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    Compact high-power shipborne doppler lidar based on high spectral resolution techniques
    (Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, 2018) Wu, Songhua; Liu, Bingyi; Dai, Guangyao; Qin, Shenguang; Liu, Jintao; Zhang, Kailin; Feng, Changzhong; Zhai, Xiaochun; Song, Xiaoquan; Nicolae, D.; Makoto, A.; Vassilis, A.; Balis, D.; Behrendt, A.; Comeron, A.; Gibert, F.; Landulfo, E.; McCormick, M.P.; Senff, C.; Veselovskii, I.; Wandinger, U.
    The Compact High-Power Shipborne Doppler Wind Lidar (CHiPSDWiL) based on highspectral-resolution technique has been built up at the Ocean University of China for the measurement of the wind field and the properties of the aerosol and clouds in the troposphere. The design of the CHiPSDWiL including the transceiver, the injection seeding, the locking and the frequency measurement will be presented. Preliminary results measured by the CHiPSDWiL are provided.
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    Statistics of optical and geometrical properties of cirrus cloud over tibetan plateau measured by lidar and radiosonde
    (Les Ulis : EDP Sciences, 2018) Dai, Guangyao; Wu, Songhua; Song, Xiaoquan; Zhai, Xiaochun; Nicolae, D.; Makoto, A.; Vassilis, A.; Balis, D.; Behrendt, A.; Comeron, A.; Gibert, F.; Landulfo, E.; McCormick, M.P.; Senff, C.; Veselovskii, I.; Wandinger, U.
    Cirrus clouds affect the energy budget and hydrological cycle of the earth's atmosphere. The Tibetan Plateau (TP) plays a significant role in the global and regional climate. Optical and geometrical properties of cirrus clouds in the TP were measured in July-August 2014 by lidar and radiosonde. The statistics and temperature dependences of the corresponding properties are analyzed. The cirrus cloud formations are discussed with respect to temperature deviation and dynamic processes.