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    Liquid-Core Microstructured Polymer Optical Fiber as Fiber-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy Probe for Glucose Sensing
    (Washington, DC : OSA, 2020) Azkune, Mikel; Frosch, Timea; Arrospide, Eneko; Aldabaldetreku, Gotzon; Bikandi, Iñaki; Zubia, Joseba; Popp, Jürgen; Frosch, Torsten
    This work reports the development and application of two liquid-core microstructured polymer optical fibers (LC-mPOF) with different microstructure sizes. They are used in a fiber-enhanced Raman spectroscopy sensing platform, with the aim of detecting glucose in aqueous solutions in the clinically relevant range for sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitor therapy. The sensing platform is tested for low-concentration glucose solutions using each LC-mPOF. Results confirm that a significant enhancement of the Raman signal is achieved in comparison to conventional Raman spectroscopy. Additional measurements are carried out to obtain the valid measurement range, the resolution, and the limit of detection, showing that the LC-mPOF with 66-µm-diameter central hollow core has the highest potential for future clinical applications. Finally, preliminary tests successfully demonstrate glucose identification in urine. © 1983-2012 IEEE.
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    A rigid coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering endoscope with high resolution and a large field of view
    (College Park : American Institute of Physics, 2018) Zirak, P.; Matz, Gregor; Messerschmidt, Bernhard; Meyer, Tobias; Schmitt, Michael; Popp, Jürgen; Uckermann, Ortrud; Galli, R.; Kirsch, Matthias; Winterhalder, M.J.; Zumbusch, A.
    Nonlinear optical endoscopy is an attractive technique for biomedical imaging since it promises to give access to high resolution imaging in vivo. Among the various techniques used for endoscopic contrast generation, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is especially interesting. CARS endoscopy allows molecule specific imaging of unlabeled samples. In this contribution, we describe the design, implementation, and experimental characterization of a rigid, compact CARS endoscope with a spatial resolution of 750 nm over a field of view of roughly 250 μm. Omission of the relay optics and use of a gradient index lens specifically designed for this application allow one to realize these specifications in an endoscopic unit which is 2.2 mm wide over a length of 187 mm, making clinical applications during surgical interventions possible. Multimodal use of the endoscope is demonstrated with images of samples with neurosurgical relevance.Nonlinear optical endoscopy is an attractive technique for biomedical imaging since it promises to give access to high resolution imaging in vivo. Among the various techniques used for endoscopic contrast generation, coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is especially interesting. CARS endoscopy allows molecule specific imaging of unlabeled samples. In this contribution, we describe the design, implementation, and experimental characterization of a rigid, compact CARS endoscope with a spatial resolution of 750 nm over a field of view of roughly 250 μm. Omission of the relay optics and use of a gradient index lens specifically designed for this application allow one to realize these specifications in an endoscopic unit which is 2.2 mm wide over a length of 187 mm, making clinical applications during surgical interventions possible. Multimodal use of the endoscope is demonstrated with images of samples with neurosurgical relevance.
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    Combination of high-resolution optical coherence tomography and raman spectroscopy for improved staging and grading in bladder cancer
    (Basel : MDPI, 2018) Bovenkamp, Daniela; Sentosa, Ryan; Rank, Elisabet; Erkkilä, Mikael T.; Placzek, Fabian; Püls, Jeremias; Drexler, Wolfgang; Leitgeb, Rainer Andreas; Garstka, Nathalie; Shariat, Shahrokh F.; Stiebing, Clara; Schie, Iwan W.; Popp, Jürgen; Andreana, Marco; Unterhuber, Angelika
    We present a combination of optical coherence tomography (OCT) and Raman spectroscopy (RS) for improved diagnosis and discrimination of different stages and grades of bladder cancer ex vivo by linking the complementary information provided by these two techniques. Bladder samples were obtained from biopsies dissected via transurethral resection of the bladder tumor (TURBT). As OCT provides structural information rapidly, it was used as a red-flag technology to scan the bladder wall for suspicious lesions with the ability to discriminate malignant tissue from healthy urothelium. Upon identification of degenerated tissue via OCT, RS was implemented to determine the molecular characteristics via point measurements at suspicious sites. Combining the complementary information of both modalities allows not only for staging, but also for differentiation of low-grade and high-grade cancer based on a multivariate statistical analysis. OCT was able to clearly differentiate between healthy and malignant tissue by tomogram inspection and achieved an accuracy of 71% in the staging of the tumor, from pTa to pT2, through texture analysis followed by k-nearest neighbor classification. RS yielded an accuracy of 93% in discriminating low-grade from high-grade lesions via principal component analysis followed by k-nearest neighbor classification. In this study, we show the potential of a multi-modal approach with OCT for fast pre-screening and staging of cancerous lesions followed by RS for enhanced discrimination of low-grade and high-grade bladder cancer in a non-destructive, label-free and non-invasive way.