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    Effect of Fans’ Placement on the Indoor Thermal Environment of Typical Tunnel-Ventilated Multi-Floor Pig Buildings Using Numerical Simulation
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2022) Wang, Xiaoshuai; Cao, Mengbing; Hu, Feiyue; Yi, Qianying; Amon, Thomas; Janke, David; Xie, Tian; Zhang, Guoqiang; Wang, Kaiying
    An increasing number of large pig farms are being built in multi-floor pig buildings (MFPBs) in China. Currently, the ventilation system of MFPB varies greatly and lacks common standards. This work aims to compare the ventilation performance of three popular MFPB types with different placement of fans using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) technique. After being validated with field-measured data, the CFD models were extended to simulate the air velocity, air temperature, humidity, and effective temperature of the three MFPBs. The simulation results showed that the ventilation rate of the building with outflowing openings in the endwall and fans installed on the top of the shaft was approximately 25% less than the two buildings with fans installed on each floor. The ventilation rate of each floor increased from the first to the top floor for both buildings with a shaft, while no significant difference was observed in the building without a shaft. Increasing the shaft’s width could mitigate the variation in the ventilation rate of each floor. The effective temperature distribution at the animal level was consistent with the air velocity distribution. Therefore, in terms of the indoor environmental condition, the fans were recommended to be installed separately on each floor.
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    Airflow Characteristics Downwind a Naturally Ventilated Pig Building with a Roofed Outdoor Exercise Yard and Implications on Pollutant Distribution
    (Basel : MDPI AG, 2020) Yi, Qianying; Janke, David; Thormann, Lars; Zhang, Guoqiang; Amon, Barbara; Hempel, Sabrina; Nosek, Štěpán; Hartung, Eberhard; Amon, Thomas
    The application of naturally ventilated pig buildings (NVPBs) with outdoor exercise yards is on the rise mainly due to animal welfare considerations, while the issue of emissions from the buildings to the surrounding environment is important. Since air pollutants are mainly transported by airflow, the knowledge on the airflow characteristics downwind the building is required. The objective of this research was to investigate airflow properties downwind of a NVPB with a roofed outdoor exercise yard for roof slopes of 5°, 15°, and 25°. Air velocities downwind a 1:50 scaled NVPB model were measured using a Laser Doppler Anemometer in a large boundary layer wind tunnel. A region with reduced mean air velocities was found along the downwind side of the building with a distance up to 0.5 m (i.e., 3.8 times building height), in which the emission concentration might be high. Additional air pollutant treatment technologies applied in this region might contribute to emission mitigation effectively. Furthermore, a wake zone with air recirculation was observed in this area. A smaller roof slope (i.e., 5° slope) resulted in a higher and shorter wake zone and thus a shorter air pollutant dispersion distance.
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    Review of Wind Tunnel Modelling of Flow and Pollutant Dispersion within and from Naturally Ventilated Livestock Buildings
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Nosek, Štěpán; Jaňour, Zbyněk; Janke, David; Yi, Qianying; Aarnink, André; Calvet, Salvador; Hassouna, Mélynda; Jakubcová, Michala; Demeyer, Peter; Zhang, Guoqiang
    Ammonia emissions from naturally ventilated livestock buildings (NVLBs) pose a serious environmental problem. However, the mechanisms that control these emissions are still not fully understood. One promising method for understanding these mechanisms is physical modelling in wind tunnels. This paper reviews studies that have used this method to investigate flow or pollutant dispersion within or from NVLBs. The review indicates the importance of wind tunnels for understanding the flow and pollutant dispersion processes within and from NVLBs. However, most studies have investigated the flow, while only few studies have focused on pollutant dispersion. Furthermore, only few studies have simulated all the essential parameters of the approaching boundary layer. Therefore, this paper discusses these shortcomings and provides tips and recommendations for further research in this respect.
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    On Finding the Right Sampling Line Height through a Parametric Study of Gas Dispersion in a NVB
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Doumbia, E. Moustapha; Janke, David; Yi, Qianying; Zhang, Guoqiang; Amon, Thomas; Kriegel, Martin; Hempel, Sabrina
    The tracer gas method is one of the common ways to evaluate the air exchange rate in a naturally ventilated barn. One crucial condition for the accuracy of the method is that both considered gases (pollutant and tracer) are perfectly mixed at the points where the measurements are done. In the present study, by means of computational fluids dynamics (CFD), the mixing ratio NH3/CO2 is evaluated inside a barn in order to assess under which flow conditions the common height recommendation guidelines for sampling points (sampling line and sampling net) of the tracer gas method are most valuable. Our CFD model considered a barn with a rectangular layout and four animal-occupied zones modeled as a porous medium representing pressure drop and heat entry from lying and standing cows. We studied three inflow angles and six combinations of air inlet wind speed and temperatures gradients covering the three types of convection, i.e., natural, mixed, and forced. Our results showed that few cases corresponded to a nearly perfect gas mixing ratio at the currently common recommendation of at least a 3 m measurement height, while the best height in fact lied between 1.5 m and 2.5 m for most cases.