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    Molecular Liquids versus Ionic Liquids: The Interplay between Inter-Molecular and Intra-Molecular Hydrogen Bonding as Seen by Vaporisation Thermodynamics
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Verevkin, Sergey P.; Zaitsau, Dzmitry H.; Ludwig, Ralf
    In this study, we determined the enthalpies of vaporisation for a suitable set of molecular and ionic liquids using modern techniques for vapour pressure measurements, such as the quartz crystal microbalance, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and gas chromatographic methods. This enabled us to measure reasonable vapour pressures, avoiding the problem of the decomposition of the ionic liquids at high temperatures. The enthalpies of vaporisation could be further analysed by applying the well-known “group contribution” methods for molecular liquids and the “centerpiece” method for ionic liquids. This combined approach allowed for the dissection of the enthalpies of vaporisation into different types of molecular interaction, including hydrogen bonding and the dispersion interaction in the liquid phase, without knowing the existing species in both the liquid and gas phases.
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    Three in One: The Versatility of Hydrogen Bonding Interaction in Halide Salts with Hydroxy-Functionalized Pyridinium Cations
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH Verl., 2021) Al Sheakh, Loai; Niemann, Thomas; Villinger, Alexander; Stange, Peter; Zaitsau, Dzmitry H.; Strate, Anne; Ludwig, Ralf
    The paradigm of supramolecular chemistry relies on the delicate balance of noncovalent forces. Here we present a systematic approach for controlling the structural versatility of halide salts by the nature of hydrogen bonding interactions. We synthesized halide salts with hydroxy-functionalized pyridinium cations [HOCn Py]+ (n=2, 3, 4) and chloride, bromide and iodide anions, which are typically used as precursor material for synthesizing ionic liquids by anion metathesis reaction. The X-ray structures of these omnium halides show two types of hydrogen bonding: 'intra-ionic' H-bonds, wherein the anion interacts with the hydroxy group and the positively charged ring at the same cation, and 'inter-ionic' H-bonds, wherein the anion also interacts with the hydroxy group and the ring system but of different cations. We show that hydrogen bonding is controllable by the length of the hydroxyalkyl chain and the interaction strength of the anion. Some molten halide salts exhibit a third type of hydrogen bonding. IR spectra reveal elusive H-bonds between the OH groups of cations, showing interaction between ions of like charge. They are formed despite the repulsive interaction between the like-charged ions and compete with the favored cation-anion H-bonds. All types of H-bonding are analyzed by quantum chemical methods and the natural bond orbital approach, emphasizing the importance of charge transfer in these interactions. For simple omnium salts, we evidenced three distinct types of hydrogen bonds: Three in one!