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Deriving effective models for multiscale systems via evolutionary Gamma-convergence

2015, Mielke, Alexander

We discuss possible extensions of the recently established theory of evolutionary Gamma-convergence for gradient systems to nonlinear dynamical systems obtained by perturbation of a gradient systems. Thus, it is possible to derive effective equations for pattern forming systems with multiple scales. Our applications include homogenization of reaction-diffusion systems, the justification of amplitude equations for Turing instabilities, and the limit from pure diffusion to reaction-diffusion. This is achieved by generalizing the Gamma-limit approaches based on the energy-dissipation principle or the volutionary variational estimate.

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Local control of globally competing patterns in coupled Swift-Hohenberg equations

2017, Becker, Maximilian, Frenzel, Thomas, Niedermayer, Thomas, Reichelt, Sina, Mielke, Alexander, Bär, Markus

We present analytical and numerical investigations of two anti-symmetrically coupled 1D Swift-Hohenberg equations (SHEs) with cubic nonlinearities. The SHE provides a generic formulation for pattern formation at a characteristic length scale. A linear stability analysis of the homogeneous state reveals a wave instability in addition to the usual Turing instability of uncoupled SHEs. We performed weakly nonlinear analysis in the vicinity of the codimension-two point of the Turingwave instability, resulting in a set of coupled amplitude equations for the Turing pattern as well as left and right traveling waves. In particular, these complex Ginzburg-Landau-type equations predict two major things: there exists a parameter regime where multiple different patterns are stable with respect to each other; and that the amplitudes of different patterns interact by local mutual suppression. In consequence, different patterns can coexist in distinct spatial regions, separated by localized interfaces. We identified specific mechanisms for controlling the position of these interfaces, which distinguish what kinds of patterns the interface connects and thus allow for global pattern selection. Extensive simulations of the original SHEs confirm our results.

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Coexistence of Hamiltonian-like and dissipative dynamics in chains of coupled phase oscillators with skew-symmetric coupling

2017, Burylko, Oleksandr, Mielke, Alexander, Wolfrum, Matthias, Yanchuk, Serhiy

We consider rings of coupled phase oscillators with anisotropic coupling. When the coupling is skew-symmetric, i.e. when the anisotropy is balanced in a specific way, the system shows robustly a coexistence of Hamiltonian-like and dissipative regions in the phase space. We relate this phenomenon to the time-reversibility property of the system. The geometry of low-dimensional systems up to five oscillators is described in detail. In particular, we show that the boundary between the dissipative and Hamiltonian-like regions consists of families of heteroclinic connections. For larger chains with skew-symmetric coupling, some sufficient conditions for the coexistence are provided, and in the limit of N oscillators, we formally derive an amplitude equation for solutions in the neighborhood of the synchronous solution. It has the form of a nonlinear Schrödinger equation and describes the Hamiltonian-like region existing around the synchronous state similarly to the case of finite rings.