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Self-Assembled Flexible and Integratable 3D Microtubular Asymmetric Supercapacitors

2019, Li, F., Wang, J., Liu, L., Qu, J., Li, Y., Bandari, V.K., Karnaushenko, D., Becker, C., Faghih, M., Kang, T., Baunack, S., Zhu, M., Zhu, F., Schmidt, O.G.

The rapid development of microelectronics has equally rapidly increased the demand for miniaturized energy storage devices. On-chip microsupercapacitors (MSCs), as promising power candidates, possess great potential to complement or replace electrolytic capacitors and microbatteries in various applications. However, the areal capacities and energy densities of the planar MSCs are commonly limited by the low voltage window, the thin layer of the electrode materials and complex fabrication processes. Here, a new-type three-dimensional (3D) tubular asymmetric MSC with small footprint area, high potential window, ultrahigh areal energy density, and long-term cycling stability is fabricated with shapeable materials and photolithographic technologies, which are compatible with modern microelectronic fabrication procedures widely used in industry. Benefiting from the novel architecture, the 3D asymmetric MSC displays an ultrahigh areal capacitance of 88.6 mF cm−2 and areal energy density of 28.69 mW h cm−2, superior to most reported interdigitated MSCs. Furthermore, the 3D tubular MSCs demonstrate remarkable cycling stability and the capacitance retention is up to 91.8% over 12 000 cycles. It is believed that the efficient fabrication methodology can be used to construct various integratable microscale tubular energy storage devices with small footprint area and high performance for miniaturized electronics.

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Tailoring electron beams with high-frequency self-assembled magnetic charged particle micro optics

2022, Huber, R., Kern, F., Karnaushenko, D.D., Eisner, E., Lepucki, P., Thampi, A., Mirhajivarzaneh, A., Becker, C., Kang, T., Baunack, S., Büchner, B., Karnaushenko, D., Schmidt, O.G., Lubk, A.

Tunable electromagnets and corresponding devices, such as magnetic lenses or stigmators, are the backbone of high-energy charged particle optical instruments, such as electron microscopes, because they provide higher optical power, stability, and lower aberrations compared to their electric counterparts. However, electromagnets are typically macroscopic (super-)conducting coils, which cannot generate swiftly changing magnetic fields, require active cooling, and are structurally bulky, making them unsuitable for fast beam manipulation, multibeam instruments, and miniaturized applications. Here, we present an on-chip microsized magnetic charged particle optics realized via a self-assembling micro-origami process. These micro-electromagnets can generate alternating magnetic fields of about ±100 mT up to a hundred MHz, supplying sufficiently large optical power for a large number of charged particle optics applications. That particular includes fast spatiotemporal electron beam modulation such as electron beam deflection, focusing, and wave front shaping as required for stroboscopic imaging.

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Self-assembly of highly sensitive 3D magnetic field vector angular encoders

2019, Becker, C., Karnaushenko, D., Kang, T., Karnaushenko, D.D., Faghih, M., Mirhajivarzaneh, A., Schmidt, O.G.

Novel robotic, bioelectronic, and diagnostic systems require a variety of compact and high-performance sensors. Among them, compact three-dimensional (3D) vector angular encoders are required to determine spatial position and orientation in a 3D environment. However, fabrication of 3D vector sensors is a challenging task associated with time-consuming and expensive, sequential processing needed for the orientation of individual sensor elements in 3D space. In this work, we demonstrate the potential of 3D self-assembly to simultaneously reorient numerous giant magnetoresistive (GMR) spin valve sensors for smart fabrication of 3D magnetic angular encoders. During the self-assembly process, the GMR sensors are brought into their desired orthogonal positions within the three Cartesian planes in a simultaneous process that yields monolithic high-performance devices. We fabricated vector angular encoders with equivalent angular accuracy in all directions of 0.14°, as well as low noise and low power consumption during high-speed operation at frequencies up to 1 kHz.