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Differentiability Properties for Boundary Control of Fluid-Structure Interactions of Linear Elasticity with Navier-Stokes Equations with Mixed-Boundary Conditions in a Channel

2023, Hintermüller, Michael, Kröner, Axel

In this paper we consider a fluid-structure interaction problem given by the steady Navier Stokes equations coupled with linear elasticity taken from (Lasiecka et al. in Nonlinear Anal 44:54–85, 2018). An elastic body surrounded by a liquid in a rectangular domain is deformed by the flow which can be controlled by the Dirichlet boundary condition at the inlet. On the walls along the channel homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions and on the outflow boundary do-nothing conditions are prescribed. We recall existence results for the nonlinear system from that reference and analyze the control to state mapping generalizing the results of (Wollner and Wick in J Math Fluid Mech 21:34, 2019) to the setting of the nonlinear Navier-Stokes equation for the fluid and the situation of mixed boundary conditions in a domain with corners.

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State-constrained control-affine parabolic problems II: Second order sufficient optimality conditions

2020, Aronna, M. Soledad, Bonnans, J. Frédéric, Kröner, Axel

In this paper we consider an optimal control problem governed by a semilinear heat equation with bilinear control-state terms and subject to control and state constraints. The state constraints are of integral type, the integral being with respect to the space variable. The control is multidimensional. The cost functional is of a tracking type and contains a linear term in the control variables. We derive second order sufficient conditions relying on the Goh transform.

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Differentiability properties for boundary control of fluid-structure interactions of linear elasticity with Navier--Stokes equations with mixed-boundary conditions in a channel

2021, Hintermüller, Michael, Kröner, Axel

In this paper we consider a fluid-structure interaction problem given by the steady Navier Stokes equations coupled with linear elasticity taken from [Lasiecka, Szulc, and Zochoswki, Nonl. Anal.: Real World Appl., 44, 2018]. An elastic body surrounded by a liquid in a rectangular domain is deformed by the flow which can be controlled by the Dirichlet boundary condition at the inlet. On the walls along the channel homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions and on the outflow boundary do-nothing conditions are prescribed. We recall existence results for the nonlinear system from that reference and analyze the control to state mapping generaziling the results of [Wollner and Wick, J. Math. Fluid Mech., 21, 2019] to the setting of the nonlinear Navier-Stokes equation for the fluid and the situation of mixed boundary conditions in a domain with corners.

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State-constrained control-affine parabolic problems I: First and second order necessary optimality conditions

2020, Aronna, M. Soledad, Bonnans, J. Frédéric, Kröner, Axel

In this paper we consider an optimal control problem governed by a semilinear heat equation with bilinear control-state terms and subject to control and state constraints. The state constraints are of integral type, the integral being with respect to the space variable. The control is multidimensional. The cost functional is of a tracking type and contains a linear term in the control variables. We derive second order necessary conditions relying on the concept of alternative costates and quasi-radial critical directions.

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Existence, uniqueness, and stabilization results for parabolic variational inequalities

2021, Kröner, Axel, Rautenberg, Carlos N., Rodrigues, Sérgio

In this paper we consider feedback stabilization for parabolic variational inequalities of obstacle type with time and space depending reaction and convection coefficients and show exponential stabilization to nonstationary trajectories. Based on a Moreau--Yosida approximation, a feedback operator is established using a finite (and uniform in the approximation index) number of actuators leading to exponential decay of given rate of the state variable. Several numerical examples are presented addressing smooth and nonsmooth obstacle functions.