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Room temperature single-step synthesis of metal decorated boron-rich nanowires via laser ablation

2019, Gonzalez-Martinez, I.G., Bachmatiuk, A., Gemming, T., Cuniberti, G., Trzebicka, B., Rummeli, M.H.

Hybrid nanostructures, such as those with nanoparticles anchored on the surface of nanowires, or decorated nanowires, have a large number of potential and tested applications such as: gas sensing, catalysis, plasmonic waveguides, supercapacitors and more. The downside of these nanostructures is their production. Generally, multi-step synthesis procedures are used, with the nanowires and the nanoparticles typically produced separately and then integrated. The few existent single-step methods are lengthy or necessitate highly dedicated setups. In this paper we report a single-step and rapid (ca. 1 min) laser ablation synthesis method which produces a wide variety of boron-rich decorated nanowires. Furthermore, the method is carried at room temperature. The synthesis process consists on a filamentary jet ejection process driven by pressure gradients generated by the ablation plume on the rims of the irradiation crater. Simultaneously nanoparticles are nucleated and deposited on the filaments thus producing hybrid decorated nanowires.

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Applications of 2D-Layered Palladium Diselenide and Its van der Waals Heterostructures in Electronics and Optoelectronics

2021, Wang, Y., Pang, J., Cheng, Q., Han, L., Li, Y., Meng, X., Ibarlucea, B., Zhao, H., Yang, F., Liu, H., Liu, H., Zhou, W., Wang, X., Rümmeli, M., Zhang, Y., Cuniberti, G.

The rapid development of two-dimensional (2D) transition-metal dichalcogenides has been possible owing to their special structures and remarkable properties. In particular, palladium diselenide (PdSe2) with a novel pentagonal structure and unique physical characteristics have recently attracted extensive research interest. Consequently, tremendous research progress has been achieved regarding the physics, chemistry, and electronics of PdSe2. Accordingly, in this review, we recapitulate and summarize the most recent research on PdSe2, including its structure, properties, synthesis, and applications. First, a mechanical exfoliation method to obtain PdSe2 nanosheets is introduced, and large-area synthesis strategies are explained with respect to chemical vapor deposition and metal selenization. Next, the electronic and optoelectronic properties of PdSe2 and related heterostructures, such as field-effect transistors, photodetectors, sensors, and thermoelectric devices, are discussed. Subsequently, the integration of systems into infrared image sensors on the basis of PdSe2 van der Waals heterostructures is explored. Finally, future opportunities are highlighted to serve as a general guide for physicists, chemists, materials scientists, and engineers. Therefore, this comprehensive review may shed light on the research conducted by the 2D material community.

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Magnetoresistive emulsion analyzer

2013, Lin, G., Baraban, L., Han, L., Karnaushenko, D., Makarov, D., Cuniberti, G., Schmidt, O.G.

We realize a magnetoresistive emulsion analyzer capable of detection, multiparametric analysis and sorting of ferrofluid-containing nanoliter-droplets. The operation of the device in a cytometric mode provides high throughput and quantitative information about the dimensions and magnetic content of the emulsion. Our method offers important complementarity to conventional optical approaches involving ferrofluids, and paves the way to the development of novel compact tools for diagnostics and nanomedicine including drug design and screening.