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New particle formation in the Svalbard region 2006-2015

2017, Heintzenberg, Jost, Tunved, Peter, Galí, Martí, Leck, Caroline

Events of new particle formation (NPF) were analyzed in a 10-year data set of hourly particle size distributions recorded on Mt. Zeppelin, Spitsbergen, Svalbard. Three different types of NPF events were identified through objective search algorithms. The first and simplest algorithm utilizes short-term increases in particle concentrations below 25 nm (PCT (percentiles) events). The second one builds on the growth of the sub-50 nm diameter median (DGR (diameter growth) events) and is most closely related to the classical "banana type" of event. The third and most complex, multiple-size approach to identifying NPF events builds on a hypothesis suggesting the concurrent production of polymer gel particles at several sizes below ca. 60 nm (MEV (multisize growth) events). As a first and general conclusion, we can state that NPF events are a summer phenomenon and not related to Arctic haze, which is a late winter to early spring feature. The occurrence of NPF events appears to be somewhat sensitive to the available data on precipitation. The seasonal distribution of solar flux suggests some photochemical control that may affect marine biological processes generating particle precursors and/or atmospheric photochemical processes that generate condensable vapors from precursor gases. Notably, the seasonal distribution of the biogenic methanesulfonate (MSA) follows that of the solar flux although it peaks before the maxima in NPF occurrence. A host of ancillary data and findings point to varying and rather complex marine biological source processes. The potential source regions for all types of new particle formation appear to be restricted to the marginal-ice and open-water areas between northeastern Greenland and eastern Svalbard. Depending on conditions, yet to be clarified new particle formation may become visible as short bursts of particles around 20 nm (PCT events), longer events involving condensation growth (DGR events), or extended events with elevated concentrations of particles at several sizes below 100 nm (MEV events). The seasonal distribution of NPF events peaks later than that of MSA and DGR, and in particular than that of MEV events, which reach into late summer and early fall with open, warm, and biologically active waters around Svalbard. Consequently, a simple model to describe the seasonal distribution of the total number of NPF events can be based on solar flux and sea surface temperature, representing environmental conditions for marine biological activity and condensation sink, controlling the balance between new particle nucleation and their condensational growth. Based on the sparse knowledge about the seasonal cycle of gel-forming marine microorganisms and their controlling factors, we hypothesize that the seasonal distribution of DGR and, more so, MEV events reflect the seasonal cycle of the gel-forming phytoplankton.

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Aerosol number-size distributions during clear and fog periods in the summer high Arctic: 1991, 1996 and 2001

2017, Heintzenberg, Jost, Leck, Caroline, Birmili, Wolfram, Wehner, Birgit, Tjernström, Michael, Wiedensohler, Alfred

The present study covers submicrometer aerosol size distribution data taken during three Arctic icebreaker expeditions in the summers of 1991, 1996 and 2001. The size distributions of all expeditions were compared in log-normally fitted form to the statistics of the marine number size distribution provided by Heintzenberg et al. (2004) yielding rather similar log-normal parameters of the modes. Statistics of the modal concentrations revealed strong concentration decreases of large accumulation mode particles with increasing length of time spent over the pack ice. The travel-time dependencies of both Aitken and ultrafine modes strongly indicate, as other studies did before, the occurrence of fine-particle sources in the inner Arctic. With two approaches evidence of fog-related aerosol source processeswas sought for in the data sets of 1996 and 2001 because they included fog drop size distributions. With increasing fog intensity modes in interstitial particle number concentrations appeared in particular in the size range around 80 nm that was nearly mode free in clear air. A second, dynamic approach revealed that Aitken mode concentrations increased strongly above their respective fog-period medians in both years before maximum drop numbers were reached in both years. We interpret the results of both approaches as strong indications of fog-related aerosol source processes as discussed in Leck and Bigg (1999) that need to be elucidated with further data from dedicated fog experiments in future Arctic expeditions in order to understand the life cycle of the aerosol over the high Arctic pack ice area.

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How to find bananas in the atmospheric aerosol': New approach for analyzing atmospheric nucleation and growth events

2017, Heintzenberg, Jost, Wehner, Birgit, Birmili, Wolfram

We have devised a new search algorithm for secondary particle formation events, or ‘nucleation events’ in data sets of atmospheric particle size distributions. The search algorithm is simple and based on the investigation of 18 integral parameters of the particle size distribution, three of which were found to be most relevant for identifying nucleation events. The algorithm is tested using long-term size distribution data sets of high-size resolution observed at Melpitz, Hohenpeissenberg, and Leipzig, Germany, and Beijing, China, thereby covering a wide range of clean and polluted conditions. By specifying the particular training sets, the method can be used by other researchers with different data sets or different research goals. The same search approach could be applied to identify and analyze other systematic changes in size distribution such as during frontal passages or sand storms. As an example application of the new algorithm, the 50 strongest nucleation events (‘bananas’) at each of the four sites are analyzed statistically in terms of average changes of integral parameters of the particle size distribution.

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An optical particle size spectrometer for aircraft-borne measurements in IAGOS-CARIBIC

2016, Hermann, Markus, Weigelt, Andreas, Assmann, Denise, Pfeifer, Sascha, Müller, Thomas, Conrath, Thomas, Voigtländer, Jens, Heintzenberg, Jost, Wiedensohler, Alfred, Martinsson, Bengt G., Deshler, Terry, Brenninkmeijer, Carl A.M., Zahn, Andreas

The particle number size distribution is an important parameter to characterize the atmospheric aerosol and its influence on the Earth's climate. Here we describe a new optical particle size spectrometer (OPSS) for measurements of the accumulation mode particle number size distribution in the tropopause region on board a passenger aircraft (IAGOS-CARIBIC observatory: In-service Aircraft for a Global Observing System – Civil Aircraft for Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container). A modified KS93 particle sensor from RION Co., Ltd., together with a new airflow system and a dedicated data acquisition system, is the key component of the CARIBIC OPSS. The instrument records individual particle pulse signal curves in the particle size range 130–1110 nm diameter (for a particle refractive index of 1.47-i0.006) together with a time stamp and thus allows the post-flight choice of the time resolution and the size distribution bin width. The CARIBIC OPSS has a 50 % particle detection diameter of 152 nm and a maximum asymptotic counting efficiency of 98 %. The instrument's measurement performance shows no pressure dependency and no particle coincidence for free tropospheric conditions. The size response function of the CARIBIC OPSS was obtained by a polystyrene latex calibration in combination with model calculations. Particle number size distributions measured with the new OPSS in the lowermost stratosphere agreed within a factor of 2 in concentration with balloon-borne measurements over western North America. Since June 2010 the CARIBIC OPSS is deployed once per month in the IAGOS-CARIBIC observatory.

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Saharan Mineral Dust Experiments SAMUM-1 and SAMUM-2: What have we learned?

2011, Ansmann, Albert, Petzold, Andreas, Kandler, Konrad, Tegen, Ina, Wendisch, Manfred, Müller, Detlef, Weinzierl, Bernadett, Müller, Thomas, Heintzenberg, Jost

Two comprehensive field campaigns were conducted in 2006 and 2008 in the framework of the Saharan Mineral Dust Experiment (SAMUM) project. The relationship between chemical composition, shape morphology, size distribution and optical effects of the dust particles was investigated. The impact of Saharan dust on radiative transfer and the feedback of radiative effects upon dust emission and aerosol transport were studied. Field observations (ground-based, airborne and remote sensing) and modelling results were compared within a variety of dust closure experiments with a strong focus on vertical profiling. For the first time, multiwavelength Raman/polarization lidars and an airborne high spectral resolution lidar were involved in major dust field campaigns and provided profiles of the volume extinction coefficient of the particles at ambient conditions (for the full dust size distribution), of particle-shape-sensitive optical properties at several wavelengths, and a clear separation of dust and smoke profiles allowing for an estimation of the single-scattering albedo of the biomass-burning aerosol. SAMUM–1 took place in southern Morocco close to the Saharan desert in the summer of 2006, whereas SAMUM–2 was conducted in Cape Verde in the outflow region of desert dust and biomass-burning smoke from western Africa in the winter of 2008. This paper gives an overview of the SAMUM concept, strategy and goals, provides snapshots (highlights) of SAMUM–2 observations and modelling efforts, summarizes main findings of SAMUM–1 and SAMUM–2 and finally presents a list of remaining problems and unsolved questions.

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Structure, variability and persistence of the submicrometre marine aerosol

2017, Heintzenberg, Jost, Birmili, Wolfram, Wiedensohler, Alfred, Nowak, Andreas, Tuch, Thomas

Submicrometre dry number size distributions from four marine and one continental aerosol experiment were evaluatedjointly in the present study. In the marine experiments only data with back trajectories of at least 120 h without landcontact were used to minimize continental contamination. Log-normal functions were fitted to the size distributions.Basic statistics of the marine aerosol indicate a closed character of the size distribution at the lower size limit as opposedto an open character for corresponding continental data. Together with the infrequent occurrences of marine particlesbelow20 nmthis finding supports hypotheses and model results suggesting lowprobabilities of homogeneous nucleationin the marine boundary layer. The variability of submicrometre marine number concentrations was parametrized witha bimodal log-normal function that quantifies the probability of finding different number concentrations about a givenmedian value. Together with a four-modal log-normal approximation of the submicrometre marine size distributionitself, this model allows a statistical representation of the marine aerosol that facilitates comparison of experiments andvalidation of aerosol models. Autocorrelation at the one fixed marine site with a minimum of interruptions in timesseriesrevealed a strong size dependency of persistence in particle number concentration with the shortest persistenceat the smallest sizes. Interestingly, in the marine aerosol (at Cape Grim) persistence exhibits a size dependency thatlargely matches the modes in dg0, i.e. near the most frequent geometric mean diameters number concentrations aremost persistent. Over the continent, persistence of particle numbers is strongly constrained by diurnal meteorologicalprocesses and aerosol dynamics. Thus, no strong modal structure appears in the size-dependent persistence at Melpitz.As with the aerosol variability, marine aerosol processes in models of aerosol dynamics can be tested with these findings.

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The atmospheric aerosol over Siberia, as seen from the 300 m ZOTTO tower

2017, Heintzenberg, Jost, Birmili, Wolfram, Theiss, Detlef, Kisilyakhov, Yegor

This report describes a unique setup for aerosol measurements at the new long-term Tall Tower monitoring facility near Zotino, Siberia (ZOTTO). Through two inlets at 50 and 300 m aerosol particle number size distributions are measured since September 2006 in the size range 15–835 nanometer dry diameter. Until the end of May 2007 total number (N300) concentrations at 300 m height ranged between 400 cm-3 (5%) and 4000 cm-3 (95%) with a median of 1200 cm-3, which is rather high for a nearly uninhabited boreal forest region during the low productivity period of the year. Fitting 1-h average distributions with a maximum of four lognormal functions yielded frequent ultrafine modes below 20 nm at 50 m height than at 300 m, whereas the latter height more frequently showed an aged nucleation mode near 30 nm. The positions of Aitken (≈80 nm) and accumulation modes (≈210 nm) were very similar at both inlet heights, the very sharp latter one being the most frequent of all modes. The encouraging first results let us expect exciting newfindings during the summer period with frequent forest fires and secondary particle sources from vegetation emissions.