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    Towards Bacteria Counting in DI Water of Several Microliters or Growing Suspension Using Impedance Biochips
    (Basel : MDPI, 2020) Kiani, Mahdi; Tannert, Astrid; Du, Nan; Hübner, Uwe; Skorupa, Ilona; Bürger, Danilo; Zhao, Xianyue; Blaschke, Daniel; Rebohle, Lars; Cherkouk, Charaf; Neugebauer, Ute; Schmidt, Oliver G.; Schmidt, Heidemarie
    We counted bacterial cells of E. coli strain K12 in several-microliter DI water or in several-microliter PBS in the low optical density (OD) range (OD = 0.05–1.08) in contact with the surface of Si-based impedance biochips with ring electrodes by impedance measurements. The multiparameter fit of the impedance data allowed calibration of the impedance data with the concentration cb of the E. coli cells in the range of cb = 0.06 to 1.26 × 109 cells/mL. The results showed that for E. coli in DI water and in PBS, the modelled impedance parameters depend linearly on the concentration of cells in the range of cb = 0.06 to 1.26 × 109 cells/mL, whereas the OD, which was independently measured with a spectrophotometer, was only linearly dependent on the concentration of the E. coli cells in the range of cb = 0.06 to 0.50 × 109 cells/mL.
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    Characterization and prediction of the mechanism of action of antibiotics through NMR metabolomics
    (London : BioMed Central, 2016) Hoerr, Verena; Duggan, Gavin E.; Zbytnuik, Lori; Poon, Karen K.H.; Große, Christina; Neugebauer, Ute; Methling, Karen; Löffler, Bettina; Vogel, Hans J.
    Background: The emergence of antibiotic resistant pathogenic bacteria has reduced our ability to combat infectious diseases. At the same time the numbers of new antibiotics reaching the market have decreased. This situation has created an urgent need to discover novel antibiotic scaffolds. Recently, the application of pattern recognition techniques to identify molecular fingerprints in ‘omics’ studies, has emerged as an important tool in biomedical research and laboratory medicine to identify pathogens, to monitor therapeutic treatments or to develop drugs with improved metabolic stability, toxicological profile and efficacy. Here, we hypothesize that a combination of metabolic intracellular fingerprints and extracellular footprints would provide a more comprehensive picture about the mechanism of action of novel antibiotics in drug discovery programs. Results: In an attempt to integrate the metabolomics approach as a classification tool in the drug discovery processes, we have used quantitative 1H NMR spectroscopy to study the metabolic response of Escherichia coli cultures to different antibiotics. Within the frame of our study the effects of five different and well-known antibiotic classes on the bacterial metabolome were investigated both by intracellular fingerprint and extracellular footprint analysis. The metabolic fingerprints and footprints of bacterial cultures were affected in a distinct manner and provided complementary information regarding intracellular and extracellular targets such as protein synthesis, DNA and cell wall. While cell cultures affected by antibiotics that act on intracellular targets showed class-specific fingerprints, the metabolic footprints differed significantly only when antibiotics that target the cell wall were applied. In addition, using a training set of E. coli fingerprints extracted after treatment with different antibiotic classes, the mode of action of streptomycin, tetracycline and carbenicillin could be correctly predicted. Conclusion: The metabolic profiles of E. coli treated with antibiotics with intracellular and extracellular targets could be separated in fingerprint and footprint analysis, respectively and provided complementary information. Based on the specific fingerprints obtained for different classes of antibiotics, the mode of action of several antibiotics could be predicted. The same classification approach should be applicable to studies of other pathogenic bacteria.
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    Correlation of crystal violet biofilm test results of Staphylococcus aureus clinical isolates with Raman spectroscopic read-out
    (Chichester [u.a.] : Wiley, 2021) Ebert, Christina; Tuchscherr, Lorena; Unger, Nancy; Pöllath, Christine; Gladigau, Frederike; Popp, Jürgen; Löffler, Bettina; Neugebauer, Ute
    Biofilm-related infections occur quite frequently in hospital settings and require rapid diagnostic identification as they are recalcitrant to antibiotic therapy and make special treatment necessary. One of the standard microbiological in vitro tests is the crystal violet test. It indirectly determines the amount of biofilm by measuring the optical density (OD) of the crystal violet-stained biofilm matrix and cells. However, this test is quite time-consuming, as it requires bacterial cultivation up to several days. In this study, we correlate fast Raman spectroscopic read-out of clinical Staphylococcus aureus isolates from 47 patients with different disease background with their biofilm-forming characteristics. Included were low (OD < 10), medium (OD ≥ 10 and ≤20), and high (OD > 20) biofilm performers as determined by the crystal violet test. Raman spectroscopic analysis of the bacteria revealed most spectral differences between high and low biofilm performers in the fingerprint region between 750 and 1150 cm−1. Using partial least square regression (PLSR) analysis on the Raman spectra involving the three categories of biofilm formation, it was possible to obtain a slight linear correlation of the Raman spectra with the biofilm OD values. The PLSR loading coefficient highlighted spectral differences between high and low biofilm performers for Raman bands that represent nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and proteins. Our results point to a possible application of Raman spectroscopy as a fast prediction tool for biofilm formation of bacterial strains directly after isolation from the infected patient. This could help clinicians make timely and adapted therapeutic decision in future.
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    Automated and rapid identification of multidrug resistant Escherichia coli against the lead drugs of acylureidopenicillins, cephalosporins, and fluoroquinolones using specific Raman marker bands
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH-Verl., 2020) Götz, Theresa; Dahms, Marcel; Kirchhoff, Johanna; Beleites, Claudia; Glaser, Uwe; Bohnert, Jürgen A.; Pletz, Mathias W.; Popp, Jürgen; Schlattmann, Peter; Neugebauer, Ute
    A Raman-based, strain-independent, semi-automated method is presented that allows the rapid (<3 hours) determination of antibiotic susceptibility of bacterial pathogens isolated from clinical samples. Applying a priori knowledge about the mode of action of the respective antibiotic, we identified characteristic Raman marker bands in the spectrum and calculated batch-wise weighted sum scores from standardized Raman intensity differences between spectra of antibiotic exposed and nonexposed samples of the same strains. The lead substances for three relevant antibiotic classes (fluoroquinolone ciprofloxacin, third-generation cephalosporin cefotaxime, ureidopenicillin piperacillin) against multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria (MRGN) revealed a high sensitivity and specificity for the susceptibility testing of two Escherichia coli laboratory strains and 12 clinical isolates. The method benefits from the parallel incubation of control and treated samples, which reduces the variance due to alterations in cultivation conditions and the standardization of differences between batches leading to long-term comparability of Raman measurements. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Biophotonics published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim
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    Biochemical Analysis of Leukocytes after In Vitro and In Vivo Activation with Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens Using Raman Spectroscopy
    (Basel : MDPI, 2021) Pistiki, Aikaterini; Ramoji, Anuradha; Ryabchykov, Oleg; Thomas-Rueddel, Daniel; Press, Adrian T.; Makarewicz, Oliwia; Giamarellos-Bourboulis, Evangelos J.; Bauer, Michael; Bocklitz, Thomas; Popp, Juergen; Neugebauer, Ute
    Biochemical information from activated leukocytes provide valuable diagnostic information. In this study, Raman spectroscopy was applied as a label-free analytical technique to characterize the activation pattern of leukocyte subpopulations in an in vitro infection model. Neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes were isolated from healthy volunteers and stimulated with heat-inactivated clinical isolates of Candida albicans, Staphylococcus aureus, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. Binary classification models could identify the presence of infection for monocytes and lymphocytes, classify the type of infection as bacterial or fungal for neutrophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes and distinguish the cause of infection as Gram-negative or Gram-positive bacteria in the monocyte subpopulation. Changes in single-cell Raman spectra, upon leukocyte stimulation, can be explained with biochemical changes due to the leukocyte’s specific reaction to each type of pathogen. Raman spectra of leukocytes from the in vitro infection model were compared with spectra from leukocytes of patients with infection (DRKS-ID: DRKS00006265) with the same pathogen groups, and a good agreement was revealed. Our study elucidates the potential of Raman spectroscopy-based single-cell analysis for the differentiation of circulating leukocyte subtypes and identification of the infection by probing the molecular phenotype of those cells.
