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    Building Hierarchical Martensite
    (Weinheim : Wiley-VCH, 2020) Schwabe, Stefan; Niemann, Robert; Backen, Anja; Wolf, Daniel; Damm, Christine; Walter, Tina; Seiner, Hanuš; Heczko, Oleg; Nielsch, Kornelius; Fähler, Sebastian
    Martensitic materials show a complex, hierarchical microstructure containing structural domains separated by various types of twin boundaries. Several concepts exist to describe this microstructure on each length scale, however, there is no comprehensive approach bridging the whole range from the nano- up to the macroscopic scale. Here, it is described for a Ni-Mn-based Heusler alloy how this hierarchical microstructure is built from scratch with just one key parameter: the tetragonal distortion of the basic building block at the atomic level. Based on this initial block, five successive levels of nested building blocks are introduced. At each level, a larger building block is formed by twinning the preceding one to minimize the relevant energy contributions locally. This naturally explains the coexistence of different types of twin boundaries. The scale-bridging approach of nested building blocks is compared with experiments in real and reciprocal space. The approach of nested building blocks is versatile as it can be applied to the broad class of functional materials exhibiting diffusionless transformations. © 2020 The Authors. Advanced Functional Materials published by Wiley-VCH GmbH
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    Voltage-controlled on switching and manipulation of magnetization via the redox transformation of β-FeOOH nanoplatelets
    (Bristol : IOP Publ., 2020) Nichterwitz, Martin; Neitsch, Sabine; Röher, Stefan; Wolf, Daniel; Nielsch, Kornelius; Leistner, Karin
    Redox-based metal/metal oxide transformations achieved via electrolytic gating recently emerged as a novel, magneto-ionic route for voltage control of magnetism. So far, mainly metal or oxide thin films and nanoporous metal alloy structures are used as starting materials. The present study demonstrates a magneto-ionic transformation starting from a stable electrodeposited FeOOH nanoplatelet structure. The application of a low voltage in a Li-based electrolyte results in the reduction of the virtually non-magnetic FeOOH into ferromagnetic Fe, yielding an ON switching of magnetization. The magnetization can be tuned in a large range by the time of voltage application and remains stable after voltage-switch off. A reversible magneto-ionic change of magnetization of up to 15% is achieved in the resulting iron films with a thickness of about 30 nm. This large magneto-ionic effect is attributed to the enhanced roughness of the iron films obtained from the nanoplatelet structure. The robust, voltage-controlled, and non-volatile ON switching of magnetism starting from a stable oxide structure is promising for the development of energy-efficient magnetic switches, magnetic actuation and may offer new avenues in magnetoelectronic devices. © 2019 IOP Publishing Ltd.
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    Unveiling the phonon scattering mechanisms in half-Heusler thermoelectric compounds
    (Cambridge : RSC Publ., 2020) He, Ran; Zhu, Taishan; Wang, Yumei; Wolff, Ulrike; Jaud, Jean-Christophe; Sotnikov, Andrei; Potapov, Pavel; Wolf, Daniel; Ying, Pingjun; Wood, Max; Liu, Zhenhui; Feng, Le; Perez Rodriguez, Nicolas; Snyder, G. Jeffrey; Grossman, Jeffrey C.; Nielsch, Kornelius; Schierning, Gabi
    Half-Heusler (HH) compounds are among the most promising thermoelectric (TE) materials for large-scale applications due to their superior properties such as high power factor, excellent mechanical and thermal reliability, and non-toxicity. Their only drawback is the remaining-high lattice thermal conductivity. Various mechanisms were reported with claimed effectiveness to enhance the phonon scattering of HH compounds including grain-boundary scattering, phase separation, and electron–phonon interaction. In this work, however, we show that point-defect scattering has been the dominant mechanism for phonon scattering other than the intrinsic phonon–phonon interaction for ZrCoSb and possibly many other HH compounds. Induced by the charge-compensation effect, the formation of Co/4d Frenkel point defects is responsible for the drastic reduction of lattice thermal conductivity in ZrCoSb1−xSnx. Our work systematically depicts the phonon scattering profile of HH compounds and illuminates subsequent material optimizations.