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    Asymptotic pulse shapes in filamentary propagation of intense femtosecond pulses
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2008) Krüger, Carsten; Demircan, Ayhan; Steinmeyer, Günter
    Self-compression of intense ultrashort laser pulses inside a self-guided filament is discussed. The filament self-guiding mechanism requires a balance between diffraction, plasma self-defocusing and Kerr-type self-focusing, which gives rise to asymptotic intensity profiles on axis of the filament. The asymptotic solutions appear as the dominant pulse shaping mechanism in the leading part of the pulse, causing a pinch of the photon density close to zero delay, which substantiates as pulse compression. The simple analytical model is backed up by numerical simulations, confirming the prevalence of spatial coupling mechanisms and explaining the emerging inhomogeneous spatial structure. Numerical simulations confirm that only spatial effects alone may already give rise to filament formation. Consequently, self-compression is explained by a dynamic balance between two optical nonlinearities, giving rise to soliton-like pulse formation inside the filament.
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    Effect of higher-order dispersion on modulation instability, soliton propagation and pulse splitting
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2007) Demircan, Ayhan; Pietrzyk, Monika; Bandelow, Uwe
    By solving numerically the extended nonlinear Schrödinger equation we investigate the influence of higher-order dispersion effects on the propagation of optical pulses in highly nonlinear fibers. In the anomalous dispersion regime third-order dispersion can, in general, induce soliton fission and yields asymmetric spectra, whereas modulation instability can be slightly suppressed. In the normal dispersion regime we demonstrate pulse splitting by third-order dispersion, as well as its later suppression by fourth-order dispersion.
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    Hamiltonian structure of propagation equations for ultrashort optical pulses
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2009) Amiranashvili, Shalva; Demircan, Ayhan
    A Hamiltonian framework is developed for a sequence of ultrashort optical pulses propagating in a nonlinear dispersive medium. To this end a second-order nonlinear wave equation is first simplified using an unidirectional approximation. All non-resonant nonlinear terms are then rigorously eliminated using a suitable change of variables in the spirit of the canonical perturbation theory. The derived propagation equation operates with a properly defined complexification of the real electric field. It accounts for arbitrary dispersion, four-wave mixing processes, weak absorption, and arbitrary pulse duration. Thereafter the so called normal variables, i.e., classical fields corresponding to the quantum creation and annihilation operators, are introduced. Neglecting absorption we finally derive the Hamiltonian formulation. The latter yields the most essential integrals of motion for the pulse propagation. These integrals reflect the time-averaged fluxes of energy, momentum, and classical photon number transferred by the pulse. The conservation laws are further used to control the numerical solutions when calculating supercontinuum generation by an ultrashort optical pulse.
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    Plasma induced pulse breaking in filamentary self-compression
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2009) Brée, Carsten; Demircan, Ayhan; Skupin, Stefan; Berg´e, Luc; Steinmeyer, Günter
    A plasma induced temporal break-up in filamentary propagation has recently been identified as one of the key events in the temporal self-compression of femtosecond laser pulses. An analysis of the Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation coupled to a noninstantaneous plasma response yields a set of stationary states. This analysis clearly indicates that the emergence of double-hump, characteristically asymmetric temporal on-axis intensity profiles in regimes where plasma defocusing saturates the optical collapse caused by Kerr self-focusing is an inherent property of the underlying dynamical model.
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    Compression limit by third-order dispersion in the normal dispersion regime
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2006) Demircan, Ayhan; Kroh, Marcel; Bandelow, Uwe; Hüttl, Bernd; Weber, Hans-Georg
    Broad-band continua at gigahertz rates generated in high-nonlinear dispersion flattened fibers in the normal dispersion regime near the zero-dispersion wavelength can be used for a subsequent efficient pulse compression, leading to stable high-repetition-rate trains of femtosecond pulses. We show experimentally and theoretically that third-order dispersion defines a critical power, where beyond further compression is inhibited. This fundamental limit is caused by a pulse-breakup.
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    Method for computing the nonlinear refractive index via Keldysh theory
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2008) Brée, Carsten; Demircan, Ayhan; Steinmeyer, Günter
    By making use of the multiphoton limit of Keldysh theory, we show that for the case of two-photon absorption a Kramers-Kronig expansion can be used to calculate the nonlinear refractive index for different wavelenghts. We apply this method to various inert gases and compare the obtained numerical values to different experimental and theoretical results for the dispersion of the Kerr nonlinearity.
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    Analysis of the interplay between soliton fission and modulation instability in supercontinuum generation
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2006) Demircan, Ayhan; Bandelow, Uwe
    We investigate the generation mechanisms for ultrawide spectra in nonlinear optical fibers. Soliton fission and modulation instability represent fundamental mechanisms for the generation process. The primary origin of the spectral broadening changes with the pump-pulse duration. Soliton fission dominates for low input power and short pulses. Its efficiency for supercontinuum generation and especially the extend to the blue side can be increased by proper design of the dispersion profile. The modulation instability has a strong impact for high input powers and greatly enhances the generation process, but leads to a degradation of the coherence properties. Also for short pulses with durations of 60 fs the modulation instability is present and can hardly be suppressed. The interplay between these two effects leads to various characteristics of the resulting spectra, which are modified by to the relative impact of the modulation instability.
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    Limit for pulse compression by pulse splitting
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2006) Demircan, Ayhan; Bandelow, Uwe
    We have detected a fundamental pulse-compression limit for high-nonlinear fibers in the normal dispersion regime near the zero-dispersion wavelength. The desired generation of a broadband continuum by self-phase modulation is limited by already small amounts of third-order dispersion, which results in pulse splitting above a critical pulse power. We investigate the critical fiber length in dependence on pulse- and fiber parameters.
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    Simulation of pulse propagation in nonlinear optical fibers
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2003) Bandelow, Uwe; Demircan, Ayhan; Kesting, Martin
    We solve numerically a generalized nonlinear Schroedinger equation by using a pseudospectral method. Integration is performed by using an eight-order Runge-Kutta scheme. The numerical method therefore differs from the commonly used split-step method. Effects such as the impact of group velocity dispersion (GVD) up to fourth-order dispersion, self phase modulation (SPM), self-steepening and intrapulse Raman scattering can be investigated with the code. Examples for the above effects are demonstrated, as well as their interplay in the context of soliton propagation and sub-picosecond pulses.
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    Non-Raman redshift by pulse splitting in the normal dispersion regime
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2007) Demircan, Ayhan; Kroh, Marcel; Bandelow, Uwe
    While usually the generation of a Stokes component is attributed to Raman scattering, we present here experimentally and numerically a more fundamental mechanism which can be explained by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation alone. It can be employed to excite new frequency components on the red side, by using pulse splitting in the normal dispersion regime.