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Germania and alumina dopant diffusion and viscous flow effects at preparation of doped optical fibers

2017, Kobelke, Jens, Schuster, Kay, Bierlich, Jörg, Unger, Sonja, Schwuchow, Anka, Elsmann, Tino, Dellith, Jan, Aichele, Claudia, Fatobene Ando, Ron, Bartelt, Hartmut

We report on germania and alumina dopant profile shift effects at preparation of compact optical fibers using packaging methods (Stack-and-Draw method, Rod-in-Tube (RiT) technique). The sintering of package hollow volume by viscous flow results in a shift of the core-pitch ratio in all-solid microstructured fibers. The ratio is increased by about 5% in the case of a hexagonal package. The shift by diffusion effects of both dopants is simulated for typical slow speed drawing parameters. Thermodynamic approximations of surface dissociation of germania doped silica suggest the need of an adequate undoped silica barrier layer to prevent an undesired bubble formation at fiber drawing. In contrast, alumina doping does not estimate critical dissociation effects with vaporous aluminium oxide components. We report guide values of diffusion length of germania and alumina for the drawing process by kinetic approximation. The germania diffusion involves a small core enlargement, typically in the sub-micrometer scale. Though, the alumina diffusion enlarges it by a few micrometers. A drawn pure alumina preform core rod transforms to an amorphous aluminosilicate core with a molar alumina concentration of only about 50% and a non-gaussian concentration profile.

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Negative curvature hollow core fiber sensor for the measurement of strain and temperature

2021, Ferreira, Marta S., Bierlich, Jörg, Kobelke, Jens, Pinto, João L., Wondraczek, Katrin

Three different types of strain and temperature sensors based on negative curvature hollow core fiber (NCHCF) are proposed. Each sensor is produced by splicing a small section of the NCHCF between two sections of single mode fiber. Different types of interferometers are obtained simply by changing the splicing conditions. The first sensor consists on a single Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI). The remaining two configurations are attained with the same sensing structure, depending on its position in relation to the interrogation setup. Thus, a double FPI or a hybrid sensor, the latter being composed by an FPI and a Michelson interferometer, are formed. The inline sensors are of submillimeter size, thus enabling nearly punctual measurements.

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Ultrafast intermodal third harmonic generation in a liquid core step-index fiber filled with C2Cl4

2020, Schaarschmidt, Kay, Kobelke, Jens, Nolte, Stefan, Meyer, Tobias, Schmidt, Markus A.

Third harmonic generation in a circular liquid core step-index fiber filled with a highly transparent inorganic solvent is demonstrated experimentally using ultrafast pump pulses of different durations in the telecom domain for the first time. Specifically we achieve intermodal phase matching to the HE13 higher order mode at the harmonic wavelength and found clear indications of a non-instantaneous molecular contribution to the total nonlinearity in the spectral broadening of the pump. Spectral power evolution and efficiency of the conversion process is studied for all pulse parameters, while we found the greatest photon yield for the longest pulses as well as an unexpected blue-shift of the third harmonic wavelength with increasing pump power. Our results provide the basis for future studies aiming at using this tunable fiber platform with a sophisticated nonlinear response in the context of harmonic generation. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

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Yb-doped large mode area fiber for beam quality improvement using local adiabatic tapers with reduced dopant diffusion

2018, Zhu, Yuan, Leich, Martin, Lorenz, Martin, Eschrich, Tina, Aichele, Claudia, Kobelke, Jens, Bartelt, Hartmut, Jäger, Matthias

