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Seeded Growth Synthesis of Gold Nanotriangles: Size Control, SAXS Analysis, and SERS Performance

2018, Kuttner, Christian, Mayer, Martin, Dulle, Martin, Moscoso, Ana, López-Romero, Juan Manuel, Förster, Stephan, Fery, Andreas, Pérez-Juste, Jorge, Contreras-Cáceres, Rafael

We studied the controlled growth of triangular prismatic Au nanoparticles with different beveled sides for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) applications. First, in a seedless synthesis using 3-butenoic acid (3BA) and benzyldimethylammonium chloride (BDAC), gold nanotriangles (AuNTs) were synthesized in a mixture with gold nanooctahedra (AuNOCs) and separated by depletion-induced flocculation. Here, the influence of temperature, pH, and reducing agent on the reaction kinetics was initially investigated by UV–vis and correlated to the size and yield of AuNT seeds. In a second step, the AuNT size was increased by seed-mediated overgrowth with Au. We show for the first time that preformed 3BA-synthesized AuNT seeds can be overgrown up to a final edge length of 175 nm and a thickness of 80 nm while maintaining their triangular shape and tip sharpness. The NT morphology, including edge length, thickness, and tip rounding, was precisely characterized in dispersion by small-angle X-ray scattering and in dry state by transmission electron microscopy and field-emission scanning electron microscopy. For sensor purposes, we studied the size-dependent SERS performance of AuNTs yielding analytical enhancement factors between 0.9 × 104 and 5.6 × 104 and nanomolar limit of detection (10–8–10–9 M) for 4-mercaptobenzoic acid and BDAC. These results confirm that the 3BA approach allows the fabrication of AuNTs in a whole range of sizes maintaining the NT morphology. This enables tailoring of localized surface plasmon resonances between 590 and 740 nm, even in the near-infrared window of a biological tissue, for use as colloidal SERS sensing agents or for optoelectronic applications.

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Mechanotunable Plasmonic Properties of Colloidal Assemblies

2020, Brasse, Yannic, Gupta, Vaibhav, Schollbach, H.C. Tomohiro, Karg, Matthias, König, Tobias A.F., Fery, Andreas

Noble metal nanoparticles can absorb incident light very efficiently due to their ability to support localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPRs), collective oscillations of the free electron cloud. LSPRs lead to strong, nanoscale confinement of electromagnetic energy which facilitates applications in many fields including sensing, photonics, or catalysis. In these applications, damping of the LSPR caused by inter- and intraband transitions is a limiting factor due to the associated energy losses and line broadening. The losses and broad linewidth can be mitigated by arranging the particles into periodic lattices. Recent advances in particle synthesis, (self-)assembly, and fabrication techniques allow for the realization of collective coupling effects building on various particle sizes, geometries, and compositions. Beyond assemblies on static substrates, by assembling or printing on mechanically deformable surfaces a modulation of the lattice periodicity is possible. This enables significant alteration and tuning of the optical properties. This progress report focuses on this novel approach for tunable spectroscopic properties with a particular focus on low-cost and large-area fabrication techniques for functional plasmonic lattices. The report concludes with a discussion of the perspectives for expanding the mechanotunable colloidal concept to responsive structures and flexible devices. © 2019 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim