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    Diurnal variations of aerosol optical properties in the North China Plain and their influences on the estimates of direct aerosol radiative effect
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2015) Kuang, Y.; Zhao, C.S.; Tao, J.C.; Ma, N.
    In this paper, the diurnal variations of aerosol optical properties and their influences on the estimation of daily average direct aerosol radiative effect (DARE) in the North China Plain (NCP) are investigated based on in situ measurements from Haze in China campaign. For ambient aerosol, the diurnal patterns of single scattering albedo (SSA) and asymmetry factor (g) in the NCP are both highest at dawn and lowest in the late afternoon, and quite different from those of dry-state aerosol. The relative humidity (RH) is the dominant factor which determines the diurnal pattern of SSA and g for ambient aerosol. Basing on the calculated SSA and g, several cases are designed to investigate the impacts of the diurnal changes of aerosol optical properties on DARE. The results demonstrate that the diurnal changes of SSA and g in the NCP have significant influences on the estimation of DARE at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). If the full temporal coverage of aerosol optical depth (AOD), SSA and g are available, an accurate estimation of daily average DARE can be achieved by using the daily averages of AOD, SSA and g. However, due to the lack of full temporal coverage data sets of SSA and g, their daily averages are usually not available. Basing on the results of designed cases, if the RH plays a dominant role in the diurnal variations of SSA and g, we suggest that using both SSA and g averaged over early morning and late afternoon as inputs for radiative transfer model to improve the accurate estimation of DARE. If the temporal samplings of SSA or g are too few to adopt this method, either averaged over early morning or late afternoon of both SSA and g can be used to improve the estimation of DARE at the TOA.
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    Aerosol optical properties in the North China Plain during HaChi campaign: An in-situ optical closure study
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2011) Ma, N.; Zhao, C.S.; Nowak, A.; Müller, T.; Pfeifer, S.; Cheng, Y.F.; Deng, Z.Z.; Liu, P.F.; Xu, W.Y.; Ran, L.; Yan, P.; Göbel, T.; Hallbauer, E.; Mildenberger, K.; Henning, S.; Yu, J.; Chen, L.L.; Zhou, X.J.; Stratmann, F.; Wiedensohler, A.
    The largest uncertainty in the estimation of climate forcing stems from atmospheric aerosols. In early spring and summer of 2009, two periods of in-situ measurements on aerosol physical and chemical properties were conducted within the HaChi (Haze in China) project at Wuqing, a town between Beijing and Tianjin in the North China Plain (NCP). Aerosol optical properties, including the scattering coefficient (σsp), the hemispheric back scattering coefficient (σbsp), the absorption coefficient (σap), as well as the single scattering albedo (ω), are presented. The diurnal and seasonal variations are analyzed together with meteorology and satellite data. The mean values of σsp, 550 nm of the dry aerosol in spring and summer are 280±253 and 379±251 Mm−1, respectively. The average σap for the two periods is respectively 47±38 and 43±27 Mm−1. The mean values of ω at the wavelength of 637 nm are 0.82±0.05 and 0.86±0.05 for spring and summer, respectively. The relative high levels of σsp and σbsp are representative of the regional aerosol pollution in the NCP. Pronounced diurnal cycle of $σsp, σap and ω are found, mainly influenced by the evolution of boundary layer and the accumulation of local emissions during nighttime. The pollutants transported from the southwest of the NCP are more significant than that from the two megacities, Beijing and Tianjin, in both spring and summer. An optical closure experiment is conducted to better understand the uncertainties of the measurements. Good correlations (R>0.98) are found between the values measured by the nephelometer and the values calculated with a modified Mie model. The Monte Carlo simulation shows an uncertainty of about 30 % for the calculations. Considering all possible uncertainties of measurements, calculated σsp and σbsp agree well with the measured values, indicating a stable performance of instruments and thus reliable aerosol optical data.
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    A study of aerosol liquid water content based on hygroscopicity measurements at high relative humidity in the North China Plain
    (München : European Geopyhsical Union, 2014) Bian, Y.X.; Zhao, C.S.; Ma, N.; Chen, J.; Xu, W.Y.
    Water can be a major component of aerosol particles, also serving as a medium for aqueous-phase reactions. In this study, a novel method is presented to calculate the aerosol liquid water content at high relative humidity based on measurements of aerosol hygroscopic growth factor, particle number size distribution and relative humidity in the Haze in China (HaChi) summer field campaign (July–August 2009) in the North China Plain. The aerosol liquid water content calculated using this method agreed well with that calculated using a thermodynamic equilibrium model (ISORROPIA II) at high relative humidity (>60%) with a correlation coefficient of 0.96. At low relative humidity (<60%), an underestimation was found in the calculated aerosol liquid water content by the thermodynamic equilibrium model. This discrepancy mainly resulted from the ISORROPIA II model, which only considered limited aerosol chemical compositions. The mean and maximum values of aerosol liquid water content during the HaChi campaign reached 1.69 × 10−4 g m−3 and 9.71 × 10−4 g m−3, respectively. A distinct diurnal variation of the aerosol liquid water content was found, with lower values during daytime and higher ones at night. The aerosol liquid water content depended strongly on the relative humidity. The aerosol liquid water content in the accumulation mode dominated the total aerosol liquid water content.