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    Copper Iodide on Spacer Fabrics as Textile Thermoelectric Device for Energy Generation
    (Basel : MDPI, 2022) Schmidl, Gabriele; Jia, Guobin; Gawlik, Annett; Lorenz, Philipp; Zieger, Gabriel; Dellith, Jan; Diegel, Marco; Plentz, Jonathan
    The integration of electronic functionalities into textiles for use as wearable sensors, energy harvesters, or coolers has become increasingly important in recent years. A special focus is on efficient thermoelectric materials. Copper iodide as a p-type thermoelectrically active, nontoxic material is attractive for energy harvesting and energy generation because of its transparency and possible high-power factor. The deposition of CuI on polyester spacer fabrics by wet chemical processes represents a great potential for use in textile industry for example as flexible thermoelectric energy generators in the leisure or industrial sector as well as in medical technologies. The deposited material on polyester yarn is investigated by electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction and by thermoelectric measurements. The Seebeck coefficient was observed between 112 and 153 µV/K in a temperature range between 30 °C and 90 °C. It is demonstrated that the maximum output power reached 99 nW at temperature difference of 65.5 K with respect to room temperature for a single textile element. However, several elements can be connected in series and the output power can be linear upscaled. Thus, CuI coated on 3D spacer fabrics can be attractive to fabricate thermoelectric devices especially in the lower temperature range for textile medical or leisure applications.
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    Amorphous Silicon Thin-Film Solar Cells on Fabrics as Large-Scale Detectors for Textile Personal Protective Equipment in Active Laser Safety †
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Gawlik, Annett; Brückner, Uwe; Schmidl, Gabriele; Wagner, Volker; Paa, Wolfgang; Plentz, Jonathan
    Laser safety is starting to play an increasingly important role, especially when the laser is used as a tool. Passive laser safety systems quickly reach their limits and, in some cases, provide inadequate protection. To counteract this, various active systems have been developed. Flexible and especially textile-protective materials pose a special challenge. The market still lacks personal protective equipment (PPE) for active laser safety. Covering these materials with solar cells as large-area optical detectors offers a promising possibility. In this work, an active laser protection fabric with amorphous silicon solar cells is presented as a large-scale sensor for continuous wave and pulsed lasers (down to ns). First, the fabric and the solar cells were examined separately for irradiation behavior and damage. Laser irradiation was performed at wavelengths of 245, 355, 532, and 808 nm. The solar cell sensors were then applied directly to the laser protection fabric. The damage and destruction behavior of the active laser protection system was investigated. The results show that the basic safety function of the solar cell is still preserved when the locally damaged or destroyed area is irradiated again. A simple automatic shutdown system was used to demonstrate active laser protection within 50 ms.
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    Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Improved by Silver Nanowires for Flexible, Semitransparent and Conductive Electrodes on Textile with High Temperature Stability
    (Basel : MDPI, 2023) Hupfer, Maximilian Lutz; Gawlik, Annett; Dellith, Jan; Plentz, Jonathan
    In order to facilitate the design freedom for the implementation of textile-integrated electronics, we seek flexible transparent conductive electrodes (TCEs) that can withstand not only the mechanical stresses encountered during use but also the thermal stresses of post-treatment. The transparent conductive oxides (TCO) typically used for this purpose are rigid in comparison to the fibers or textiles they are intended to coat. In this paper, a TCO, specifically aluminum-doped zinc oxide (Al:ZnO), is combined with an underlying layer of silver nanowires (Ag-NW). This combination brings together the advantages of a closed, conductive Al:ZnO layer and a flexible Ag-NW layer, forming a TCE. The result is a transparency of 20–25% (within the 400–800 nm range) and a sheet resistance of 10 Ω/sq that remains almost unchanged, even after post-treatment at 180 °C.
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    Porous spherical gold nanoparticles via a laser induced process
    (Cambridge : Royal Society of Chemistry, 2022) Schmidl, Gabriele; Raugust, Marc; Jia, Guobin; Dellith, Andrea; Dellith, Jan; Schmidl, Frank; Plentz, Jonathan
    Nanoparticles consisting of a mixture of several metals and also porous nanoparticles due to their special structure exhibit properties that find applications in spectroscopic detection or catalysis. Different approaches of top down or bottom up technologies exist for the fabrication of such particles. We present a novel combined approach for the fabrication of spherical porous gold nanoparticles on low-cost glass substrates under ambient conditions using a UV-laser induced particle preparation process with subsequent wet chemical selective etching. In this preparation route, nanometer-sized branched structures are formed in spherical particles. The laser process, which is applied to a silver/gold bilayer system with different individual layer thicknesses, generates spherical mixed particles in a nanosecond range and influences the properties of the fabricated nanoparticles, such as the size and the mixture and thus the spectral response. The subsequent etching process is performed by selective wet chemical removal of silver from the nanoparticles with diluted nitric acid. The gold to silver ratio was investigated by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. The porosity depends on laser parameters and film thickness as well as on etching parameters such as time. After etching, the surface area of the remaining Au nanoparticles increases which makes these particles interesting for catalysis and also as carrier particles for substances. Such substances can be positioned at defined locations or be released in appropriate environments. Absorbance spectra are also analyzed to show how the altered fractured shape of the particles changes localized plasmon resonances of the resultingt particles.
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    Experimental realization of a 12,000-finesse laser cavity based on a low-noise microstructured mirror
    (London : Springer Nature, 2023) Dickmann, Johannes; Sauer, Steffen; Meyer, Jan; Gaedtke, Mika; Siefke, Thomas; Brückner, Uwe; Plentz, Jonathan; Kroker, Stefanie
    The most precise measurement tools of humankind are equipped with ultra-stable lasers. State-of-the-art laser stabilization techniques are based on external cavities, that are limited by noise originated in the coatings of the cavity mirrors. Microstructured mirror coatings (so-called meta-mirrors) are a promising technology to overcome the limitations of coating noise and therewith pave the way towards next-generation ultra-stable lasers. We present experimental realization of a 12,000-finesse optical cavity based on one low-noise meta-mirror. The use of the mirrors studied here in cryogenic silicon cavities represents an order of magnitude reduction in the current limiting mirror noise, such that the stability limit due to fundamental noise can be reduced to 5 × 10−18.