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    Direct transfer of magnetic sensor devices to elastomeric supports for stretchable electronics
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2015) Melzer, Michael; Karnaushenko, Daniil; Lin, Gungun; Baunack, Stefan; Makarov, Denys; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    A novel fabrication method for stretchable magnetoresistive sensors is introduced, which allows the transfer of a complex microsensor systems prepared on common rigid donor substrates to prestretched elastomeric membranes in a single step. This direct transfer printing method boosts the fabrication potential of stretchable magnetoelectronics in terms of miniaturization and level of complexity, and provides strain‐invariant sensors up to 30% tensile deformation.
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    Wearable magnetic field sensors for flexible electronics
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2014) Melzer, Michael; Mönch, Jens Ingolf; Makarov, Denys; Zabila, Yevhen; Bermúdez, Gilbert Santiago Cañón; Karnaushenko, Daniil; Baunack, Stefan; Bahr, Falk; Yan, Chenglin; Kaltenbrunner, Martin; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    Highly flexible bismuth Hall sensors on polymeric foils are fabricated, and the key optimization steps that are required to boost their sensitivity to the bulk value are identified. The sensor can be bent around the wrist or positioned on the finger to realize an interactive pointing device for wearable electronics. Furthermore, this technology is of great interest for the rapidly developing market of ­eMobility, for optimization of eMotors and magnetic bearings.
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    Biomimetic microelectronics for regenerative neuronal cuff implants
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2015) Karnaushenko, Daniil; Münzenrieder, Niko; Karnaushenko, Dmitriy D.; Koch, Britta; Meyer, Anne K.; Baunack, Stefan; Petti, Luisa; Tröster, Gerhard; Makarov, Denys; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    Smart biomimetics, a unique class of devices combining the mechanical adaptivity of soft actuators with the imperceptibility of microelectronics, is introduced. Due to their inherent ability to self‐assemble, biomimetic microelectronics can firmly yet gently attach to an inorganic or biological tissue enabling enclosure of, for example, nervous fibers, or guide the growth of neuronal cells during regeneration.
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    Magnetofluidic platform for multidimensional magnetic and optical barcoding of droplets
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2014) Lin, Gungun; Makarov, Denys; Medina-Sánchez, Mariana; Guix, Maria; Baraban, Larysa; Cuniberti, Gianaurelio; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    We present a concept of multidimensional magnetic and optical barcoding of droplets based on a magnetofluidic platform. The platform comprises multiple functional areas, such as an encoding area, an encoded droplet pool and a magnetic decoding area with integrated giant magnetoresistive (GMR) sensors. To prove this concept, penicillin functionalized with fluorescent dyes is coencapsulated with magnetic nanoparticles into droplets. While fluorescent dyes are used as conventional optical barcodes which are decoded with an optical decoding setup, an additional dimensionality of barcodes is created by using magnetic nanoparticles as magnetic barcodes for individual droplets and integrated micro-patterned GMR sensors as the corresponding magnetic decoding devices. The strategy of incorporating a magnetic encoding scheme provides a dynamic range of ~40 dB in addition to that of the optical method. When combined with magnetic barcodes, the encoding capacity can be increased by more than 1 order of magnitude compared with using only optical barcodes, that is, the magnetic platform provides more than 10 unique magnetic codes in addition to each optical barcode. Besides being a unique magnetic functional element for droplet microfluidics, the platform is capable of on-demand facile magnetic encoding and real-time decoding of droplets which paves the way for the development of novel non-optical encoding schemes for highly multiplexed droplet-based biological assays.
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    Imperceptible magnetoelectronics
    (London : Nature Publishing Group, 2015) Melzer, Michael; Kaltenbrunner, Martin; Makarov, Denys; Karnaushenko, Dmitriy; Karnaushenko, Daniil; Sekitani, Tsuyoshi; Someya, Takao; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    Future electronic skin aims to mimic nature’s original both in functionality and appearance. Although some of the multifaceted properties of human skin may remain exclusive to the biological system, electronics opens a unique path that leads beyond imitation and could equip us with unfamiliar senses. Here we demonstrate giant magnetoresistive sensor foils with high sensitivity, unmatched flexibility and mechanical endurance. They are <2 μm thick, extremely flexible (bending radii <3 μm), lightweight (≈3 g m−2) and wearable as imperceptible magneto-sensitive skin that enables proximity detection, navigation and touchless control. On elastomeric supports, they can be stretched uniaxially or biaxially, reaching strains of >270% and endure over 1,000 cycles without fatigue. These ultrathin magnetic field sensors readily conform to ubiquitous objects including human skin and offer a new sense for soft robotics, safety and healthcare monitoring, consumer electronics and electronic skin devices.
