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    Aluminum based high temperature thin film electrode system for wireless sensors
    (Rio de Janeiro : Elsevier, 2023) Seifert, Marietta; Leszczynska, Barbara; Menzel, Siegfried B.; Schmidt, Hagen; Gemming, Thomas
    Self-sustained, wireless high-temperature stable sensors are developed, which are based on an aluminum alloy as the electrode metallization. Due to its cost-effectiveness accompanied by a high-temperature stability, this alloy substitutes and outperforms the commonly applied expensive Pt- and Ir-based metals. For the first time, a comprehensive structural, electrical and high-frequency characterization of these surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensors is shown. They are based on Catangasite (Ca3TaGa3Si2O14, CTGS) in combination with properly structured cover and barrier layers for the metallization. The frequency characteristics is determined up to 700 °C by ex situ and in situ methods. In addition, the morphology of the AlRu electrodes is analyzed after the thermal loadings and the temperature dependent sheet resistance is measured. The results reveal a reproducible and linear correlation between the applied temperature and the sheet resistance as well as the resonant frequency. In addition, hardly any degradation of the electrodes is detected after the thermal loadings. The observed high-temperature stability of the devices up to at least 700 °C demonstrates the large potential of the AlRu based SAW sensors as a cost-efficient alternative to expensive noble metal based sensors in industrial applications for the support of energy efficient operation.
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    Study of the Long-Term High-Temperature Structural Stability of RuAl Electrodes for Microelectronic Devices
    (Basel : MDPI, 2024) Seifert, Marietta; Leszczynska, Barbara; Gemming, Thomas
    The high-temperature stability of RuAl-based electrodes for application in microelectronic devices is analyzed for long-term duration. The electrodes are prepared on Ca3TaGa3Si2O14 (CTGS) substrates using SiO2 and Al-N-O cover and barrier layers as oxidation protection. The samples are annealed at 600, 700, or 800 °C in air for 192 h. Minor degradation is observed after thermal loading at 700 °C. The annealing at 800 °C for 192 h leads to a partial oxidation of the Al in the extended contact pad and to a complete oxidation of the Al within the structured interconnect electrodes. The different degradation of the interconnect electrodes and the contact pads is caused by their different lateral dimensions. In summary, long-term high-temperature stability is demonstrated up to at least 700 °C in air. Less oxidizing atmospheres should allow the application at higher temperatures and for a significantly longer duration.