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    Vibrational Spectroscopic Investigation of Blood Plasma and Serum by Drop Coating Deposition for Clinical Application
    (Basel : Molecular Diversity Preservation International (MDPI), 2021) Huang, Jing; Ali, Nairveen; Quansah, Elsie; Guo, Shuxia; Noutsias, Michel; Meyer-Zedler, Tobias; Bocklitz, Thomas; Popp, Jürgen; Neugebauer, Ute; Ramoji, Anuradha
    In recent decades, vibrational spectroscopic methods such as Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy are widely applied to investigate plasma and serum samples. These methods are combined with drop coating deposition techniques to pre-concentrate the biomolecules in the dried droplet to improve the detected vibrational signal. However, most often encountered challenge is the inhomogeneous redistribution of biomolecules due to the coffee-ring effect. In this study, the variation in biomolecule distribution within the dried-sample droplet has been investigated using Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy and fluorescence lifetime imaging method. The plasma-sample from healthy donors were investigated to show the spectral differences between the inner and outer-ring region of the dried-sample droplet. Further, the preferred location of deposition of the most abundant protein albumin in the blood during the drying process of the plasma has been illustrated by using deuterated albumin. Subsequently, two patients with different cardiac-related diseases were investigated exemplarily to illustrate the variation in the pattern of plasma and serum biomolecule distribution during the drying process and its impact on patient-stratification. The study shows that a uniform sampling position of the droplet, both at the inner and the outer ring, is necessary for thorough clinical characterization of the patient’s plasma and serum sample using vibrational spectroscopy.
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    3-Step flow focusing enables multidirectional imaging of bioparticles for imaging flow cytometry
    (Cambridge : RSC, 2020) Kleiber, Andreas; Ramoji, Anuradha; Mayer, Günter; Neugebauer, Ute; Popp, Jürgen; Henkel, Thomas
    Multidirectional imaging flow cytometry (mIFC) extends conventional imaging flow cytometry (IFC) for the image-based measurement of 3D-geometrical features of particles. The innovative core is a flow rotation unit in which a vertical sample lamella is incrementally rotated by 90 degrees into a horizontal lamella. The required multidirectional views are generated by guiding all particles at a controllable shear flow position of the parabolic velocity profile of the capillary slit detection chamber. All particles pass the detection chamber in a two-dimensional sheet under controlled rotation while each particle is imaged multiple times. This generates new options for automated particle analysis. In an experimental application, we used our system for the accurate classification of 15 species of pollen based on 3D-morphological information. We demonstrate how the combination of multi directional imaging with advanced machine learning algorithms can improve the accuracy of automated bio-particle classification. As an additional benefit, we significantly decrease the number of false positives in the classification of foreign particles,i.e.those elements which do not belong to one of the trained classes by the 3D-extension of the classification algorithm. © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020.
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    Bacterial community and PHB-accumulating bacteria associated with the wall and specialized niches of the hindgut of the forest cockchafer (Melolontha hippocastani)
    (Lausanne : Frontiers Media, 2017) Alonso-Pernas, Pol; Arias-Cordero, Erika; Novoselov, Alexey; Große, Christina; Rybak, Jürgen; Kaltenpoth, Martin; Westermann, Martin; Neugebauer, Ute; Boland, Wilhelm
    A characterization of the bacterial community of the hindgut wall of two larval and the adult stages of the forest cockchafer (Melolontha hippocastani) was carried out using amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene fragment. We found that, in second-instar larvae, Caulobacteraceae and Pseudomonadaceae showed the highest relative abundances, while in third-instar larvae, the dominant families were Porphyromonadaceae and Bacteroidales-related. In adults, an increase of the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria (γ- and δ- classes) and the family Enterococcaceae (Firmicutes) was observed. This suggests that the composition of the hindgut wall community may depend on the insect’s life stage. Additionally, specialized bacterial niches hitherto very poorly described in the literature were spotted at both sides of the distal part of the hindgut chamber. We named these structures “pockets.” Amplicon sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene fragment revealed that the pockets contained a different bacterial community than the surrounding hindgut wall, dominated by Alcaligenaceae and Micrococcaceae-related families. Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) accumulation in the pocket was suggested in isolated Achromobacter sp. by Nile Blue staining, and confirmed by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis (GC-MS) on cultured bacterial mass and whole pocket tissue. Raman micro-spectroscopy allowed to visualize the spatial distribution of PHB accumulating bacteria within the pocket tissue. The presence of this polymer might play a role in the colonization of these specialized niches.
