing construct were measured using FCS to calculate the molecular brightness of the donor, excited at 405 nm and detected at 475/50 nm, in the presence and absence of the acceptor. Our results indicate that the molecular brightness of cleaved crTC2.1 in a buffer is larger than that of the intact counterpart under 405-nm excitation. The energy transfer efficiency at the single molecule level is larger and more spread in values as compared with the ensemble-averaging time-resolved fluorescence measurements. In contrast, the molecular brightness of the intact crTC2.1, under 488 nm excitation of the acceptor (531/40 nm detection), is the same or slightly larger than that of the cleaved counterpart. These FCS-FRET measurements on freely diffusing donor-acceptor pairs are independent of the precise time constants associated with autocorrelation curves due to the presence of potential photophysical processes. Ultimately, when used in living cells, the proposed approach would only require a low expression level of these genetically encoded constructs, helping to limit potential interference with the cell machinery.

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The more the merrier: effects of macromolecular crowding on the structure and dynamics of biological membranes

2020, Löwe, Maryna, Kalacheva, Milara, Boersma, Arnold J., Kedrov, Alexej

Proteins are essential and abundant components of cellular membranes. Being densely packed within the limited surface area, proteins fulfil essential tasks for life, which include transport, signalling and maintenance of cellular homeostasis. The high protein density promotes nonspecific interactions, which affect the dynamics of the membrane-associated processes, but also contribute to higher levels of membrane organization. Here, we provide a comprehensive summary of the most recent findings of diverse effects resulting from high protein densities in both living membranes and reconstituted systems and display why the crowding phenomenon should be considered and assessed when studying cellular pathways. Biochemical, biophysical and computational studies reveal effects of crowding on the translational mobility of proteins and lipids, oligomerization and clustering of integral membrane proteins, and also folding and aggregation of proteins at the lipid membrane interface. The effects of crowding pervade to larger length scales, where interfacial and transmembrane crowding shapes the lipid membrane. Finally, we discuss the design and development of fluorescence-based sensors for macromolecular crowding and the perspectives to use those in application to cellular membranes and suggest some emerging topics in studying crowding at biological interfaces. © 2020 The Authors. The FEBS Journal published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Federation of European Biochemical Societies