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Dispersability and particle size distribution of CNTs in an aqueous surfactant dispersion as a function of ultrasonic treatment time

2010, Krause, Beate, Mende, Mandy, Pötschke, Petra, Petzold, Gudrun

The dispersability of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was assessed by studying the sedimentation of CNTs dispersed in aqueous surfactant solutions at different ultrasonication treatment times using a LUMiSizer® apparatus under centrifugal forces. Different commercially available multiwalled CNTs, namely Baytubes® C150P, Nanocyl™ NC7000, Arkema Graphistrength® C100, and FutureCarbon CNT-MW showing quite different kinetics were compared. In addition, the particle size distributions were analyzed using dynamic light scattering and centrifugal separation analysis. The best dispersabilities were found for Nanocyl™ NC7000 and FutureCarbon CNT-MW; to prepare stable dispersions of Baytubes® C150P or Graphistrength® C100 five times the energy was needed. As a result of the centrifugal separation analysis, it was concluded that Nanocyl™ NC7000 and Baytubes® C150P were dispersed as single nanotubes using ultrasonic treatment whereas small agglomerates or bundles are existing in dispersions containing FutureCarbon CNT-MW and Graphistrength® C100. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Influence of small scale melt mixing conditions on electrical resistivity of carbon nanotube-polyamide composites

2009, Krause, Beate, Pötschke, Petra, Häußler, Liane

Polyamide 6 (PA6) and polyamide 6.6 (PA66) were filled with multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWNT) using small scale melt mixing under variation of processing conditions, including temperature, rotation speed, and mixing time. In PA66 an electrical percolation threshold of 1 wt% MWNT was found which is lower than that of PA6 at 2.5-4 wt%. In both cases mixing conditions influenced strongly the dispersion and distribution of CNT and the electrical volume resistivity, whereas crystallisation behaviour was only slightly changed. With increasing mixing energy input remaining agglomerates were less in number and smaller, leading to better dispersion. On the other hand, in samples containing 5 wt% MWNT in PA6 electrical volume resistivity showed a minimum at a quite low energy input and then increased considerably with further input of mixing energy. This increase may be related to MWNT breaking during mixing and encapsulation of MWNT by the polyamide chains. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Correlation of carbon nanotube dispersability in aqueous surfactant solutions and polymers

2009, Krause, Beate, Petzold, Gudrun, Pegel, Sven, Pötschke, Petra

In order to assess the dispersability of carbon nanotube materials, tubes produced under different synthesis conditions were dispersed in aqueous surfactant solutions and the sedimentation behaviour under centrifugation forces was investigated using a LUMiFuge stability analyzer. The electrical percolation threshold of the nanotubes after melt mixing in polyamide 6.6 was determined and the state of dispersion was studied. As a general tendency, the nanotubes having better aqueous dispersion stability showed lower electrical percolation threshold and better nanotube dispersion in the composites. This indicates that the investigation of the stability of aqueous dispersions is also able to give information about the nanotubes inherent dispersability in polymer melts, both strongly influenced by the entanglement and agglomerate structure of the tubes within the as-produced nanotube materials. The shape of the nanotubes in the aqueous dispersions was assessed using a SYSMEX flow particle image analyzer and found to correspond to the shape observed from cryofractured surfaces of the polymer composites. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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Comparison of nanotubes produced by fixed bed and aerosol-CVD methods and their electrical percolation behaviour in melt mixed polyamide 6.6 composites

2010, Krause, Beate, Ritschel, M., Täschner, C., Oswald, S., Gruner, W., Leonhardt, A., Pötschke, Petra

The electrical percolation behaviour of five different kinds of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) synthesised by two CVD techniques was investigated on melt mixed composites based on an insulating polyamide 6.6 matrix. The electrical percolation behaviour was found to be strongly dependent on the properties of CNTs which varied with the synthesis conditions. The lowest electrical percolation threshold (0.04 wt.%) was determined for as grown multi-walled carbon nanotubes without any purification or chemical treatment. Such carbon nanotubes were synthesised by the aerosol method using acetonitrile as ferrocene containing solvent and show relatively low oxygen content near the surface, high aspect ratio, and good dispersability. Similar properties could be found for nanotubes produced by the aerosol method using cyclohexane, whereas CNTs produced by the fixed bed method using different iron contents in the catalyst material showed much higher electrical percolation thresholds between 0.35 and 1.02 wt.%. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.