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    Retrieving spin textures on curved magnetic thin films with full-field soft X-ray microscopies
    ([London] : Nature Publishing Group UK, 2015) Streubel, Robert; Kronast, Florian; Fischer, Peter; Parkinson, Dula; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Makarov, Denys
    X-ray tomography is a well-established technique to characterize 3D structures in material sciences and biology; its magnetic analogue--magnetic X-ray tomography--is yet to be developed. Here we demonstrate the visualization and reconstruction of magnetic domain structures in a 3D curved magnetic thin films with tubular shape by means of full-field soft X-ray microscopies. The 3D arrangement of the magnetization is retrieved from a set of 2D projections by analysing the evolution of the magnetic contrast with varying projection angle. Using reconstruction algorithms to analyse the angular evolution of 2D projections provides quantitative information about domain patterns and magnetic coupling phenomena between windings of azimuthally and radially magnetized tubular objects. The present approach represents a first milestone towards visualizing magnetization textures of 3D curved thin films with virtually arbitrary shape.
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    High-performance giant magnetoresistive sensorics on flexible Si membranes
    (Melville, NY : American Inst. of Physics, 2015) Pérez, Nicolás; Melzer, Michael; Makarov, Denys; Ueberschär, Olaf; Ecke, Ramona; Schulz, Stefan E.; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    We fabricate high-performance giant magnetoresistive (GMR) sensorics on Si wafers, which are subsequently thinned down to 100 μm or 50 μm to realize mechanically flexible sensing elements. The performance of the GMR sensors upon bending is determined by the thickness of the Si membrane. Thus, bending radii down to 15.5 mm and 6.8 mm are achieved for the devices on 100 μm and 50 μm Si supports, respectively. The GMR magnitude remains unchanged at the level of (15.3 ± 0.4)% independent of the support thickness and bending radius. However, a progressive broadening of the GMR curve is observed associated with the magnetostriction of the containing Ni81Fe19 alloy, which is induced by the tensile bending strain generated on the surface of the Si membrane. An effective magnetostriction value of λs = 1.7 × 10−6 is estimated for the GMR stack. Cyclic bending experiments showed excellent reproducibility of the GMR curves during 100 bending cycles.
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    Printable magnetoelectronics
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2013) Makarov, Denys; Karnaushenko, Daniil; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    The field of printable electronics is well developed. A large variety of electronic components assembled as printable optoelectronic devices and communication modules are already available. However, the element responding to a magnetic field, which is highly demanded for the concept of printable electronics has only been realized very recently. A printable magnetic sensing device has been one of the remaining missing building blocks crucial to realize the concept of entirely printable electronics. Here, we position the novel topic of printable magnetic sensorics in a family of printable electronics and highlight possible application directions of this technology.
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    Self‐assembled on‐chip‐integrated giant magneto‐impedance sensorics
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2015) Karnaushenko, Daniil; Karnaushenko, Dmitriy D.; Makarov, Denys; Baunack, Stefan; Schäfer, Rudolf; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    A novel method relying on strain engineering to realize arrays of on‐chip‐integrated giant magneto‐impedance (GMI) sensors equipped with pick‐up coils is put forth. The geometrical transformation of an initially planar layout into a tubular 3D architecture stabilizes favorable azimuthal magnetic domain patterns. This work creates a solid foundation for further development of CMOS compatible GMI sensorics for magnetoencephalography.
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    High-performance magnetic sensorics for printable and flexible electronics
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2014) Karnaushenko, Daniil; Makarov, Denys; Stöber, Max; Karnaushenko, Dmitriy D.; Baunack, Stefan; Schmidt, Oliver G.
    High‐performance giant magnetoresistive (GMR) sensorics are realized, which are printed at predefined locations on flexible circuitry. Remarkably, the printed magnetosensors remain fully operational over the complete consumer temperature range and reveal a giant magnetoresistance up to 37% and a sensitivity of 0.93 T−1 at 130 mT. With these specifications, printed magnetoelectronics can be controlled using flexible active electronics for the realization of smart packaging and energy‐efficient switches.