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    An epidemic CC1-MRSA-IV clone yields false-negative test results in molecular MRSA identification assays: a note of caution, Austria, Germany, Ireland, 2020
    (Stockholm : European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 2020) Monecke, Stefan; König, Elisabeth; Earls, Megan R.; Leitner, Eva; Müller, Elke; Wagner, Gabriel E.; Poitz, David M.; Jatzwauk, Lutz; Vremerǎ, Teodora; Dorneanu, Olivia S.; Simbeck, Alexandra; Ambrosch, Andreas; Zollner-Schwetz, Ines; Krause, Robert; Ruppitsch, Werner; Schneider-Brachert, Wulf; Coleman, David C.; Steinmetz, Ivo; Ehricht, Ralf
    We investigated why a clinical meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolate yielded false-negative results with some commercial PCR tests for MRSA detection. We found that an epidemic European CC1-MRSA-IV clone generally exhibits this behaviour. The failure of the assays was attributable to a large insertion in the orfX/SCCmec integration site. To ensure the reliability of molecular MRSA tests, it is vital to monitor emergence of new SCCmec types and junction sites.
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    What the Phage: a scalable workflow for the identification and analysis of phage sequences
    (Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2022) Marquet, Mike; Hölzer, Martin; Pletz, Mathias W; Viehweger, Adrian; Makarewicz, Oliwia; Ehricht, Ralf; Brandt, Christian
    Phages are among the most abundant and diverse biological entities on earth. Phage prediction from sequence data is a crucial first step to understanding their impact on the environment. A variety of bacteriophage prediction tools have been developed over the years. They differ in algorithmic approach, results, and ease of use. We, therefore, developed "What the Phage"(WtP), an easy-to-use and parallel multitool approach for phage prediction combined with an annotation and classification downstream strategy, thus supporting the user's decision-making process by summarizing the results of the different prediction tools in charts and tables. WtP is reproducible and scales to thousands of datasets through a workflow manager (Nextflow). WtP is freely available under a GPL-3.0 license (
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    Melioidosis DS rapid test: A standardized serological dipstick assay with increased sensitivity and reliability due to multiplex detection
    (Lawrence, Kan. : PLoS, 2020) Wagner, Gabriel E.; Föderl-Höbenreich, Esther; Assig, Karoline; Lipp, Michaela; Berner, Andreas; Kohler, Christian; Lichtenegger, Sabine; Stiehler, Julia; Karoonboonyanan, Wisansanee; Thanapattarapairoj, Nida; Promkong, Chidchanok; Koosakulnirand, Sirikamon; Chaichana, Panjaporn; Ehricht, Ralf; Gad, Marie; Söffing, Hans H.; Dunachie, Susanna J.; Chantratita, Narisara; Steinmetz, Ivo
    Background Melioidosis, caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei, is a severe infectious disease with high mortality rates, but is under-recognized worldwide. In endemic areas, there is a great need for simple, low-cost and rapid diagnostic tools. In a previous study we showed, that a protein multiplex array with 20 B. pseudomallei-specific antigens detects antibodies in melioidosis patients with high sensitivity and specificity. In a subsequent study the high potential of anti-B. pseudomallei antibody detection was confirmed using a rapid Hcp1 single protein-based assay. Our protein array also showed that the antibody profile varies between patients, possibly due to a combination of host factors but also antigen variations in the infecting B. pseudomallei strains. The aim of this study was to develop a rapid test, combining Hcp1 and the best performing antigens BPSL2096, BPSL2697 and BPSS0477 from our previous study, to take advantage of simultaneous antibody detection. Methods and principal findings The 4-plex dipstick was validated with sera from 75 patients on admission plus control groups, achieving 92% sensitivity and 97–100% specificity. We then re-evaluated melioidosis sera with the 4-plex assay that were previously misclassified by the monoplex Hcp1 rapid test. 12 out of 55 (21.8%) false-negative samples were positive in our new dipstick assay. Among those, 4 sera (7.3%) were Hcp1 positive, whereas 8 (14.5%) sera remained Hcp1 negative but gave a positive reaction with our additional antigens. Conclusions Our dipstick rapid test represents an inexpensive, standardized and simple diagnostic tool with an improved serodiagnostic performance due to multiplex detection. Each additional band on the test strip makes a false-positive result more unlikely, contributing to its reliability. Future prospective studies will seek to validate the gain in sensitivity and specificity of our multiplex rapid test approach in different melioidosis patient cohorts.
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    Phenotypic and Molecular Detection of Biofilm Formation in Staphylococcus aureus Isolated from Different Sources in Algeria
    (Basel : MDPI, 2020) Achek, Rachid; Hotzel, Helmut; Nabi, Ibrahim; Kechida, Souad; Mami, Djamila; Didouh, Nassima; Tomaso, Herbert; Neubauer, Heinrich; Ehricht, Ralf; Monecke, Stefan; El-Adawy, Hosny
    Staphylococcus aureus is an opportunistic bacterium causing a wide variety of diseases. Biofilm formation of Staphylococcus aureus is of primary public and animal health concern. The purposes of the present study were to investigate the ability of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from animals, humans, and food samples to form biofilms and to screen for the presence of biofilmassociated and regulatory genes. In total, 55 Staphylococcus aureus isolated from sheep mastitis cases (n = 28), humans (n = 19), and from food matrices (n = 8) were identified using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). The ability of Staphylococcus aureus for slime production and biofilm formation was determined quantitatively. A DNA microarray examination was performed to detect adhesion genes (icaACD and biofilmassociated protein gene (bap)), genes encoding microbial surface components recognizing adhesive matrix molecules (MSCRAMMs), regulatory genes (accessory gene regulator (agr) and staphylococcal accessory regulator (sarA)), and the staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec elements (SCCmec). Out of 55 Staphylococcus aureus isolates, 39 (71.0%) and 23 (41.8%) were producing slime and biofilm, respectively. All Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from food showed biofilm formation ability. 52.6% of the Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from sheep with mastitis, and 17.9% of isolates from humans, were able to form a biofilm. Microarray analysis typed the Staphylococcus aureus into 15 clonal complexes. Among all Staphylococcus aureus isolates, four of the human isolates (21.1%) harbored the mecA gene (SCCmec type IV) typed into 2 clonal complexes (CC22-MRSA-IV and CC80-MRSA-IV) and were considered as methicillin-resistant, while two of them were slime-producing. None of the isolates from sheep with mastitis harbored the cna gene which is associated with biofilm production. The fnbB gene was found in 100%, 60% and 40% of biofilm-producing Staphylococcus aureus isolated from food, humans, and sheep with mastitis, respectively. Three agr groups were present and agr group III was predominant with 43.6%, followed by agr group I (38.2%), and agr group II (18.2%). This study revealed the capacity of Staphylococcus aureus isolates to form biofilms and highlighted the genetic background displayed by Staphylococcus aureus isolates from different sources in Algeria. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    Protein Microarray-Guided Development of a Highly Sensitive and Specific Dipstick Assay for Glanders Serodiagnostics
    (Washington, DC : American Society for Microbiology, 2022) Wagner, Gabriel E.; Berner, Andreas; Lipp, Michaela; Kohler, Christian; Assig, Karoline; Lichtenegger, Sabine; Saqib, Muhammad; Müller, Elke; Trinh, Trung T.; Gad, Anne-Marie; Söffing, Hans Hermann; Ehricht, Ralf; Laroucau, Karine; Steinmetz, Ivo
    Burkholderia mallei, the causative agent of glanders, is a clonal descendant of Burkholderia pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis, which has lost its environmental reservoir and has a restricted host range. Despite limitations in terms of sensitivity and specificity, complement fixation is still the official diagnostic test for glanders. Therefore, new tools are needed for diagnostics and to study the B. mallei epidemiology. We recently developed a highly sensitive serodiagnostic microarray test for human melioidosis based on the multiplex detection of B. pseudomallei proteins. In this study, we modified our array tests by using anti-horse IgG conjugate and tested sera from B. mallei-infected horses (n = 30), negative controls (n = 39), and horses infected with other pathogens (n = 14). Our array results show a sensitivity of 96.7% (confidence interval [CI] 85.5 to 99.6%) and a specificity of 100.0% (CI, 95.4 to 100.0%). The reactivity pattern of the positive sera on our array test allowed us to identify a set of 12 highly reactive proteins of interest for glanders diagnosis. The B. mallei variants of the three best protein candidates were selected for the development of a novel dipstick assay. Our point-of-care test detected glanders cases in less than 15 min with a sensitivity of 90.0% (CI, 75.7 to 97.1%) and a specificity of 100.0% (CI, 95.4 to 100.0%). The microarray and dipstick can easily be adopted for the diagnosis of both B. mallei and B. pseudomallei infections in different animals. Future studies will show whether multiplex serological testing has the potential to differentiate between these pathogens.
