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Short-Range Cooperative Slow-down of Water Solvation Dynamics Around SO42--Mg2+ Ion Pairs

2022, Kundu, Achintya, Mamatkulov, Shavkat I., Brünig, Florian N., Bonthuis, Douwe Jan, Netz, Roland R., Elsaesser, Thomas, Fingerhut, Benjamin P.

The presence of ions affects the structure and dynamics of water on a multitude of length and time scales. In this context, pairs of Mg2+ and SO42- ions in water constitute a prototypical system for which conflicting pictures of hydration geometries and dynamics have been reported. Key issues are the molecular pair and solvation shell geometries, the spatial range of electric interactions, and their impact on solvation dynamics. Here, we introduce asymmetric SO42- stretching vibrations as new and most specific local probes of solvation dynamics that allow to access ion hydration dynamics at the dilute concentration (0.2 M) of a native electrolyte environment. Highly sensitive heterodyne 2D-IR spectroscopy in the fingerprint region of the SO42- ions around 1100 cm-1 reveals a specific slow-down of solvation dynamics for hydrated MgSO4 and for Na2SO4 in the presence of Mg2+ ions, which manifests as a retardation of spectral diffusion compared to aqueous Na2SO4 solutions in the absence of Mg2+ ions. Extensive molecular dynamics and density functional theory QM/MM simulations provide a microscopic view of the observed ultrafast dephasing and hydration dynamics. They suggest a molecular picture where the slow-down of hydration dynamics arises from the structural peculiarities of solvent-shared SO42--Mg2+ ion pairs.

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Multi-millijoule, few-cycle 5 µm OPCPA at 1 kHz repetition rate

2020, von Grafenstein, Lorenz, Bock, Martin, Ueberschaer, Dennis, Escoto, Esmerando, Koç, Azize, Zawilski, Kevin, Schunemann, Peter, Griebner, Uwe, Elsaesser, Thomas

A table-top midwave-infrared optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) system generates few-cycle pulses with multi-10 GW peak power at a 1 kHz repetition rate. The all-optically synchronized system utilizes ZnGeP2 nonlinear crystals and a highly stable 2 µm picosecond pump laser based on Ho:YLiF4. An excellent energy extraction is achieved by reusing the pump pulse after the third parametric power amplification stage, resulting in 3.4 mJ idler pulses at a center wavelength of 4.9 µm. Pulses as short as 89.4 fs are achieved, close to only five optical cycles. Taking into account the pulse energy, a record high peak power of 33 GW for high-energy mid-IR OPCPAs beyond 4 µm wavelength is demonstrated. © 2020 OSA - The Optical Society. All rights reserved.

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Ultrafast vibrational dynamics of the DNA backbone at different hydration levels mapped by two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy

2015, Guchhait, Biswajit, Liu, Yingliang, Siebert, Torsten, Elsaesser, Thomas

DNA oligomers are studied at 0% and 92% relative humidity, corresponding to N < 2 and N > 20 water molecules per base pair. Two-dimensional (2D) infrared spectroscopy of DNA backbone modes between 920 and 1120 cm(-1) maps fluctuating interactions at the DNA surface. At both hydration levels, a frequency fluctuation correlation function with a 300 fs decay and a slow decay beyond 10 ps is derived from the 2D lineshapes. The fast component reflects motions of DNA helix, counterions, and water shell. Its higher amplitude at high hydration level reveals a significant contribution of water to the fluctuating forces. The slow component reflects disorder-induced inhomogeneous broadening.

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Non-instantaneous polarization dynamics in dielectric media

2014, Hofmann, Michael, Hyyti, Janne, Birkholz, Simon, Bock, Martin, Das, Susanta K., Grunwald, Rüdiger, Hoffmann, Mathias, Nagy, Tamas, Demircan, Ayhan, Jupé, Marco, Ristau, Detlev, Morgner, Uwe, Brée, Carsten, Woerner, Michael, Elsaesser, Thomas, Steinmeyer, Günter

Third-order optical nonlinearities play a vital role for generation1,2 and characterization 3-5 of some of the shortest optical pulses to date, for optical switching applications6,7, and for spectroscopy8,9. In many cases, nonlinear optical effects are used far off resonance, and then an instantaneous temporal response is expected. Here, we show for the first time resonant frequency-resolved optical gating measurements1012 that indicate substantial nonlinear polarization relaxation times up to 6.5 fs in dielectric media, i.e., significantly beyond the shortest pulses directly available from commercial lasers. These effects are among the fastest effects observed in ultrafast spectroscopy. Numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation13,14 are in excellent agreement with experimental observations. The simulations indicate that pulse generation and characterization in the ultraviolet may be severely affected by this previously unreported effect. Moreover, our approach opens an avenue for application of frequency-resolved optical gating as a highly selective spectroscopic probe in high-field physics.

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Water Dynamics in the Hydration Shells of Biomolecules

2017, Laage, Damien, Elsaesser, Thomas, Hynes, James T.

The structure and function of biomolecules are strongly influenced by their hydration shells. Structural fluctuations and molecular excitations of hydrating water molecules cover a broad range in space and time, from individual water molecules to larger pools and from femtosecond to microsecond time scales. Recent progress in theory and molecular dynamics simulations as well as in ultrafast vibrational spectroscopy has led to new and detailed insight into fluctuations of water structure, elementary water motions, electric fields at hydrated biointerfaces, and processes of vibrational relaxation and energy dissipation. Here, we review recent advances in both theory and experiment, focusing on hydrated DNA, proteins, and phospholipids, and compare dynamics in the hydration shells to bulk water.

