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    Current Advances in TiO2-Based Nanostructure Electrodes for High Performance Lithium Ion Batteries
    (Basel : MDPI, 2018-2-6) Madian, Mahmoud; Eychmüller, Alexander; Giebeler, Lars
    The lithium ion battery (LIB) has proven to be a very reliably used system to store electrical energy, for either mobile or stationary applications. Among others, TiO2-based anodes are the most attractive candidates for building safe and durable lithium ion batteries with high energy density. A variety of TiO2 nanostructures has been thoroughly investigated as anodes in LIBs, e.g., nanoparticles, nanorods, nanoneedles, nanowires, and nanotubes discussed either in their pure form or in composites. In this review, we present the recent developments and breakthroughs demonstrated to synthesize safe, high power, and low cost nanostructured titania-based anodes. The reader is provided with an in-depth review of well-oriented TiO2-based nanotubes fabricated by anodic oxidation. Other strategies for modification of TiO2-based anodes with other elements or materials are also highlighted in this report.
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    Structural Aspects of P2-Type Na0.67Mn0.6Ni0.2Li0.2O2 (MNL) Stabilization by Lithium Defects as a Cathode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2021) Yang, Liangtao; Kuo, Liang-Yin; López del Amo, Juan Miguel; Nayak, Prasant Kumar; Mazzio, Katherine A.; Maletti, Sebastian; Mikhailova, Daria; Giebeler, Lars; Kaghazchi, Payam; Rojo, Teófilo; Adelhelm, Philipp
    A known strategy for improving the properties of layered oxide electrodes in sodium-ion batteries is the partial substitution of transition metals by Li. Herein, the role of Li as a defect and its impact on sodium storage in P2-Na0.67Mn0.6Ni0.2Li0.2O2 is discussed. In tandem with electrochemical studies, the electronic and atomic structure are studied using solid-state NMR, operando XRD, and density functional theory (DFT). For the as-synthesized material, Li is located in comparable amounts within the sodium and the transition metal oxide (TMO) layers. Desodiation leads to a redistribution of Li ions within the crystal lattice. During charging, Li ions from the Na layer first migrate to the TMO layer before reversing their course at low Na contents. There is little change in the lattice parameters during charging/discharging, indicating stabilization of the P2 structure. This leads to a solid-solution type storage mechanism (sloping voltage profile) and hence excellent cycle life with a capacity of 110 mAh g-1 after 100 cycles. In contrast, the Li-free compositions Na0.67Mn0.6Ni0.4O2 and Na0.67Mn0.8Ni0.2O2 show phase transitions and a stair-case voltage profile. The capacity is found to originate from mainly Ni3+/Ni4+ and O2-/O2-δ redox processes by DFT, although a small contribution from Mn4+/Mn5+ to the capacity cannot be excluded. © 2021 The Authors. Advanced Functional Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    MXenes and the progress of Li–S battery development - a perspective
    (Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2021) Balach, Juan; Giebeler, Lars
    Lithium–sulfur (Li–S) battery has attracted tremendous interest owing to its high energy density at affordable costs. However, the irreversible active material loss and subsequent capacity fading caused by the uncontrollable shuttling of polysulfides have greatly hampered its commercial viability. MXenes, a novel class of 2D materials derived from nano-layered MAX phases, have been shown the potential to push the development of sulfur-based batteries to a next level owing to their high conductivity, strong polysulfide affinity and electrocatalytic properties. This perspective article focuses on the possible implications that MXene-based materials will have in the development of advanced sulfur-based batteries and their potential application in different upcoming technologies. In four sections possible developments are outlined which can be reached in the next 10 years, that enable a highly reliable, minimized Li–S battery finally combined with energy harvesters to fabricate autonomous power supplies for the next generation of microscaled devices like meteorological or geotechnical probes, wearable (medical) sensors or other suitable mobile devices. Finally, a flowchart illustrates the possible way to realize some important milestones for the certain possible steps with significant contributions of MXenes.
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    TiNb2O7 and VNB9O25 of ReO3 type in hybrid Mg−Li batteries: Electrochemical and interfacial insights
    (Washington, DC : American Chemical Society, 2020) Maletti, Sebastian; Herzog-Arbeitman, Abraham; Oswald, Steffen; Senyshyn, Anatoliy; Giebeler, Lars; Mikhailova, Daria
    As one of the beyond-lithium battery concepts, hybrid metal-ion batteries have aroused growing interest. Here, TiNb2O7 (TNO) and VNb9O25 (VNO) materials were prepared using a high-temperature solid-state synthesis and, for the first time, comprehensively examined in hybrid Mg−Li batteries. Both materials adopt ReO3-related structures differing in the interconnection of oxygen polyhedra and the resulting guest ion diffusion paths. We show applicability of the compounds in hybrid cells providing capacities comparable to those reached in Li-ion batteries (LIBs) at room temperature (220 mAh g−1 for TNO and 150 mAh g−1 for VNO, both at 0.1 C), their operability in the temperature range between −10 and 60 °C, and even better capacity retention than in pure LIBs, rendering this hybrid technology superior for long-term application. Post mortem X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy reveals a cathode−electrolyte interface as a key ingredient for providing excellent electrochemical stability of the hybrid battery. A significant contribution of the intercalation pseudocapacitance to charge storage was observed for both materials in Li- and Mg−Li batteries. However, the pseudocapacitive part is higher for TNO than for VNO, which correlates with structural distinctions, providing better accessibility of diffusion pathways for guest cations in TNO and, as a consequence, a higher ionic transport within the crystal structure. © 2020 American Chemical Society
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    Face Centred Cubic Multi-Component Equiatomic Solid Solutions in the Au-Cu-Ni-Pd-Pt System
    (Basel : MDPI, 2017-4-12) Freudenberger, Jens; Rafaja, David; Geissler, David; Giebeler, Lars; Ullrich, Christiane; Kauffmann, Alexander; Heilmaier, Martin; Nielsch, Kornelius
    A single-phase solid solution is observed in quaternary and quinary alloys obtained from gold, copper, nickel, palladium and platinum. The lattice parameters of the alloys follow the linear rule of mixture when considering the lattice parameters of the elements and their concentration. The elements are a priori not homogeneously distributed within the respective alloys resulting in segregations. These segregations cause a large broadening of X-ray lines, which is accessed in the present article. This correlation is visualized by the help of local element mappings utilizing scanning electron microscopy including energy dispersive X-ray analysis and their quantitative analysis.
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    Direct catalytic conversion of cellulose to liquid straight-chain alkanes
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2014) Op de Beeck, Beau; Dusselier, Michiel; Geboers, Jan; Holsbeek, Jensen; Morré, Eline; Oswald, Steffen; Giebeler, Lars; Sels, Bert F.
    High yields of liquid straight-chain alkanes were obtained directly from cellulosic feedstock in a one-pot biphasic catalytic system. The catalytic reaction proceeds at elevated temperatures under hydrogen pressure in the presence of tungstosilicic acid, dissolved in the aqueous phase, and modified Ru/C, suspended in the organic phase. Tungstosilicic acid is primarily responsible for cellulose hydrolysis and dehydration steps, while the modified Ru/C selectively hydrogenates intermediates en route to the liquid alkanes. Under optimal conditions, microcrystalline cellulose is converted to 82% n-decane-soluble products, mainly n-hexane, within a few hours, with a minimum formation of gaseous and char products. The dominant route to the liquid alkanes proceeds via 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF), whereas the more common pathway via sorbitol appears to be less efficient. High liquid alkane yields were possible through (i) selective conversion of cellulose to glucose and further to HMF by gradually heating the reactor, (ii) a proper hydrothermal modification of commercial Ru/C to tune its chemoselectivity to furan hydrogenation rather than glucose hydrogenation, and (iii) the use of a biphasic reaction system with optimal partitioning of the intermediates and catalytic reactions. The catalytic system is capable of converting subsequent batches of fresh cellulose, enabling accumulation of the liquid alkanes in the organic phase during subsequent runs. Its robustness is illustrated in the conversion of the raw (soft)wood sawdust.