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Statistical Analysis of Scanning Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy Data Differentiates Free from Hindered Diffusion

2018-7-20, Schneider, Falk, Waithe, Dominic, Lagerholm, B. Christoffer, Shrestha, Dilip, Sezgin, Erdinc, Eggeling, Christian, Fritzsche, Marco

Cells rely on versatile diffusion dynamics in their plasma membrane. Quantification of this often heterogeneous diffusion is essential to the understanding of cell regulation and function. Yet such measurements remain a major challenge in cell biology, usually due to low sampling throughput, a necessity for dedicated equipment, sophisticated fluorescent label strategies, and limited sensitivity. Here, we introduce a robust, broadly applicable statistical analysis pipeline for large scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy data sets, which uncovers the nanoscale heterogeneity of the plasma membrane in living cells by differentiating free from hindered diffusion modes of fluorescent lipid and protein analogues.

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Complementary studies of lipid membrane dynamics using iSCAT and super-resolved fluorescence correlation spectroscopy

2018, Reina, Francesco, Galiani, Silvia, Shrestha, Dilip, Sezgin, Erdinc, de Wit, Gabrielle, Cole, Daniel, Christoffer Lagerholm, B., Kukura, Philipp, Eggeling, Christian

Observation techniques with high spatial and temporal resolution, such as single-particle tracking based on interferometric scattering (iSCAT) microscopy, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy applied on a super-resolution STED microscope (STED-FCS), have revealed new insights of the molecular organization of membranes. While delivering complementary information, there are still distinct differences between these techniques, most prominently the use of fluorescent dye tagged probes for STED-FCS and a need for larger scattering gold nanoparticle tags for iSCAT. In this work, we have used lipid analogues tagged with a hybrid fluorescent tag–gold nanoparticle construct, to directly compare the results from STED-FCS and iSCAT measurements of phospholipid diffusion on a homogeneous supported lipid bilayer (SLB). These comparative measurements showed that while the mode of diffusion remained free, at least at the spatial (>40 nm) and temporal (50  ⩽  t  ⩽  100 ms) scales probed, the diffussion coefficient was reduced by 20- to 60-fold when tagging with 20 and 40 nm large gold particles as compared to when using dye tagged lipid analogues. These FCS measurements of hybrid fluorescent tag–gold nanoparticle labeled lipids also revealed that commercially supplied streptavidin-coated gold nanoparticles contain large quantities of free streptavidin. Finally, the values of apparent diffusion coefficients obtained by STED-FCS and iSCAT differed by a factor of 2–3 across the techniques, while relative differences in mobility between different species of lipid analogues considered were identical in both approaches. In conclusion, our experiments reveal that large and potentially cross-linking scattering tags introduce a significant slow-down in diffusion on SLBs but no additional bias, and our labeling approach creates a new way of exploiting complementary information from STED-FCS and iSCAT measurements.

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High photon count rates improve the quality of super-resolution fluorescence fluctuation spectroscopy

2020, Schneider, Falk, Hernandez-Varas, Pablo, Lagerholm, B. Christoffer, Shrestha, Dilip, Sezgin, Erdinc, Roberti, M. Julia, Ossato, Giulia, Hecht, Frank, Eggeling, Christian, Urbančič, Iztok

Probing the diffusion of molecules has become a routine measurement across the life sciences, chemistry and physics. It provides valuable insights into reaction dynamics, oligomerisation, molecular (re-)organisation or cellular heterogeneities. Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is one of the widely applied techniques to determine diffusion dynamics in two and three dimensions. This technique relies on the temporal autocorrelation of intensity fluctuations but recording these fluctuations has thus far been limited by the detection electronics, which could not efficiently and accurately time-tag photons at high count rates. This has until now restricted the range of measurable dye concentrations, as well as the data quality of the FCS recordings, especially in combination with super-resolution stimulated emission depletion (STED) nanoscopy. Here, we investigate the applicability and reliability of (STED-)FCS at high photon count rates (average intensities of more than 1 MHz) using novel detection equipment, namely hybrid detectors and real-time gigahertz sampling of the photon streams implemented on a commercial microscope. By measuring the diffusion of fluorophores in solution and cytoplasm of live cells, as well as in model and cellular membranes, we show that accurate diffusion and concentration measurements are possible in these previously inaccessible high photon count regimes. Specifically, it offers much greater flexibility of experiments with biological samples with highly variable intensity, e.g. due to a wide range of expression levels of fluorescent proteins. In this context, we highlight the independence of diffusion properties of cytosolic GFP in a concentration range of approx. 0.01-1 µm. We further show that higher photon count rates also allow for much shorter acquisition times, and improved data quality. Finally, this approach also pronouncedly increases the robustness of challenging live cell STED-FCS measurements of nanoscale diffusion dynamics, which we testify by confirming a free diffusion pattern for a fluorescent lipid analogue on the apical membrane of adherent cells. © The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd.