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    Elastic scattering coefficients and enhancement of nearly elastic cloaking
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Abbas, Tasawar; Ammari, Habib; Hu, Guanghui; Wahab, Abdul; Ye, Jong Chul
    The concept of scattering coefficients has played a pivotal role in a broad range of inverse scattering and imaging problems in acoustic and electromagnetic media. In view of their promising applications, we introduce the notion of scattering coefficients of an elastic inclusion in this article. First, we define elastic scattering coefficients and substantiate that they naturally appear in the expansions of elastic scattered field and far field scattering amplitudes corresponding to a plane wave incidence. Then an algorithm is developed and analyzed for extracting the elastic scattering coefficients from multi-static response measurements of the scattered field. Moreover, the estimate of the maximal resolving order is provided in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio. The decay rate and symmetry of the elastic scattering coefficients are also discussed. Finally, we design scattering-coefficients-vanishing structures and elucidate their utility for enhancement of nearly elastic cloaking.
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    Inverse scattering of elastic waves by periodic structures : uniqueness under the third or fourth kind boundary conditions
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2010) Elschner, Johannes; Hu, Guanghui
    The inverse scattering of a time-harmonic elastic wave by a two-dimensional periodic structure in R 2 is investigated. The grating profile is assumed to be a graph given by a piecewise linear function on which the third or fourth kind boundary conditions are satisfied. Via an equivalent variational formulation, existence of quasi-periodic solutions for general Lipschitz grating profiles is proved by applying the Fredholm alternative. However, uniqueness of solution to the direct problem does not hold in general. For the inverse problem, we determine and classify all the unidentifiable grating profiles corresponding to a given incident elastic field, relying on the reflection principle for the Navier equation and the rotational invariance of propagating directions of the total field. Moreover, global uniqueness for the inverse problem is established with a minimal number of incident pressure or shear waves, including the resonance case where a Rayleigh frequency is allowed. The gratings that are unidentifiable by one incident elastic wave provide non-uniqueness examples for appropriately chosen wave number and incident angles
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    Direct and inverse elastic scattering from anisotropic media
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2016) Bao, Gang; Hu, Guanghui; Yin, Tao; Sun, Jiguang
    Assume a time-harmonic elastic wave is incident onto a penetrable anisotropic body embedded into a homogeneous isotropic background medium. We propose an equivalent variational formulation in a truncated bounded domain and show uniqueness and existence of weak solutions by applying the Fredholm alternative and using properties of the Dirichlet-to-Neumann map in both two and three dimensions. The Fréchet derivative of the near-field solution operator with respect to the scattering interface is derived. As an application, we design a descent algorithm for recovering the interface from the near-field data of one or several incident directions and frequencies. Numerical examples in 2D are demonstrated to show the validity and accuracy of our methods.
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    Some inverse problems arising from elastic scattering by rigid obstacles
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2012) Hu, Guanghui; Kirsch, Andreas; Sini, Mourad
    In the first part, it is proved that a C2-regular rigid scatterer in R3 can be uniquely identified by the shear part (i.e. S-part) of the far-field pattern corresponding to all incident shear waves at any fixed frequency. The proof is short and it is based on a kind of decoupling of the S-part of scattered wave from its pressure part (i.e. P-part) on the boundary of the scatterer. Moreover, uniqueness using the S-part of the far-field pattern corresponding to only one incident plane shear wave holds for a ball or a convex Lipschitz polyhedron. In the second part, we adapt the factorization method to recover the shape of a rigid body from the scattered S-waves (resp. P-waves) corresponding to all incident plane shear (resp. pressure) waves. Numerical examples illustrate the accuracy of our reconstruction in R2. In particular, the factorization method also leads to some uniqueness results for all frequencies excluding possibly a discrete set.
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    Direct and inverse interaction problems with bi-periodic interfaces between acoustic and elastic waves
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2013) Hu, Guanghui; Kirsch, Andreas
    Consider a time-harmonic acoustic plane wave incident onto a doubly periodic (biperiodic) surface from above. The medium above the surface is supposed to be filled with homogeneous compressible inviscid fluid with a constant mass density, whereas the region below is occupied by an isotropic and linearly elastic solid body characterized by the Lamé constants. This paper is concerned with direct (or forward) and inverse fluid-solid interaction (FSI) problems with unbounded bi-periodic interfaces between acoustic and elastic waves. We present a variational approach to the forward interaction problem with Lipschitz interfaces. Existence of quasi-periodic solutions in Sobolev spaces is established at arbitrary frequency of incidence, while uniqueness is proved only for small frequencies or for all frequencies excluding a discrete set. Concerning the inverse problem, we show that the factorization method by Kirsch (1998) is applicable to the FSI problem in periodic structures. A computational criterion and a uniqueness result are justified for precisely characterizing the elastic body by utilizing the scattered acoustic near field measured in the fluid.
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    Near-field imaging of scattering obstacles with the factorization method
    (Berlin : Weierstraß-Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, 2014) Hu, Guanghui; Yang, Jiaqing; Zhang, Bo; Zhang, Haiwen
    In this paper we establish a factorization method for recovering the location and shape of an acoustic bounded obstacle with using the near-field data, corresponding to infinitely many incident point sources. The obstacle is allowed to be an impenetrable scatterer of sound-soft, sound-hard or impedance type or a penetrable scatterer. An outgoing-to-incoming operator is constructed for facilitating the factorization of the near-field operator, which can be easily implemented numerically. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our inversion algorithm, including the case where limited aperture near-field data are available only.