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    High‐resolution reflection seismics reveal the structure and the evolution of the Quaternary glacial Tannwald Basin
    (Oxford : Wiley, 2018) Burschil, Thomas; Buness, Hermann; Tanner, David C.; Wielandt‐Schuster, Ulrike; Ellwanger, Dietrich; Gabriel, Gerald
    Over-deepened basins exist throughout the Alpine realm. Improving our knowledge on these basins is of high social relevance, since these areas are often well-populated and they possess, for instance, unusual hydrological settings. Nonetheless, geophysical and sedimentological investigations of over-deepened basins are rare. We analyse the sedimentary succession of such a basin, the Tannwald Basin, through geological interpretation of seismic reflection profiles. The basin is located approximately 60 km north of the European Alps. It was incised into Tertiary molasse sediments by the Rhine Glacier and later filled by glacial, fluvial, and lacustrine deposits of 250 m thickness. The Leibniz Institute for Applied Geophysics acquired a grid of five high-resolution seismic reflection lines that imaged till the deepest parts of the Tannwald Basin. The seismic profiles, processed to a pre-stack depth migration level, allow a detailed geological interpretation that is calibrated with the help of a nearby borehole. We determine the structure and the seismic facies of the sediment succession in the basin and presume the following hypothesis of the evolution of the basin: sub-glacial erosion comprises the excavation of the over-deepened basin as well as detachment of large fragments of molasse material. These molasse slabs were deposited within the basin in a layer of basal till that graded upwards in water-lain till and fine-grained deposits. During the last two glaciations, the basinal structure became buried by till sequences and glacio-fluvial sediments.
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    Unravelling the shape and stratigraphy of a glacially-overdeepened valley with reflection seismic: the Lienz Basin (Austria)
    (Basel : Birkhäuser, 2019) Burschil, Thomas; Tanner, David C.; Reitner, Jürgen M.; Buness, Hermann; Gabriel, Gerald
    We reveal the subsurface bedrock topography and sedimentary succession of one of the deepest glacially-formed basins in the Eastern Alps: the Lienz Basin in the Upper Drau Valley (Tyrol), by means of seismic reflection. A dense source-receiver spacing, supplied by autonomous receivers, and a prestack depth-migration processing scheme were essential to distinguish the various deposits in fine detail, such as slumping, fan delta deposits, and a modified monocline on the basin flank. These details support our interpretation of the seismic stratigraphy that consists of, e.g., subglacial till of last glacial maximum (LGM) age and possibly older, laminated basin fines, and gravel/coarse sand. The maximum depth of the basin is 622 m, at the junction of two major basement faults that are not clearly visible in the seismic reflections. We regard the overdeepening in this longitudinal valley as the result of glacier confluence during the LGM. Subglacial meltwaters utilized the higher erodibility of faulted rocks, as indicated by channel structures. The adverse slope (2.6%) along the valley axis exceeds the gradient ice-surface slope (0.4–0.5%) during the LGM by more than fivefold. We thus suggest this feature is a product of a pre-LGM phase, since adverse slopes greater than ~ 1.2 times the ice surface slope promote the freezing of water in subglacial channels and prevent efficient water flushing of sediments. Integrating other studies allows us to estimate the local overdeepening of the Lienz Basin and that of the whole Upper Drau Valley to be 146 m and 530 m, respectively. At the beginning of lacustrine sedimentation, we estimate the paleo-water depth to be at least 216 m.
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    Time-lapse gravity and levelling surveys reveal mass loss and ongoing subsidence in the urban subrosion-prone area of Bad Frankenhausen, Germany
    (Göttingen : Copernicus Publ., 2019) Kobe, Martin; Gabriel, Gerald; Weise, Adelheid; Vogel, Detlef
    We present results of sophisticated, high-precision time-lapse gravity monitoring that was conducted over 4 years in Bad Frankenhausen (Germany). To our knowledge, this is the first successful attempt to monitor subrosion-induced mass changes in urban areas with repeated gravimetry. The method provides an approach to estimate the mass of dissolved rocks in the subsurface. Subrosion, i.e. leaching and transfer of soluble rocks, occurs worldwide. Mainly in urban areas, any resulting ground subsidence can cause severe damage, especially if catastrophic events, i.e. collapse sinkholes, occur. Monitoring strategies typically make use of established geodetic methods, such as levelling, and therefore focus on the associated deformation processes. In this study, we combine levelling and highly precise time-lapse gravity observations. Our investigation area is the urban area of Bad Frankenhausen in central Germany, which is prone to subrosion, as many subsidence and sinkhole features on the surface reveal. The city and the surrounding areas are underlain by soluble Permian deposits, which are continuously dissolved by meteoric water and groundwater in a strongly fractured environment. Between 2014 and 2018, a total of 17 high-precision time-lapse gravimetry and 18 levelling campaigns were carried out in quarterly intervals within a local monitoring network. This network covers historical sinkhole areas but also areas that are considered to be stable. Our results reveal ongoing subsidence of up to 30.4 mm a−1 locally, with distinct spatiotemporal variations. Furthermore, we observe a significant time-variable gravity decrease on the order of 8 µGal over 4 years at several measurement points. In the processing workflow, after the application of all required corrections and least squares adjustment to our gravity observations, a significant effect of varying soil water content on the adjusted gravity differences was figured out. Therefore, we place special focus on the correlation of these observations and the correction of the adjusted gravity differences for soil water variations using the Global Land Data Assimilation System (GLDAS) Noah model to separate these effects from subrosion-induced gravity changes. Our investigations demonstrate the feasibility of high-precision time-lapse gravity monitoring in urban areas for sinkhole investigations. Although the observed rates of gravity decrease of 1–2 µGal a−1 are small, we suggest that it is significantly associated with subterranean mass loss due to subrosion processes. We discuss limitations and implications of our approach, as well as give a first quantitative estimation of mass transfer at different depths and for different densities of dissolved rocks.