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Copper Iodide on Spacer Fabrics as Textile Thermoelectric Device for Energy Generation

2022, Schmidl, Gabriele, Jia, Guobin, Gawlik, Annett, Lorenz, Philipp, Zieger, Gabriel, Dellith, Jan, Diegel, Marco, Plentz, Jonathan

The integration of electronic functionalities into textiles for use as wearable sensors, energy harvesters, or coolers has become increasingly important in recent years. A special focus is on efficient thermoelectric materials. Copper iodide as a p-type thermoelectrically active, nontoxic material is attractive for energy harvesting and energy generation because of its transparency and possible high-power factor. The deposition of CuI on polyester spacer fabrics by wet chemical processes represents a great potential for use in textile industry for example as flexible thermoelectric energy generators in the leisure or industrial sector as well as in medical technologies. The deposited material on polyester yarn is investigated by electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction and by thermoelectric measurements. The Seebeck coefficient was observed between 112 and 153 µV/K in a temperature range between 30 °C and 90 °C. It is demonstrated that the maximum output power reached 99 nW at temperature difference of 65.5 K with respect to room temperature for a single textile element. However, several elements can be connected in series and the output power can be linear upscaled. Thus, CuI coated on 3D spacer fabrics can be attractive to fabricate thermoelectric devices especially in the lower temperature range for textile medical or leisure applications.

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Combining super-resolution microcopy with neuronal network recording using magnesium fluoride thin films as cover layer for multi-electrode array technology

2019, Schmidl, Lars, Schmidl, Gabriele, Gawlik, Annett, Dellith, Jan, Hübner, Uwe, Tympel, Volker, Schmidl, Frank, Plentz, Jonathan, Geis, Christian, Haselmann, Holger

We present an approach for fabrication of reproducible, chemically and mechanically robust functionalized layers based on MgF2 thin films on thin glass substrates. These show great advantages for use in super-resolution microscopy as well as for multi-electrode-array fabrication and are especially suited for combination of these techniques. The transparency of the coated substrates with the low refractive index material is adjustable by the layer thickness and can be increased above 92%. Due to the hydrophobic and lipophilic properties of the thin crystalline MgF2 layers, the temporal stable adhesion needed for fixation of thin tissue, e.g. cryogenic brain slices is given. This has been tested using localization-based super-resolution microscopy with currently highest spatial resolution in light microscopy. We demonstrated that direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy revealed in reliable imaging of structures of central synapses by use of double immunostaining of post- (homer1 and GluA2) and presynaptic (bassoon) marker structure in a 10 µm brain slice without additional fixing of the slices. Due to the proven additional electrical insulating effect of MgF2 layers, surfaces of multi-electrode-arrays were coated with this material and tested by voltage-current-measurements. MgF2 coated multi-electrode-arrays can be used as a functionalized microscope cover slip for combination with live-cell super-resolution microscopy.

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Fabrication of self-assembled spherical Gold Particles by pulsed UV Laser Treatment

2018, Schmidl, Gabriele, Jia, Guobin, Gawlik, Annett, Kreusch, Jonathan, Schmidl, Frank, Dellith, Jan, Dathe, André, Lin, Zhan-Hong, Huang, Jer-Shing, Plentz, Jonathan

We report on the fabrication of spherical Au spheres by pulsed laser treatment using a KrF excimer laser (248 nm, 25 ns) under ambient conditions as a fast and high throughput fabrication technique. The presented experiments were realized using initial Au layers of 100 nm thickness deposited on optically transparent and low cost Borofloat glass or single-crystalline SrTiO3 substrates, respectively. High (111)-orientation and smoothness (RMS ≈ 1 nm) are the properties of the deposited Au layers before laser treatment. After laser treatment, spheres with size distribution ranging from hundreds of nanometers up to several micrometers were produced. Single-particle scattering spectra with distinct plasmonic resonance peaks are presented to reveal the critical role of optimal irradiation parameters in the process of laser induced particle self-assembly. The variation of irradiation parameters like fluence and number of laser pulses influences the melting, dewetting and solidification process of the Au layers and thus the formation of extremely well shaped spherical particles. The gold layers on Borofloat glass and SrTiO3 are found to show a slightly different behavior under laser treatment. We also discuss the effect of substrates.We report on the fabrication of spherical Au spheres by pulsed laser treatment using a KrF excimer laser (248 nm, 25 ns) under ambient conditions as a fast and high throughput fabrication technique. The presented experiments were realized using initial Au layers of 100 nm thickness deposited on optically transparent and low cost Borofloat glass or single-crystalline SrTiO3 substrates, respectively. High (111)-orientation and smoothness (RMS ≈ 1 nm) are the properties of the deposited Au layers before laser treatment. After laser treatment, spheres with size distribution ranging from hundreds of nanometers up to several micrometers were produced. Single-particle scattering spectra with distinct plasmonic resonance peaks are presented to reveal the critical role of optimal irradiation parameters in the process of laser induced particle self-assembly. The variation of irradiation parameters like fluence and number of laser pulses influences the melting, dewetting and solidification process of the Au layers and thus the formation of extremely well shaped spherical particles. The gold layers on Borofloat glass and SrTiO3 are found to show a slightly different behavior under laser treatment. We also discuss the effect of substrates.