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2,4-Bis(diphenyl-phosphan-yl)-1,1,2,3,3,4-hexa-phenyl-1,3-diphospha-2, 4-dibora-cyclo-butane tetra-hydro-furan sesqui-solvate

2012, Peulecke, N., Müller, B.H., Spannenberg, A., Rosenthal, U.

In the title compound, C60H50B2P 4·1.5C4H8O, the diphospha-diborane mol-ecule lies on an inversion centre, whereas the disordered tetra-hydro-furan solvent mol-ecule is in a general position with a partial occupancy of 0.75. The diphosphadiborane mol-ecule consists of an ideal planar four-membered B 2P2 ring with an additional phenyl and a-PPH2 group attached to each B atom.

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Tetracarbonyl[bis(diphenylphosphanyl)-tetramethyldisiloxane- κ 2 P,P′]chromium(0)

2012, Peulecke, N., Müller, B.H., Spannenberg, A., Rosenthal, U.

The title compound, [Cr(C 28H 32OP 2Si 2)(CO) 4], was obtained by the ligand-exchange reaction of Cr(CO) 6 with (Ph 2PSiMe 2) 2O in refluxing toluene. The CrC 4P 2 coordination geometry is distorted octa-hedral, with a P - Cr - P bite angle of 99.22 (4)°.

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[Bis(diphenylphosphanyl)dimethylsilane κ2P,P′] tetracarbonylchromium(0)

2010, Peulecke, N., Peitz, S., Müller, B.H., Spannenberg, A., Rosenthal, U.

The title compound, [Cr(C26H26P2Si)(CO) 4], was obtained by the reaction of Ph2PSiMe 2PPh2 with Cr(CO)6 in refluxing toluene by ligand exchange. The CrC4P2 coordination geometry at the Cr atom is distorted octa-hedral, with a P - Cr - P bite angle of 80.27 (1)°.

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[2,2-Bis(diphenylphosphanyl)propane κ2P,P0] tetracarbonylchromium(0)dichloromethane monosolvate

2010, Peulecke, N., Peitz, S., Müller, B.H., Spannenberg, A., Rosenthal, U.

The title compound, [Cr(C27H26P2)(CO) 4]·CH2Cl2, was obtained by the reaction of Ph2PCMe2PPh2 with Cr(CO)6 in refluxing toluene by substitution of two carbonyl ligands. The CrC 4P2 coordination geometry at the Cr atom is distorted octa-hedral, with a P - Cr - P bite angle of 70.27 (2)°.

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Bis[μ-N,N'-bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)ethene-1,2-diamido]-1, 4(η2);1:2κ4 N:N;3:4κ4 N:N-bis(diethyl ether)-1κO,4κO-di-μ- ydrido-2: 3κ4 H:H-2,3-dichromium(II)-1,4-dilithium(I) pentane hemisolvate

2010, Peitz, S., Peulecke, N., Müller, B.H., Spannenberg, A., Rosenthal, U.

The title compound, [Cr2Li2(C26H 36N2)2(μ-H)2(C4H 10O)2]·0.5C5H12, is a binuclear chromium complex bridged by two hydrogen atoms. Each chromium atom is coordinated in a distorted square-planar geometry by one chelating bis-(2,6-diisopropyl-phen-yl) ethene-1,2-diamido ligand via its two N atoms. Additionally, two diametrically opposed lithium ether adducts coordinate in an η4 mode on the backbone of the ligands. There is a crystallographic inversion center in the middle of the Cr2H2 ring. One of the isopropyl groups is disordered over two positions in a 0.567 (7):0.433 (7) ratio. Disorder is also observed in the pentane hemisolvate molecule.

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(Isopropyl-amino)(meth-yl)diphenyl-phospho-nium iodide

2011, Peulecke, N., Peitz, S., Müller, B.H., Spannenberg, A., Rosenthal, U.

The title compound, C 16H 21NP +· I -, was obtained by the reaction of PH 2PN( iPr)P(Ph)N( iPr)H with MeI involving cleavage of one of the P - N bonds in diethyl ether. The two phenyl rings form a dihedral angle of 82.98 (5)°. A weak donor-acceptor N - H⋯I inter-action is observed.

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N,P,P-Triisopropyl-phosphinic amide

2011, Peulecke, N., Aluri, B.R., Müller, B.H., Spannenberg, A., Rosenthal, U.

The title compound, C9H22NOP, was obtained by slow diffusion of oxygen into a toluene solution of iPr2PNHiPr. In the crystal, an inter-molecular N - H⋯O hydrogen bond occurs.