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    Formation of radiation defects in high-purity silicate glasses in dependence on dopants and UV radiation sources
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 2001) Natura, Ute; Ehrt, Doris; Naumann, Karin
    The radiation-resistance of high-purity glasses (≈1 ppm iron) of the type BK7®, DURAN® and lead silicate (PbS) with high transmission in the UV region was studied. The investigations were concentrated on the influence of UV-absorbing dopants on defect generation. These were refming agents, AS2O3, Sb2O3, NaCl, and TiO2 as solarization suppressing agent for the visible range in BK7, and small impurities of tin ions in DURAN. The samples were irradiated with UV lamps and excimer lasers (XeCl-308 nm, KrF-248 nm, ArF-193 nm). The defect generation increases with the use of refining agents in BK7 and with the presence of small amounts of Sn2+ in DURAN. The influence of TiO2 on the defect generation strongly depends on the radiation source. Α model explaining the defect generation in these glasses is suggested.
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    Formation of radiation defects in Silicate and borosilicate glasses caused by UV lamp and excimer laser Irradiation
    (Offenbach : Verlag der Deutschen Glastechnischen Gesellschaft, 1999) Natura, Ute; Ehrt, Doris
    Solarization of colourless and coloured glasses of the type AR®, BK7® and DURAN® with high transmission in the UV-B region (280 to 320 nm) was investigated for their use as Container glasses in the solar disinfection of drinking water. The samples were coloured by doping with NiO or CoO. The influence of the Fe³⁺/Fe²⁺ content and of the reducing component Sn²⁺ was investigated on both the initial transmission of the glasses and the solarizadon. The samples were irradiated with a 1 kW Xe lamp and a XeCl excimer laser. The solarization depends on the glass matrix and is enhanced by colouring ions. The influence of Fe³⁺/Fe²⁺ and Sn²⁺ on the defect generation is different for glasses coloured with NiO than for those coloured with CoO. For the samples investigated it was possible to simulate the loss of transmission in the UV-B region due to long-time irradiation with sunlight by a laser experiment.