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Few-cycle 65-µJ pulses at 11.4 µm for ultrafast nonlinear longwave-infrared spectroscopy

2022, Fuertjes, Pia, Bock, Martin, Grafenstein, Lorenz von, Ueberschaer, Dennis, Griebner, Uwe, Elsaesser, Thomas

Low-energy excitations can provide insight into the basic ultrafast nonequilibrium dynamics of condensed matter. High-energy femtosecond pulses in the long-wavelength infrared are required to induce such processes, and can be generated in an optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) system comprising three GaSe stages. A femtosecond Cr:ZnS laser serves as the front-end, providing the seed for the 2.0-µm pump and the 2.4-µm signal pulses without nonlinear conversion processes. The OPCPA system is pumped at 2.05 µm by a picosecond Ho:YLF regenerative amplifier at a 1-kHz repetition rate. The recompressed idler pulses at 11.4 µm have a duration of 185 fs and an unprecedented energy of 65 µJ, corresponding to a pump-to-idler conversion efficiency of 1.2%. Nonlinear transmission experiments in the range of the L2 infrared band of liquid water demonstrate the potential of the pulses for nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy of liquids and solids.

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Towards shot-noise limited diffraction experiments with table-top femtosecond hard x-ray sources

2017, Holtz, Marcel, Hauf, Christoph, Weisshaupt, Jannick, Salvador, Antonio-Andres Hernandez, Woerner, Michael, Elsaesser, Thomas

Table-top laser-driven hard x-ray sources with kilohertz repetition rates are an attractive alternative to large-scale accelerator-based systems and have found widespread applications in x-ray studies of ultrafast structural dynamics. Hard x-ray pulses of 100 fs duration have been generated at the Cu Kα wavelength with a photon flux of up to 109 photons per pulse into the full solid angle, perfectly synchronized to the sub- 100-fs optical pulses from the driving laser system. Based on spontaneous x-ray emission, such sources display a particular noise behavior which impacts the sensitivity of x-ray diffraction experiments. We present a detailed analysis of the photon statistics and temporal fluctuations of the x-ray flux, together with experimental strategies to optimize the sensitivity of optical pump/x-ray probe experiments. We demonstrate measurements close to the shot-noise limit of the x-ray source.

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Generation of millijoule few-cycle pulses at 5 μm by indirect spectral shaping of the idler in an optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier

2018, Bock, Martin, Grafenstein, Lorenz von, Griebner, Uwe, Elsaesser, Thomas

Spectral pulse shaping in a high-intensity midwave-infrared (MWIR) optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier (OPCPA) operating at 1 kHz repetition rate is reported. We successfully apply a MWIR spatial light modulator (SLM) for the generation of ultrashort idler pulses at 5 μm wavelength. Only bulk optics and active phase control of the 3.5 μm signal pulses via the SLM are employed for generating compressed idler pulses with a duration of 80 fs. The 80-fs pulse duration corresponds to less than five optical cycles at the central wavelength of 5.0 μm. The pulse energy amounts to 1.0 mJ, which translates into a peak power of 10 GW. The generated pulse parameters represent record values for high-intensity MWIR OPCPAs.

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Spatial distribution of electric-field enhancement across the gap of terahertz bow-tie antennas

2020, Runge, Matthias, Engel, Dieter, Schneider, Michael, Reimann, Klaus, Woerner, Michael, Elsaesser, Thomas

The electric-field enhancement in terahertz (THz) antennas designed for nonlinear THz spectroscopy of soft matter is characterized by spatially resolved electrooptic sampling. To mimic the relevant interaction geometry, metallic, resonant bow-tie antennas are deposited on a thin zinc telluride crystal of 10 µm thickness. The THz electric field transmitted through the antenna gap is recorded by electrooptic sampling. By focusing the 800 nm, sub-20 fs sampling pulses, we achieve a spatial resolution of some 3 µm, which is 1/3 to 1/8 of the antenna-gap width. The THz field in the gap displays an enhancement by a factor of up to 4.5 with a pronounced spectral variation, depending sensitively on the antenna-arm length and the gap width. By scanning the 800 nm probe spot laterally through the antenna gap, the spatial variation of the enhancement is determined, reaching the highest values at the edges of the gap. The results are in agreement with simulations of the electric-field distributions by finite-element calculations. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

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Ultrafast spatio-temporal dynamics of terahertz generation by ionizing two-color femtosecond pulses in gases

2010, Babushkin, Ihar, Kuehn, Wihelm, Köhler, Christian, Skupin, Stefan, Bergé, Luc, Reimann, Klaus, Woerner, Michael, Herrmann, Joachim, Elsaesser, Thomas

We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of spatio-temporal propagation effects in terahertz (THz) generation in gases using two-color ionizing laser pulses. The observed strong broadening of the THz spectra with increasing gas pressure reveals the prominent role of spatio-temporal reshaping and of a plasma-induced blue-shift of the pump pulses in the generation process. Results obtained from (3+1)-dimensional simulations are in good agreement with experimental findings and clarify the mechanisms responsible for THz emission.