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    Predictive Modeling of Antibiotic Susceptibility in E. Coli Strains Using the U-Net Network and One-Class Classification
    (New York, NY : IEEE, 2020) Ali, Nairveen; Kirchhoff, Johanna; Onoja, Patrick Igoche; Tannert, Astrid; Neugebauer, Ute; Popp, Jürgen; Bocklitz, Thomas
    The antibiotic resistance of bacterial pathogens has become one of the most serious global health issues due to misusing and overusing of antibiotics. Recently, different technologies were developed to determine bacteria susceptibility towards antibiotics; however, each of these technologies has its advantages and limitations in clinical applications. In this contribution, we aim to assess and automate the detection of bacterial susceptibilities towards three antibiotics; i.e. ciprofloxacin, cefotaxime and piperacillin using a combination of image processing and machine learning algorithms. Therein, microscopic images were collected from different E. coli strains, then the convolutional neural network U-Net was implemented to segment the areas showing bacteria. Subsequently, the encoder part of the trained U-Net was utilized as a feature extractor, and the U-Net bottleneck features were utilized to predict the antibiotic susceptibility of E. coli strains using a one-class support vector machine (OCSVM). This one-class model was always trained on images of untreated controls of each bacterial strain while the image labels of treated bacteria were predicted as control or non-control images. If an image of treated bacteria is predicted as control, we assume that these bacteria resist this antibiotic. In contrast, the sensitive bacteria show different morphology of the control bacteria; therefore, images collected from these treated bacteria are expected to be classified as non-control. Our results showed 83% area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve when OCSVM models were built using the U-Net bottleneck features of control bacteria images only. Additionally, the mean sensitivities of these one-class models are 91.67% and 86.61% for cefotaxime and piperacillin; respectively. The mean sensitivity for the prediction of ciprofloxacin is only 59.72% as the bacteria morphology was not fully detected by the proposed method.
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    Raman spectroscopy follows time-dependent changes in T lymphocytes isolated from spleen of endotoxemic mice
    (Rockville : American Association of Immunologists, 2019) Ramoji, Anuradha; Ryabchykov, Oleg; Galler, Kerstin; Tannert, Astrid; Markwart, Robby; Requardt, Robert Pascal; Rubio, Ignacio; Bauer, Michael; Bocklitz, Thomas W.; Popp, Jürgen; Neugebauer, Ute
    T lymphocytes (T cells) are highly specialized members of the adaptive immune system and hold the key to the understanding the hosts’ response toward invading pathogen or pathogen-associated molecular patterns such as LPS. In this study, noninvasive Raman spectroscopy is presented as a label-free method to follow LPS-induced changes in splenic T cells during acute and postacute inflammatory phases (1, 4, 10, and 30 d) with a special focus on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells of endotoxemic C57BL/6 mice. Raman spectral analysis reveals highest chemical differences between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells originating from the control and LPS-treated mice during acute inflammation, and the differences are visible up to 10 d after the LPS insult. In the postacute phase, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from treated and untreated mice could not be differentiated anymore, suggesting that T cells largely regained their original status. In sum, the biological information obtained from Raman spectra agrees with immunological readouts demonstrating that Raman spectroscopy is a well-suited, label-free method for following splenic T cell activation in systemic inflammation from acute to postacute phases. The method can also be applied to directly study tissue sections as is demonstrated for spleen tissue one day after LPS insult.T lymphocytes (T cells) are highly specialized members of the adaptive immune system and hold the key to the understanding the hosts’ response toward invading pathogen or pathogen-associated molecular patterns such as LPS. In this study, noninvasive Raman spectroscopy is presented as a label-free method to follow LPS-induced changes in splenic T cells during acute and postacute inflammatory phases (1, 4, 10, and 30 d) with a special focus on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells of endotoxemic C57BL/6 mice. Raman spectral analysis reveals highest chemical differences between CD4+ and CD8+ T cells originating from the control and LPS-treated mice during acute inflammation, and the differences are visible up to 10 d after the LPS insult. In the postacute phase, CD4+ and CD8+ T cells from treated and untreated mice could not be differentiated anymore, suggesting that T cells largely regained their original status. In sum, the biological information obtained from Raman spectra agrees with immunological readouts demonstrating that Raman spectroscopy is a well-suited, label-free method for following splenic T cell activation in systemic inflammation from acute to postacute phases. The method can also be applied to directly study tissue sections as is demonstrated for spleen tissue one day after LPS insult.