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    Characterization of antibiotic and biocide resistance genes and virulence factors of staphylococcus species associated with bovine mastitis in Rwanda
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2020) Antók, Fruzsina Irén; Mayrhofer, Rosa; Marbach, Helene; Masengesho, Jean Claude; Keinprecht, Helga; Nyirimbuga, Vedaste; Fischer, Otto; Lepuschitz, Sarah; Ruppitsch, Werner; Ehling-Schulz, Monika; Feßler, Andrea T.; Schwarz, Stefan; Monecke, Stefan; Ehricht, Ralf; Grunert, Tom; Spergser, Joachim; Loncaric, Igor
    The present study was conducted from July to August 2018 on milk samples taken at dairy farms in the Northern Province and Kigali District of Rwanda in order to identify Staphylococcus spp. associated with bovine intramammary infection. A total of 161 staphylococcal isolates originating from quarter milk samples of 112 crossbred dairy cattle were included in the study. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed and isolates were examined for the presence of various resistance genes. Staphylococcus aureus isolates were also analyzed for the presence of virulence factors, genotyped by spa typing and further phenotypically subtyped for capsule expression using Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. Selected S. aureus were characterized using DNA microarray technology, multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) and whole-genome sequencing. All mecA-positive staphylococci were further genotyped using dru typing. In total, 14 different staphylococcal species were detected, with S. aureus being most prevalent (26.7%), followed by S. xylosus (22.4%) and S. haemolyticus (14.9%). A high number of isolates was resistant to penicillin and tetracycline. Various antimicrobial and biocide resistance genes were detected. Among S. aureus, the Panton–Valentine leukocidin (PVL) genes, as well as bovine leukocidin (LukM/LukF-P83) genes, were detected in two and three isolates, respectively, of which two also carried the toxic shock syndrome toxin gene tsst-1 bovine variant. t1236 was the predominant spa type. FTIR-based capsule serotyping revealed a high prevalence of non-encapsulated S. aureus isolates (89.5%). The majority of the selected S. aureus isolates belonged to clonal complex (CC) 97 which was determined using DNA microarray based assignment. Three new MLST sequence types were detected. © 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    The First Report of mcr-1-Carrying Escherichia coli Originating from Animals in Serbia
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Mišić, Dušan; Kiskaroly, Ferenc; Szostak, Michael P.; Cabal, Adriana; Ruppitsch, Werner; Bernreiter-Hofer, Tanja; Milovanovic, Viktoria; Feßler, Andrea T.; Allerberger, Franz; Spergser, Joachim; Müller, Elke; Schwarz, Stefan; Braun, Sascha D.; Monecke, Stefan; Ehricht, Ralf; Korus, Maciej; Benković, Damir; Korzeniowska, Malgorzata; Loncaric, Igor
    The aim of this study was continuous monitoring of the presence of mcr-1 to mcr-5 genes in Enterobacterales isolated from cattle, pigs, and domestic poultry at intensive breeding facilities in Northern Vojvodina, Serbia, from 1 January 1 to 1 October 2020. Out of 2167 examined samples, mcr-1 was observed in five E. coli isolates originating from healthy turkeys. Four isolates belonged to the phylogenetic group B1, and one isolate to the phylogenetic group A. Detected E. coli serogenotypes (somatic O and flagellar H antigens) were O8:H25 and O29:H25. Core-genome multi-locus sequence typing (cgMLST) revealed three ST58 isolates clustering together in Clonal Complex (CC) 155 and two singletons of ST641-CC86 and ST410-CC23, respectively. Clonotyping revealed CH4-32 (n = 3), CH6-53 (n = 1) and CH4-24 (n = 1). In all isolates, the mcr-1 gene was located on a large IncX4 replicon type plasmid. Eight virulence-associated genes (VAGs) typical of avian pathogenic E. coli (APEC) (fyuA, fimH, hlyF, iss, ompT, sitA, traT, iroN) were detected in four isolates. These isolates were investigated for susceptibility to four biocides and revealed MIC values of 0.125% for glutardialdehyde, of 0.00003-0.00006% for chlorohexidine, of 4-6% for isopropanol and of 0.001-0.002% for benzalkonium chloride. All obtained MIC values of the tested biocides were comparable to the reference strain, with no indication of possible resistance. This is the first report of mcr-1.1-carrying E. coli from Serbia. Although only samples from turkeys were mcr-positive in this study, continuous monitoring of livestock samples is advised to prevent a spill-over from animals to humans.
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    Staphylococcus aureus and methicillin resistant S. Aureus in nepalese primates: Resistance to antimicrobials, virulence, and genetic lineages
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2020) Roberts, Marilyn C.; Joshi, Prabhu Raj; Monecke, Stefan; Ehricht, Ralf; Müller, Elke; Gawlik, Darius; Diezel, Celia; Braun, Sascha D.; Paudel, Saroj; Acharya, Mahesh; Khanal, Laxman; Koju, Narayan P.; Chalise, Mukesh; Kyes, Randall C.
