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    Biomimetic microelectronics for regenerative neuronal cuff implants
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2015) Karnaushenko, Daniil; Münzenrieder, Niko; Karnaushenko, Dmitriy D.; Koch, Britta; Meyer, Anne K.; Baunack, Stefan; Petti, Luisa; Tröster, Gerhard; Makarov, Denys; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    Smart biomimetics, a unique class of devices combining the mechanical adaptivity of soft actuators with the imperceptibility of microelectronics, is introduced. Due to their inherent ability to self‐assemble, biomimetic microelectronics can firmly yet gently attach to an inorganic or biological tissue enabling enclosure of, for example, nervous fibers, or guide the growth of neuronal cells during regeneration.
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    Self‐assembled on‐chip‐integrated giant magneto‐impedance sensorics
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2015) Karnaushenko, Daniil; Karnaushenko, Dmitriy D.; Makarov, Denys; Baunack, Stefan; Schäfer, Rudolf; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    A novel method relying on strain engineering to realize arrays of on‐chip‐integrated giant magneto‐impedance (GMI) sensors equipped with pick‐up coils is put forth. The geometrical transformation of an initially planar layout into a tubular 3D architecture stabilizes favorable azimuthal magnetic domain patterns. This work creates a solid foundation for further development of CMOS compatible GMI sensorics for magnetoencephalography.