A newly designed all-solid step-index Yb-doped aluminosilicate large mode area fiber for achieving high peak power at near diffraction limited beam quality with local adiabatic tapering is presented. The 45µm diameter fiber core and pump cladding consist of active/passively doped aluminosilicate glass produced by powder sinter technology (REPUSIL). A deliberate combination of innovative cladding and core materials was aspired to achieve low processing temperature reducing dopant diffusion during fiber fabrication, tapering and splicing. By developing a short adiabatic taper, robust seed coupling is achieved by using this Yb-doped LMA fiber as final stage of a nanosecond fiber Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) system while maintaining near diffraction limited beam quality by preferential excitation of the fundamental mode. After application of a fiber-based endcap, the peak power could be scaled up to 375 kW with high beam quality and a measured M2 value of 1.3~1.7.A newly designed all-solid step-index Yb-doped aluminosilicate large mode area fiber for achieving high peak power at near diffraction limited beam quality with local adiabatic tapering is presented. The 45µm diameter fiber core and pump cladding consist of active/passively doped aluminosilicate glass produced by powder sinter technology (REPUSIL). A deliberate combination of innovative cladding and core materials was aspired to achieve low processing temperature reducing dopant diffusion during fiber fabrication, tapering and splicing. By developing a short adiabatic taper, robust seed coupling is achieved by using this Yb-doped LMA fiber as final stage of a nanosecond fiber Master Oscillator Power Amplifier (MOPA) system while maintaining near diffraction limited beam quality by preferential excitation of the fundamental mode. After application of a fiber-based endcap, the peak power could be scaled up to 375 kW with high beam quality and a measured M2 value of 1.3~1.7.

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Hollow square core fiber sensor for physical parameters measurement

2022, Pereira, Diana, Bierlich, Jörg, Kobelke, Jens, Ferreira, Marta S.

The measurement of physical parameters is important in many current applications, since they often rely on these measurands to operate with the due quality and the necessary safety. In this work, a simple and robust optical fiber sensor based on an antiresonant hollow square core fiber (HSCF) is proposed to measure simultaneously temperature, strain, and curvature. The proposed sensor was designed in a transmission configuration where a segment of HSCF, with a 10 mm length, was spliced between two single mode fibers. In this sensor, a cladding modal interference (CMI) and a Mach-Zehnder interference (MZI) are enhanced along with the antiresonance (AR) guidance. All the present mechanisms exhibit different responses towards the physical parameters. For the temperature, sensitivities of 32.8 pm/°C, 18.9 pm/°C, and 15.7 pm/°C were respectively attained for the MZI, AR, and CMI. As for the strain, sensitivities of 0.45 pm/μϵ, -0.93 pm/μϵ, and -2.72 pm/μϵ were acquired for the MZI, AR and CMI respectively. Meanwhile, for the curvature measurements, two regions of analysis were considered. In the first region (0 m-1 - 0.7 m-1) sensitivities of 0.033 nm/m-1, -0.27 nm/m-1, and -2.21 nm/m-1 were achieved, whilst for the second region (0.7 m-1 - 1.5 m-1) sensitivities of 0.067 nm/m-1, -0.63 nm/m-1, and -0.49 nm/m-1 were acquired for the MZI, AR and CMI, respectively.

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Capillary based hybrid fiber sensor in a balloon-like shape for simultaneous measurement of displacement and temperature

2022, Santos, João P., Bierlich, Jörg, Kobelke, Jens, Ferreira, Marta S.

In this work, a hybrid sensor based on a silica capillary in a balloon-like shape for simultaneous measurement of displacement and temperature is proposed for the first time, to the best of our knowledge. The sensor is fabricated by splicing a segment of a hollow core fiber between two single mode fibers (SMF) and by bending the fiber in a balloon shape with the capillary at the top-center position. In a transmission scheme, the SMF-capillary-SMF configuration excites an antiresonant (AR) guidance and the balloon shape enhances a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI). The different responses of the interferometers to external displacement and temperature variations are conducive to a hybrid application of the sensor for simultaneous measurement of these parameters. Experimental results show that, for a capillary length of 1.2 cm and a balloon length of 4 cm, AR is insensitive to displacement and its sensitivity to temperature is 14.3 pm/°C, while the MZI has a sensitivity to displacement of 1.68 nm/mm and twice the sensitivity of AR to temperature, of 28.6 pm/°C. The proposed fiber sensor consists of only one sensing element in one configuration exciting two interferometers at the same time, which makes it of simple fabrication as well as low cost.

