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Oscillatory Microrheology, Creep Compliance and Stress Relaxation of Biological Cells Reveal Strong Correlations as Probed by Atomic Force Microscopy

2021, Flormann, D.A.D., Anton, C., Pohland, M.O., Bautz, Y., Kaub, K., Terriac, E., Schäffer, T.E., Rheinlaender, J., Janshoff, A., Ott, A., Lautenschläger, F.

The mechanical properties of cells are important for many biological processes, including wound healing, cancers, and embryogenesis. Currently, our understanding of cell mechanical properties remains incomplete. Different techniques have been used to probe different aspects of the mechanical properties of cells, among them microplate rheology, optical tweezers, micropipette aspiration, and magnetic twisting cytometry. These techniques have given rise to different theoretical descriptions, reaching from simple Kelvin-Voigt or Maxwell models to fractional such as power law models, and their combinations. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a flexible technique that enables global and local probing of adherent cells. Here, using an AFM, we indented single retinal pigmented epithelium cells adhering to the bottom of a culture dish. The indentation was performed at two locations: above the nucleus, and towards the periphery of the cell. We applied creep compliance, stress relaxation, and oscillatory rheological tests to wild type and drug modified cells. Considering known fractional and semi-fractional descriptions, we found the extracted parameters to correlate. Moreover, the Young’s modulus as obtained from the initial indentation strongly correlated with all of the parameters from the applied power-law descriptions. Our study shows that the results from different rheological tests are directly comparable. This can be used in the future, for example, to reduce the number of measurements in planned experiments. Apparently, under these experimental conditions, the cells possess a limited number of degrees of freedom as their rheological properties change.

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Correlative Fluorescence- and Electron Microscopy of Whole Breast Cancer Cells Reveals Different Distribution of ErbB2 Dependent on Underlying Actin

2020, Dahmke, I.N., Trampert, P., Weinberg, F., Mostajeran, Z., Lautenschläger, F., de Jonge, N.

Epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (ErbB2) is found overexpressed in several cancers, such as gastric, and breast cancer, and is, therefore, an important therapeutic target. ErbB2 plays a central role in cancer cell invasiveness, and is associated with cytoskeletal reorganization. In order to study the spatial correlation of single ErbB2 proteins and actin filaments, we applied correlative fluorescence microscopy (FM), and scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) to image specifically labeled SKBR3 breast cancer cells. The breast cancer cells were grown on microchips, transformed to express an actin-green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion protein, and labeled with quantum dot (QD) nanoparticles attached to specific anti-ErbB2 Affibodies. FM was performed to identify cellular regions with spatially correlated actin and ErbB2 expression. For STEM of the intact plasma membrane of whole cells, the cells were fixed and covered with graphene. Spatial distribution patterns of ErbB2 in the actin rich ruffled membrane regions were examined, and compared to adjacent actin-low regions of the same cell, revealing an association of putative signaling active ErbB2 homodimers with actin-rich regions. ErbB2 homodimers were found absent from actin-low membrane regions, as well as after treatment of cells with Cytochalasin D, which breaks up larger actin filaments. In both latter data sets, a significant inter-label distance of 36 nm was identified, possibly indicating an indirect attachment to helical actin filaments via the formation of heterodimers of ErbB2 with epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). The possible attachment to actin filaments was further explored by identifying linear QD-chains in actin-rich regions, which also showed an inter-label distance of 36 nm.

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Vimentin intermediate filament rings deform the nucleus during the first steps of adhesion

2019, Terriac, E., Schütz, S., Lautenschläger, F.

During cell spreading, cells undergo many changes to their architecture and their mechanical properties. Vimentin, as an integral part of the cell architecture, and its mechanical stability must adapt to the new state of the cell. This study focuses on the structures formed by vimentin during the first steps of cell adhesion. Very early, ball-like structures, or “knots,” are seen and often vimentin filaments emerge in the shape of rings around the nucleus. Although intermediate filaments are not known to be associated to motor proteins to form contractile systems, these rings can nonetheless strongly deform the cell nucleus. In the first 6 to 12 h of adhesion, these vimentin knots and rings disappear, and the intermediate filament network returns to the state seen before detachment of the cells. As these vimentin structures are very transient in the early steps of cell spreading, they have rarely been described in the literature. However, they can also be seen during mitosis, which is an event that involves partial detachment and re-spreading of the cells. Interestingly, the turnover dynamics of vimentin are reduced in both the knots and rings, compared to vimentin in the lamellipodia. It remains to define how the force is transmitted from the ball-like structures to the rings, and to measure the impact of such strong nuclear deformation on gene expression during cell re-spreading and the rearrangement of the vimentin network. Copyright © 2019 Terriac, Schütz and Lautenschläger. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.