    Staphylococcus aureus is a ubiquitous pathogen and colonizer in humans and animals. There are few studies on the molecular epidemiology of S. aureus in wild monkeys and apes. S. aureus carriage in rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) and Assam macaques (Macaca assamensis) is a species that has not previously been sampled and lives in remote environments with limited human contact. Forty Staphylococcus aureus isolates including 33 methicillin-susceptible S. aureus (MSSA) and seven methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) were characterized. Thirty-four isolates were from rhesus macaques and six isolates (five MSSA, one MRSA) were from Assam macaques. Isolates were characterized using StaphyType DNA microarrays. Five of the MRSA including one from Assam macaque were CC22 MRSA-IV (PVL+/tst+), which is a strain previously identified in Nepalese rhesus. One MRSA each were CC6 MRSA-IV and CC772 MRSA-V (PVL+). One MSSA each belonged to CC15, CC96, and CC2990. Six MRSA isolates carried the blaZ, while ten known CC isolates (seven MRSA, three MSSA) carried a variety of genes including aacA-aphD, aphA3, erm(C), mph(C), dfrA, msrA, and/or sat genes. The other 30 MSSA isolates belonged to 17 novel clonal complexes, carried no antibiotic resistance genes, lacked Panton–Valentine Leukocidin (PVL), and most examined exotoxin genes. Four clonal complexes carried egc enterotoxin genes, and four harbored edinB, which is an exfoliative toxin homologue. © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
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    Molecular characterisation of extended-spectrum ß-lactamase producing Escherichia coli in wild birds and cattle, Ibadan, Nigeria
    (London : BioMed Central, 2021) Fashae, Kayode; Engelmann, Ines; Monecke, Stefan; Braun, Sascha D.; Ehricht, Ralf
    Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an increasing global health concern reducing options for therapy of infections and also for perioperative prophylaxis. Many Enterobacteriaceae cannot be treated anymore with third generation cephalosporins (3GC) due to the production of certain 3GC hydrolysing enzymes (extended spectrum beta-lactamases, ESBLs). The role of animals as carriers and vectors of multi-resistant bacteria in different geographical regions is poorly understood. Therefore, we investigated the occurrence and molecular characteristics of ESBL-producing Escherichia coli (E. coli) in wild birds and slaughtered cattle in Ibadan, Nigeria. Cattle faecal samples (n = 250) and wild bird pooled faecal samples (cattle egrets, Bubulcus ibis, n = 28; white-faced whistling duck, Dendrocygna viduata, n = 24) were collected and cultured on cefotaxime-eosin methylene blue agar. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by agar diffusion assays and all 3GC resistant isolates were genotypically characterised for AMR genes, virulence associated genes (VAGs) and serotypes using DNA microarray-based assays. Results: All 3GC resistant isolates were E. coli: cattle (n = 53), egrets (n = 87) and whistling duck (n = 4); cultured from 32/250 (12.8%), 26/28 (92.9%), 2/24(8.3%), cattle, egrets and whistling duck faecal samples, respectively. blaCTX-M gene family was prevalent; blaCTX-M15 (83.3%) predominated over blaCTX-M9 (11.8%). All were susceptible to carbapenems. The majority of isolates were resistant to at least one of the other tested antimicrobials; multidrug resistance was highest in the isolates recovered from egrets. The isolates harboured diverse repositories of other AMR genes (including strB and sul2), integrons (predominantly class 1) and VAGs. The isolates recovered from egrets harboured more AMR genes; eight were unique to these isolates including tetG, gepA, and floR. The prevalent VAGs included hemL and iss; while 14 (including sepA) were unique to certain animal isolates. E. coli serotypes O9:H9, O9:H30 and O9:H4 predominated. An identical phenotypic microarray profile was detected in three isolates from egrets and cattle, indicative of a clonal relationship amongst these isolates. Conclusion: Wild birds and cattle harbour diverse ESBL-producing E. coli populations with potential of inter-species dissemination and virulence. Recommended guidelines to balance public health and habitat conservation should be implemented with continuous surveillance. © 2021, The Author(s).
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    ConsensusPrime—A Bioinformatic Pipeline for Ideal Consensus Primer Design
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Collatz, Maximilian; Braun, Sascha D.; Monecke, Stefan; Ehricht, Ralf
    Background: High-quality oligonucleotides for molecular amplification and detection procedures of diverse target sequences depend on sequence homology. Processing input sequences and identifying homogeneous regions in alignments can be carried out by hand only if they are small and contain sequences of high similarity. Finding the best regions for large and inhomogeneous alignments needs to be automated. Results: The ConsensusPrime pipeline was developed to sort out redundant and technical interfering data in multiple sequence alignments and detect the most homologous regions from multiple sequences. It automates the prediction of optimal consensus primers for molecular analytical and sequence-based procedures/assays. Conclusion: ConsensusPrime is a fast and easy-to-use pipeline for predicting optimal consensus primers that is executable on local systems without depending on external resources and web services. An implementation in a Docker image ensures platform-independent executability and installability despite the combination of multiple programs. The source code and installation instructions are publicly available on GitHub.