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Carbon chloride-core fibers for soliton mediated supercontinuum generation

2018, Chemnitz, Mario, Gaida, Christian, Gebhardt, Martin, Stutzki, Fabian, Kobelke, Jens, Tünnermann, Andreas, Limpert, Jens, Schmidt, Markus A.

We report on soliton-fission mediated infrared supercontinuum generation in liquid-core step-index fibers using highly transparent carbon chlorides (CCl4, C2Cl4). By developing models for the refractive index dispersions and nonlinear response functions, dispersion engineering and pumping with an ultrafast thulium fiber laser (300 fs) at 1.92 μm, distinct soliton fission and dispersive wave generation was observed, particularly in the case of tetrachloroethylene (C2Cl4). The measured results match simulations of both the generalized and a hybrid nonlinear Schrödinger equation, with the latter resembling the characteristics of non-instantaneous medium via a static potential term and representing a simulation tool with substantially reduced complexity. We show that C2Cl4 has the potential for observing non-instantaneous soliton dynamics along meters of liquid-core fiber opening a feasible route for directly observing hybrid soliton dynamics.

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Ultrafast intermodal third harmonic generation in a liquid core step-index fiber filled with C2Cl4: erratum

2021, Schaarschmidt, Kay, Kobelke, Jens, Nolte, Stefan, Meyer, Tobias, Schmidt, Markus A.

We provide a correction due to an erroneous repetition rate of one of the laser systems (90 fs pulse duration) in our previously published paper [Opt. Express28, 25037 (2020)10.1364/OE.399771].

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Hybrid soliton dynamics in liquid-core fibres

2017, Chemnitz, Mario, Gebhardt, Martin, Gaida, Christian, Stutzki, Fabian, Kobelke, Jens, Limpert, Jens, Tünnermann, Andreas, Schmidt, Markus A.

The discovery of optical solitons being understood as temporally and spectrally stationary optical states has enabled numerous innovations among which, most notably, supercontinuum light sources have become widely used in both fundamental and applied sciences. Here, we report on experimental evidence for dynamics of hybrid solitons—a new type of solitary wave, which emerges as a result of a strong non-instantaneous nonlinear response in CS2-filled liquid-core optical fibres. Octave-spanning supercontinua in the mid-infrared region are observed when pumping the hybrid waveguide with a 460 fs laser (1.95 μm) in the anomalous dispersion regime at nanojoule-level pulse energies. A detailed numerical analysis well correlated with the experiment uncovers clear indicators of emerging hybrid solitons, revealing their impact on the bandwidth, onset energy and noise characteristics of the supercontinua. Our study highlights liquid-core fibres as a promising platform for fundamental optics and applications towards novel coherent and reconfigurable light sources.

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Thermodynamical control of soliton dynamics in liquid-core fibers

2018, Chemnitz, Mario, Gaida, Christian, Gebhardt, Martin, Stutzki, Fabian, Kobelke, Jens, Tünnermann, Andreas, Limpert, Jens, Schmidt, Markus A.

Liquid-core fibers offer local external control over pulse dispersion due to their strong thermodynamic response, offering a new degree of freedom in accurate soliton steering for reconfigurable nonlinear light generation. Here, we show how to accurately control soliton dynamics and supercontinuum generation in carbon disulfide/silica fibers by temperature and pressure tuning, monitored via the spectral location and the onset energy of non-solitonic radiation. Simulations and phase-matching calculations based on an extended thermodynamic dispersion model of carbon disulfide confirm the experimental results, which allows us to demonstrate the potential of temperature detuning of liquid-core fibers for octave spanning recompressible supercontinuum generation in the near-infrared.