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Raman spectroscopy-based identification of toxoid vaccine products

2018, Silge, Anja, Bocklitz, Thomas W., Becker, Bjoern, Matheis, Walter, Popp, Jürgen, Bekeredjian-Ding, Isabelle

Vaccines are complex biomedicines. Manufacturing is time consuming and requires a high level of quality control (QC) to guarantee consistent safety and potency. An increasing global demand has led to the need to reduce time and cost of manufacturing. The evolving concepts for QC and the upcoming threat of falsification of biomedicines define a new need for methods that allow the fast and reliable identification of vaccines. Raman spectroscopy is a non-destructive technology already established in QC of classical medicines. We hypothesized that Raman spectroscopy could be used for identification and differentiation of vaccine products. Raman maps obtained from air-dried samples of combination vaccines containing antigens from tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (DTaP vaccines) were summarized to compile product-specific Raman signatures. Sources of technical variance were emphasized to evaluate the robustness and sensitivity in downstream data analysis. The data management approach corrects for spatial inhomogeneities in the dried sample while offering a proper representation of the original samples inherent chemical signature. Reproducibility of the identification was validated by a leave-one-replicate-out cross-validation. The results highlighted the high specificity and sensitivity of Raman measurements in identifying DTaP vaccine products. The results pave the way for further exploitation of the Raman technology for identification of vaccines in batch release and cases of suspected falsification.

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Autofluorescence lifetime augmented reality as a means for real-time robotic surgery guidance in human patients

2019, Gorpas, Dimitris, Phipps, Jennifer E., Bec, Julien, Ma, Dinglong, Dochow, Sebastian, Yankelevich, Diego R., Sorger, Jonathan, Popp, Jürgen, Bewley, Arnaud Fassett, Gandour-Edwards, Regina F., Marcu, Laura, Farwell, D. Gregory

Due to loss of tactile feedback the assessment of tumor margins during robotic surgery is based only on visual inspection, which is neither significantly sensitive nor specific. Here we demonstrate time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy (TRFS) as a novel technique to complement the visual inspection of oral cancers during transoral robotic surgery (TORS) in real-time and without the need for exogenous contrast agents. TRFS enables identification of cancerous tissue by its distinct autofluorescence signature that is associated with the alteration of tissue structure and biochemical profile. A prototype TRFS instrument was integrated synergistically with the da Vinci Surgical robot and the combined system was validated in swine and human patients. Label-free and real-time assessment and visualization of tissue biochemical features during robotic surgery procedure, as demonstrated here, not only has the potential to improve the intraoperative decision making during TORS but also other robotic procedures without modification of conventional clinical protocols.

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Structural insights into heme binding to IL-36α proinflammatory cytokine

2019, Wißbrock, Amelie, Goradia, Nishit, Kumar, Amit, Paul George, Ajay Abisheck, Kühl, Toni, Bellstedt, Peter, Ramachandran, Ramadurai, Hoffmann, Patrick, Galler, Kerstin, Popp, Jürgen, Neugebauer, Ute, Hampel, Kornelia, Zimmermann, Bastian, Adam, Susanne, Wiendl, Maximilian, Krönke, Gerhard, Hamza, Iqbal, Heinemann, Stefan H., Frey, Silke, Hueber, Axel J., Ohlenschläger, Oliver, Imhof, Diana

Cytokines of the interleukin (IL)-1 family regulate immune and inflammatory responses. The recently discovered IL-36 family members are involved in psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and pulmonary diseases. Here, we show that IL-36α interacts with heme thereby contributing to its regulation. Based on in-depth spectroscopic analyses, we describe two heme-binding sites in IL-36α that associate with heme in a pentacoordinated fashion. Solution NMR analysis reveals structural features of IL-36α and its complex with heme. Structural investigation of a truncated IL-36α supports the notion that the N-terminus is necessary for association with its cognate receptor. Consistent with our structural studies, IL-36-mediated signal transduction was negatively regulated by heme in synovial fibroblast-like synoviocytes from rheumatoid arthritis patients. Taken together, our results provide a structural framework for heme-binding proteins and add IL-1 cytokines to the group of potentially heme-regulated proteins.

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In Vitro Selection of Specific DNA Aptamers Against the Anti-Coagulant Dabigatran Etexilate

2018, Aljohani, Maher M, Chinnappan, Raja, Eissa, Shimaa, Alsager, Omar A, Weber, Karina, Cialla-May, Dana, Popp, Jürgen, Zourob, Mohammed

Dabigatran Etexilate (PRADAXA) is a new oral anticoagulant increasingly used for a number of blood thrombosis conditions, prevention of strokes and systemic emboli among patients with atrial fibrillation. It provides safe and adequate anticoagulation for prevention and treatment of thrombus in several clinical settings. However, anticoagulation therapy can be associated with an increased risk of bleeding. There is a lack of specific laboratory tests to determine the level of this drug in blood. This is considered the most important obstacles of using this medication, particularly for patients with trauma, drug toxicity, in urgent need for surgical interventions or uncontrolled bleeding. In this work, we performed Systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) to select specific DNA aptamers against dabigatran etexilate. Following multiple rounds of selection and enrichment with a randomized 60-mer DNA library, specific DNA aptamers for dabigatran were selected. We investigated the affinity and specificity of generated aptamers to the drug showing dissociation constants (Kd) ranging from 46.8–208 nM. The most sensitive aptamer sequence was selected and applied in an electrochemical biosensor to successfully achieve 0. 01 ng/ml level of detection of the target drug. With further improvement of the assay and optimization, these aptamers would replace conventional antibodies for developing detection assays in the near future.Dabigatran Etexilate (PRADAXA) is a new oral anticoagulant increasingly used for a number of blood thrombosis conditions, prevention of strokes and systemic emboli among patients with atrial fibrillation. It provides safe and adequate anticoagulation for prevention and treatment of thrombus in several clinical settings. However, anticoagulation therapy can be associated with an increased risk of bleeding. There is a lack of specific laboratory tests to determine the level of this drug in blood. This is considered the most important obstacles of using this medication, particularly for patients with trauma, drug toxicity, in urgent need for surgical interventions or uncontrolled bleeding. In this work, we performed Systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) to select specific DNA aptamers against dabigatran etexilate. Following multiple rounds of selection and enrichment with a randomized 60-mer DNA library, specific DNA aptamers for dabigatran were selected. We investigated the affinity and specificity of generated aptamers to the drug showing dissociation constants (Kd) ranging from 46.8–208 nM. The most sensitive aptamer sequence was selected and applied in an electrochemical biosensor to successfully achieve 0. 01 ng/ml level of detection of the target drug. With further improvement of the assay and optimization, these aptamers would replace conventional antibodies for developing detection assays in the near future.