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An amino acid based system for CO2 capture and catalytic utilization to produce formates

2021, Wei, Duo, Junge, Henrik, Beller, Matthias

Herein, we report a novel amino acid based reaction system for CO2 capture and utilization (CCU) to produce formates in the presence of the naturally occurring amino acid l-lysine. Utilizing a specific ruthenium-based catalyst system, hydrogenation of absorbed carbon dioxide occurs with high activity and excellent productivity. Noteworthy, following the CCU concept, CO2 can be captured from ambient air in the form of carbamates and converted directly to formates in one-pot (TON > 50 000). This protocol opens new potential for transforming captured CO2 from ambient air to C1-related products. © 2021 The Royal Society of Chemistry.

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Hydrogen production from formic acid catalyzed by a phosphine free manganese complex: Investigation and mechanistic insights

2020, Léval, Alexander, Agapova, Anastasiya, Steinlechner, Christoph, Alberico, Elisabetta, Junge, Henrik, Beller, Matthias

Formic acid dehydrogenation (FAD) is considered as a promising process in the context of hydrogen storage. Its low toxicity, availability and convenient handling make FA attractive as a potential hydrogen carrier. To date, most promising catalysts have been based on noble metals, such as ruthenium and iridium. Efficient non-noble metal systems like iron were designed but manganese remains relatively unexplored for this transformation. In this work, we present a panel of phosphine free manganese catalysts which showed activity and stability in formic acid dehydrogenation. The most promising results were obtained with Mn(pyridine-imidazoline)(CO)3Br yielding >14 l of the H2/CO2 mixture and proved to be stable for more than 3 days. Additionally, this study provides insights into the mechanism of formic acid dehydrogenation. Kinetic experiments, Kinetic Isotopic Effect (KIE), in situ observations, NMR labeling experiments and pH monitoring allow us to propose a catalytic cycle for this transformation.