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    Neutrophil extracellular trap formation is elicited in response to cold physical plasma
    (Hoboken, NJ : Wiley, 2016) Bekeschus, Sander; Winterbourn, VChristine C.; Kolata, Julia; Masur, Kai; Hasse, Sybille; Bröker, Barbara M.; Parker, Heather A.
    Cold physical plasma is an ionized gas with a multitude of components, including hydrogen peroxide and other reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Recent studies suggest that exposure of wounds to cold plasma may accelerate healing. Upon wounding, neutrophils are the first line of defense against invading microorganisms but have also been identified to play a role in delayed healing. In this study, we examined how plasma treatment affects the functions of peripheral blood neutrophils. Plasma treatment induced oxidative stress, as assessed by the oxidation of intracellular fluorescent redox probes; reduced metabolic activity; but did not induce early apoptosis. Neutrophil oxidative burst was only modestly affected after plasma treatment, and the killing of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus was not significantly affected. Intriguingly, we found that plasma induced profound extracellular trap formation. This was inhibited by the presence of catalase during plasma treatment but was not replicated by adding an equivalent concentration of hydrogen peroxide. Plasma-induced neutrophil extracellular trap formation was not dependent on the activity of myeloperoxidase or NADPH oxidase 2 but seemed to involve short-lived molecules. The amount of DNA release and the time course after plasma treatment were similar to that with the common neutrophil extracellular trap inducer PMA. After neutrophil extracellular traps had formed, concentrations of IL-8 were also significantly increased in supernatants of plasma-treated neutrophils. Both neutrophil extracellular traps and IL-8 release may aid antimicrobial activity and spur inflammation at the wound site. Whether this aids or exacerbates wound healing needs to be tested.
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    Non-thermal plasma activates human keratinocytes by stimulation of antioxidant and phase II pathways
    (San Francisco, Calif. : Lightbinders, 2015) Schmidt, Anke; Dietrich, Stephan; Steuer, Anna; Weltmann, Klaus-Dieter; von Woedtke, Thomas; Masur, Kai; Wende, Kristian
    Non-thermal atmospheric pressure plasma provides a novel therapeutic opportunity to control redox-based processes, e.g. wound healing, cancer, and inflammatory diseases. By spatial and time-resolved delivery of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, it allows stimulation or inhibition of cellular processes in biological systems. Our data show that both gene and protein expression is highly affected by non-thermal plasma. Nuclear factor erythroid-related factor 2 (NRF2) and phase II enzyme pathway components were found to act as key controllers orchestrating the cellular response in keratinocytes. Additionally, glutathione metabolism, which is a marker for NRF2-related signaling events, was affected. Among the most robustly increased genes and proteins, heme oxygenase 1, NADPH-quinone oxidoreductase 1, and growth factors were found. The roles of NRF2 targets, investigated by siRNA silencing, revealed that NRF2 acts as an important switch for sensing oxidative stress events. Moreover, the influence of non-thermal plasma on the NRF2 pathway prepares cells against exogenic noxae and increases their resilience against oxidative species. Via paracrine mechanisms, distant cells benefit from cell-cell communication. The finding that non-thermal plasma triggers hormesis-like processes in keratinocytes facilitates the understanding of plasma-tissue interaction and its clinical application.