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Beam damage of single semiconductor nanowires during X-ray nanobeam diffraction experiments

2020, Al Hassan, Ali, Lähnemann, Jonas, Davtyan, Arman, Al-Humaidi, Mahmoud, Herranz, Jesús, Bahrami, Danial, Anjum, Taseer, Bertram, Florian, Dey, Arka Bikash, Geelhaar, Lutz, Pietsch, Ullrich

Nanoprobe X-ray diffraction (nXRD) using focused synchrotron radiation is a powerful technique to study the structural properties of individual semiconductor nanowires. However, when performing the experiment under ambient conditions, the required high X-ray dose and prolonged exposure times can lead to radiation damage. To unveil the origin of radiation damage, a comparison is made of nXRD experiments carried out on individual semiconductor nanowires in their as-grown geometry both under ambient conditions and under He atmosphere at the microfocus station of the P08 beamline at the third-generation source PETRA III. Using an incident X-ray beam energy of 9 keV and photon flux of 1010 s-1, the axial lattice parameter and tilt of individual GaAs/In0.2Ga0.8As/GaAs core-shell nanowires were monitored by continuously recording reciprocal-space maps of the 111 Bragg reflection at a fixed spatial position over several hours. In addition, the emission properties of the (In,Ga)As quantum well, the atomic composition of the exposed nanowires and the nanowire morphology were studied by cathodoluminescence spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy, respectively, both prior to and after nXRD exposure. Nanowires exposed under ambient conditions show severe optical and morphological damage, which was reduced for nanowires exposed under He atmosphere. The observed damage can be largely attributed to an oxidation process from X-ray-induced ozone reactions in air. Due to the lower heat-transfer coefficient compared with GaAs, this oxide shell limits the heat transfer through the nanowire side facets, which is considered as the main channel of heat dissipation for nanowires in the as-grown geometry.

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Dislocation and indium droplet related emission inhomogeneities in InGaN LEDs

2021, van Deurzen, Len, Gómez Ruiz, Mikel, Lee, Kevin, Turski, Henryk, Bharadwaj, Shyam, Page, Ryan, Protasenko, Vladimir, Xing, Huili (Grace), Lähnemann, Jonas, Jena, Debdeep

This report classifies emission inhomogeneities that manifest in InGaN quantum well blue light-emitting diodes grown by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy on free-standing GaN substrates. By a combination of spatially resolved electroluminescence and cathodoluminescence measurements, atomic force microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and hot wet potassium hydroxide etching, the identified inhomogeneities are found to fall in four categories. Labeled here as type I through IV, they are distinguishable by their size, density, energy, intensity, radiative and electronic characteristics and chemical etch pits which correlates them with dislocations. Type I exhibits a blueshift of about 120 meV for the InGaN quantum well emission attributed to a perturbation of the active region, which is related to indium droplets that form on the surface in the metal-rich InGaN growth condition. Specifically, we attribute the blueshift to a decreased growth rate of and indium incorporation in the InGaN quantum wells underneath the droplet which is postulated to be the result of reduced incorporated N species due to increased N2 formation. The location of droplets are correlated with mixed type dislocations for type I defects. Types II through IV are due to screw dislocations, edge dislocations, and dislocation bunching, respectively, and form dark spots due to leakage current and nonradiative recombination.

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Self-Assembly of Well-Separated AlN Nanowires Directly on Sputtered Metallic TiN Films

2020, Azadmand, Mani, Auzelle, Thomas, Lähnemann, Jonas, Gao, Guanhui, Nicolai, Lars, Ramsteiner, Manfred, Trampert, Achim, Sanguinetti, Stefano, Brandt, Oliver, Geelhaar, Lutz

Herein, the self-assembled formation of AlN nanowires (NWs) by molecular beam epitaxy on sputtered TiN films on sapphire is demonstrated. This choice of substrate allows growth at an exceptionally high temperature of 1180 °C. In contrast to previous reports, the NWs are well separated and do not suffer from pronounced coalescence. This achievement is explained by sufficient Al adatom diffusion on the substrate and the NW sidewalls. The high crystalline quality of the NWs is evidenced by the observation of near-band-edge emission in the cathodoluminescence spectrum. The key factor for the low NW coalescence is the TiN film, which spectroscopic ellipsometry and Raman spectroscopy indicate to be stoichiometric. Its metallic nature will be beneficial for optoelectronic devices using these NWs as the basis for (Al,Ga)N/AlN heterostructures emitting in the deep ultraviolet spectral range.

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Epitaxial synthesis of unintentionally doped p-type SnO (001) via suboxide molecular beam epitaxy

2023, Egbo, Kingsley, Luna, Esperanza, Lähnemann, Jonas, Hoffmann, Georg, Trampert, Achim, Grümbel, Jona, Kluth, Elias, Feneberg, Martin, Goldhahn, Rüdiger, Bierwagen, Oliver

By employing a mixed SnO2 + Sn source, we demonstrate suboxide molecular beam epitaxy (S-MBE) growth of phase-pure single-crystalline metastable SnO (001) thin films on Y-stabilized ZrO2 (001) substrates at a growth rate of ∼1.0 nm/min without the need for additional oxygen. These films grow epitaxially across a wide substrate temperature range from 150 to 450 °C. Hence, we present an alternative pathway to overcome the limitations of high Sn or SnO2 cell temperatures and narrow growth windows encountered in previous MBE growth of metastable SnO. In situ laser reflectometry and line-of-sight quadrupole mass spectrometry were used to investigate the rate of SnO desorption as a function of substrate temperature. While SnO ad-molecule desorption at TS = 450 °C was growth-rate limiting, the SnO films did not desorb at this temperature after growth in vacuum. The SnO (001) thin films are transparent and unintentionally p-type doped, with hole concentrations and mobilities in the range of 0.9-6.0 × 1018 cm-3 and 2.0-5.5 cm2 V-1 s-1, respectively. These p-type SnO films obtained at low substrate temperatures are promising for back-end-of-line (BEOL) compatible applications and for integration with n-type oxides in pn heterojunctions and field-effect transistors.